Help Me! I Have The Hots For My Pastor.

“Oh! He is good looking.”

“I wonder if he is married?”

“Maybe I’ll sit closer to the front so he could notice me.”

“I don’t care how good looking his wife is, I’ll get him to notice me. A nice hot, red looking, low cleavage dress is always an eye grabber.”

In churches all across the United States, women are mesmerized by slick, clean looking, handsome pastors. Mind you, that not all pastors look hot but the anointing can dress a person up.

I find that pastors do not make it easy for women either because there are plenty of “player pastors” that pervert the pulpit on the level of Hophni and Phinehas.

While everyone’s minds ought to be on God and the Word, sometimes males and females come for one reason other than the Lord and His Word.

As I was doing my studies on sexuality, I came across an intriguing story. There was a woman, a pastor’s wife, that got caught in a pastoral scandal.

Obviously, it appeared that she was disconnected from her husband. But her husband was caught in a sex scandal himself.

He gave up the pastorate and moved to another state. They found a local church to be a part of to heal their wounds. They didn’t look to become pastors. They just wanted to reconnect with the Lord and with themselves. They came across a church where the wife felt she could connect with the pastor. The pastor’s wife, for whatever reason, seems like she couldn’t reconnect with her husband.

Or the husband couldn’t reconnect with his wife.

She turned to her new single male pastor for counseling.

Predictably, the new male pastor seemingly took advantage of an emotionally charged woman.

It is possible that the disconnect put a strain on the marriage to where there was little to no sex.

Or so it seems.

As always, one thing leads to another.

From a handshake across the pastor’s desk, to sitting on the couch, sobbing on the pastor’s shoulder. From holding hands, to embracing. From an innocent peck on the cheek, to full petting. From petting, to the bedroom.

All I’m saying is that ladies, if the pastor is a man of God, he should not be using his professional ministerial capacity to get opportunistic sex from anyone. And on the other side, women should never be looking to “connect” by being counseled by male pastors alone.

There is no question that women desire to connect with men of power and are readily deceived with smooth words from a snake.

Male pastors are vulnerable too. Vulnerable in the sense that sense ruled pastors cannot pass up an opportunity to use their personality to get into an emotionally disarmed woman.

The game is simple, get into a woman’s head and you have a chance to get into her in bed. Intimacy is connection, connection is intimacy, spirit, soul, and body.

In a way, when male pastors believe that they are a woman’s “covering,” it is a door that is about to be opened into the bedroom of a “predator” or a “wanderer.”

It is very easy to assume that the woman was the victim but I am not surprised at all when a woman knowingly play an innocent role to get as “close” to the pastor as possible. It’s known that women enter the chat room and then attempt to “hook up.”

In other words, they “act out” their connection with sex.

Young single male pastors in most church will have a house full of young women. There is no question that women will outnumber the attendance of men in church.

The Lord is not pleased when you come to church prepared to lust after your pastor.

Especially if he is married.

Double especially if you already have a husband.

You need to remember your marriage vows to your spouse before you get into trouble.

Women need to control their emotions and the male pastors, single and married, need to control their hormones. They also need to employ successful strategies to avoid at all cost the hint of sexual immorality.

There is always a scandal behind the scandal. Holiness is not just something to preach about. Holiness is about pleasing the Lord on a moment by moment basis.

Never counsel women alone.

If you are married, make sure your wife is there. If at all possible, if she has the call of God on her life, let her handle the women. If not, if she is not able to counsel women, find a church mother that has spiritual experience to handle those hot honeys that come to disrupt the holy house of God.

Pastor, if you are married, esteem your wife regularly in front of your congregation. Healthy, tactful displays of affection in front of the congregation reinforces your commitment to the one woman in your life. The intent is not to make women envious or jealous. The intent is to honor and esteem your wife as the second lover of your life.

This display shows that you have no intention of leaving her. When it’s done regularly, this gives your wife all the security she needs. Other women will try to get in on this but you just give them a handshake and keep it moving. Anything more and it’s nothing but trouble.

Remember what Paul said, “Neither give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27.

If you cannot come to that church with God on your mind, you need to leave that church, or talk to someone that can help you put cold water on the fire raging within you.

You cannot have the hots for a pastor. IF he is single, if hasn’t approached you, you need to keep back 1000 feet. God will make things happen in your favor. If not, be patient. God will bring someone in your life that was looking for you all along.

Trust the Lord and do not doubt what He is able and willing to do just for you.

Why Do Men Wait To Get Married?

By Fred C. Rochester. Copyright  2011. All Rights Reserved.

Why do men wait to get married?

Cold feet?

Sour nerves?

Scared stiff?

There are two basic reasons which we will get to in a moment, but the descriptions listed above are shallow reasons why males never commit to one woman. Yes, there is something much deeper that keeps him from picking the woman of his dreams.

1. Relationship Phobia

Sometimes males that were in bad relationships often shy away from commitment. As big and bad a man is, the mistimed and misunderstood words of a woman can cut him to pieces. Especially when a male fails to do right by the woman and the female let him have it. Or the female is found to do somethings and it gets to him. He pursues the issue with her and he gets cut up real bad.

In frustration and anger, he storms out of the relationship and hides for a long time.

Where does he hide?

It ranges from, the “man cave” to watch porn and gratify himself, to the bosom of another woman. Or he takes a walk to let some steam off.

As you can see, there are two sides to any relationship.

Male and female must learn to properly communicate in a relationship if there is any chance for the relationship to survive. Granted, we all know how to be nice when we want something or someone but when we are not in a good mood or we were burned once, or, perhaps we’ve had a bad day, we turn off the charm.

When a male doesn’t want to communicate, he completely shuts down. When it comes to communicatory relationships, men rarely score high in this area.

We males shut down or give very short answers.


Sometimes the short answers will not make sense, or is confusing, or fails to satisfy the female’s inquisition, interrogation, desire to understand what her mate is trying to communicate.

This is what a man feels when a woman is very aggressive in her questioning.

It is her way of attempting to get her point across that the tone of questioning has the potential of making the man feel inferior. If a man did wrong, he should be questioned. However, timing is everything. So the man goes toe to toe and fires back or walks away in silence while being screamed at.

Short answers is a signal that he is not in a communicating mood and he does not want to talk further about the situation, for now.

As unfair it is to the female, this is not something that she should have to put up with.

Communication is a two way street.

So many couples fail in communicatory relationships because of the bullheaded unwillingness of the male to steer his anger elsewhere and talk about the issue. The other side of the failure is the never ending insistence and persistence of the female to pull on a man to tell it all. When two bullheaded persons are at it, it makes for drama. In the end, where there is no grace to resolve the issue, both are exasperated, and they have had enough.

In either case, both of them are not right.

Some will say that it is not the man’s fault that he doesn’t want to talk about the issue and it’s not the woman’s fault for attempting to pull out of him something that he may not be ready to deal with.

This is frustrating to a woman because females were designed for communicatory relationships. It is very easy for them to talk because that’s their make up. Communication is their main line that feeds and fosters connections to people. How they communicate and what is communicated is another story.

Connection is important to females because when it comes to value, worth, and esteem, how they connect and who they connect with gives them a sense of value. To be desired, loved, and wanted is necessary for them. Therefore, it is their main form of self expression.


Men can be lonely, disconnected, and isolated. When a female comes around, within a man, he brightens up the moment she is in ear or eyesight. The right words at the right time could ease the tension in the heart and mind of a man. The wrong words at the wrong time could destroy a man.

In her godly ability to communicate is the ability to nurture, build up, and esteem her mate.

When demonically inspired, it can destroy a man.

When a male is coming out of past relationships, it takes a male longer to heal because in the soul of a man is the ability to compartmentalize. The soul of a man is deep and has many places where he could store wounds, bad episodes, and drama. When I say deep. I am not kidding. He could be bleeding inside and you, as a woman may or may not be aware of it.

When he is not ready to talk about it, it’s because he is protecting two essential things in him. His image called “male ego” and his ability to “handle his business.” If these two things are disturbed in any way, his weakness is revealed and his manhood is ridiculed.

Women are emotionally designed to relate and connect. For a male not to relate is a clear indication that there is something deeply imbedded within him that he will not pull up until healing occurs. At the right moment, when he feels safe he will tell all.

2. Playing The Field

The woman of his “dreams” is a sex object found in porn, loose women, scantily clad women that walk the streets, leaving nothing to be desired, or conservative dressing woman that he easily undresses with his shameful mind, the bathing suit women on magazine stands and clothing catalogues (substitute porn), and his world of false intimacy and self gratification, commonly called masturbation, deeply rooted in his flesh and wild imagination.

He would never, in his right mind, marry an immoral woman because of her seductive qualities that attract a better looking man than himself.

In all actuality the real woman of his dreams is always found on the communicative relationship connection. She knows his heart, not just what’s below his waist. Her inner qualities of understanding him is the true attraction. He can confide in her because her heart is after God.

She gives to him what no other woman is qualified or graced to give.

Godly counsel from the Lord.

Cheap sex is demonically and deceptively “safer” for a man because he will not have to engage in fostering an ongoing relationship. There is no reason for this ungodly activity because it only leads to more sin and it further darkens his callous spirit. Through these activities, he is deceived into thinking that this is his only way of releasing sexual tension and achieving satisfaction. Through sin, he believes that he can resolve his issues. In sin, there is no satisfaction or resolution. Only remorse and death (see Romans 6:23 and James 1:14-15).

Sexual intercourse between male and female is designed and authorized within the marriage to physically express their deep love for each other, and to help married couples stay bonded, spirit, soul, and body.

When a man has had many women, he is soul tied to many women and will never escape the spiritual and emotional connections that ultimately disconnects him from God. As long as a man is spiritual disconnected from God, he cannot truly connect to a woman.


It’s called “holy matrimony.”

Godly soul ties is a benefit of marriage that keeps the entire relationship safe.

According to a report, if a man that is married engages in an adulterous relationship, he opens himself to an aggressive form of prostate cancer.

When it comes to immorality, the measure of the kind of woman that he wants is only from one place.

What he wants in his bedroom is only for self satisfaction purposes, and is only for healing emotional wounds and pains. He is using the reward drug “dopamine” as a medicinal property to heal such wounds inflicted in past relationships.

This is sin according to Matthew 5:27-28.

When a man is still a “player,” he will continue to do so for a couple of reasons.

1. He plays the hearts of single women looking for a husband.

He says the key words that make a vulnerable and almost desperate woman, give up the store.

“I love you. You look gorgeous. I’ll take care of you.”

2. He throws money, dinner, and nice things at her to keep her interested as a means of making sure she doesn’t go to anyone else.

Sadly, many woman do not even get to the altar to get married. They hold on and hold out for so long, and they never get to turn their dreams into reality.

Most women will not walk away from a conniving male. Some will throw themselves away sexually in an attempt to keep him because of these unfulfilled “promises.” Sadly, they are willing to put up with his loose living just to have somebody.

It’s sad that a woman of value will endure a long bad relationship that she knows is going no where just to say that “at least I have a man.” There comes a point where lying to yourself is a revelation of a longing in your heart for the situation to turn for the better, knowing that you are being held back.

God has better for you. And you know it.

The one thing that is in women is the ability to “trust.” Words, even deceptive words and empty promises are held on to forever.

Why do males do this?

When there are other women that use their “femininity” to make men bow down at their altar of lust, it is a form of power over a weak willed man. In essence, it is the player in reverse. This is the other side of the spectrum. The Bible calls these kinds of women, “the immoral woman’ (see Proverbs 5:3, 20, 7:5, 22:14).

But the moral woman suffers more because they are doing their best to live godly and hold themselves. Almost to the point of being penalized for being godly. We must remember, that the Lord sees what you are doing and He will reward you for your faithfulness to Him. And it seems like the men get away with it everyday. But that is not the case. Men pay for their mistakes.

Every male that has planted a seed in the ground of immorality always gets a bumper crop harvest (see Galatians 6:7-8).

Not one male has ever failed to receive the reward of the wicked according to Romans 6:23.

Ask any man that made the “mistake” and never paid for it.

It is just a matter of time.

Babies out of wedlock, STDs, and other issues. Child support and hospital visits to ease the pain of STDs. Condoms is the lie of the century. It’s just a matter of time when failure will occur. Your number is sure to come up because the failure rate is higher than the government figures are willing to release.

And sooner or later, you will get tired of stopping to put one on. You want live action. Fool, it’s just a matter of time. And guess who pays for the mistake more than males?

Women. And the children born if they make it past abortion, foster homes, and abandonment.

Ladies, if you would do one thing. Make him work for it, you will show that you are more valuable than you think. Make him put a ring on your finger and stay faithful to you.

If you really want to show your “power” over a male, all you have to do is shut it down. You are not supposed to give up your virginity any way because your virginity is sacred. Your virginity is worth more than all the gold and money on the earth. Your stock would soar when you demand marriage.

Sadly, we all know what happens. Another loose woman comes along and gives him sex and the fool hearty male will watch the fruit of his years go by. Looking at another generation of children brought into the world to continue the sad cycle of a generational curse.

Males won’t get married because they feel that when they are tied to one woman, they cannot have the fun of sex without relational wounds. However, as time progress, they will have to learn how to relate.

I read a story of a man that played the field. For years he would deceive women until one day, at age 60, he decides to settle down. Males marry late because he is able to deceive single women and get only one thing from them.


By the time they are 35 and 40, they decide to settle on one woman. They have children and he is running around after children late in life. Both the husband and wife, at age 40+, is chasing after 3 and 4 year olds. Too tired to be the kind of parents they need to be.

Granted, the economic conditions of our times is not helping people make early decisions to get married in their 20’s and start a family before 25. The cost of living is incredible. We are seeing unemployment at staggering rates. The poverty rate for 2010/2011 is at 15.1%.

For African Americans, the unemployment rate is double that of whites at between 16 and 18%.

The economic conditions of our day has certainly put a delay on getting married early. However, males still play the field for free. It’s called “cheap sex.” Sex without marital price.

What is the answer to this because there are many single women looking to get married but the males are unresponsive. Throw into the mix the fact that males are now entering into either bisexual relationships or out right homosexual relationships. This further erodes the chances for single women to find an available male.

The answer is clear.

Everyone must return to the Lord. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Establishing a relationship with the Father, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is where it all starts. The Bible is consistent that when people turn to the Lord, the conditions change. The starting point is repentance. The maintenance part is regularly worshipping God. Fellowshipping with the saints of God and practicing the Word of God.

You never know when the Lord will bring you to a place where a man is waiting on you to marry.

If you are in the NYC area, we invite you to attend our service as a guest. Please click the link below for directions to our local church.

We look forward to serving you as our guest at Prevailing Word Ministries, in the matchless name of Jesus!

Pastor Zachary Tims: The Timeline Prior To His Death

I. His Itinerary.

To put his death in proper prospective, there is an intense pursuit to establish an indisputable, air tight timeline. Or there is a deliberate attempt to withhold information so as to keep a person’s personal reputation on the up and up.

Truth be told, details of recent activities of the decedent would go a long ways in exonerating or, sadly reveal certain secret activities that would tarnish his image.

If nothing questionable took place, then Dr. Tims’ image would reflect integrity. If not, then it is only a revelation that he needed help and was unable or unwilling, for whatever reason, to go to the right Person and persons to get help.

What was he doing in New York City?

So far, the story is that he was supposed to be in a “meeting.” Some say that it wasn’t unusual for him to minister throughout the country because he is a “much sought after speaker.”

If he was ministering in NYC, what church was he supposed to preach in? If it wasn’t a church service, was it a meeting among ministers to set up a speaking engagement in the NYC area?

Perhaps his former “inner circle” is folding the cards on this information unless Pastor Tims deviated without contacting anyone. This is not unusual either.

No surprises here.

The inner circle have every right to withhold this information, if any, even after his death unless the police is investigating this aspect. The discovery of what Dr. Tims was doing and why is critically important.

If you are investigating, the intent is to rule out any foul play or follow the trail to where ever it leads.

Leave no stone unturned.

So far, the knowledge of his itinerary is not as revealing as we all desire.

There are security concerns behind releasing an outspoken pastor’s itinerary. There are some wild people in the body of Christ that don’t know how to give a pastor some space.

Pastors or any minsters, known or not, are not to be treated like stars but because folk do not know how to act, it doesn’t hurt to have someone assigned to look out for your security. Not that pastors need to have an entourage or security detail but having one is not unusual.

After all, most people are not that much of a threat these days, but you never know.

Pastors should be approachable and I believe Pastor Tims was approachable.

With the unknown factor of the specifics of his itinerary, we can only go on what we know so far, and live with what we may not know as details emerge or remain concealed.

The other thing that is intriguing is that sometimes in the death of an individual, whether it’s a homicide or not, when police may have a hot lead on someone, they will not reveal certain details because it may interfere with their leads, if any. To make it appear that something is developing or not, it’s a known tactic to conceal certain details until the right moment.

If there is nothing to this story then the facts will remain as given at face value.

No story, keep it moving.

In any itinerary, there is flight connections, transportation, the person or persons in charge of handling his luggage. I’m quite sure that all of these arrangements could be taken cared of by himself but again, we cannot over look certain things.

For instance, if most pastors are guests at other local churches, depending upon the “preferred treatment” of people in the ministry, arrangements of the host church would be responsible for several things.

1. Picking up the guest preacher.

2. Handling the guest preacher’s baggage.

3. Hotel and dining arrangements.

4. Transporting the guest preacher to and from the hotel to the church or place of the meeting.

5. Security and other personal needs.

If it was just a meeting among ministers, the same approach is standard.

We all know that there is a people connection or people trail. Anyone that handled Pastor Tims prior to the discovery of his remains in his self locked hotel room, may or may not know “what else” he was doing in NYC and who he was or would be with, if any.

There may or may not have been “plans” while a main plan was in play.

Cellphone or texting message records, hotel purchases of movies, personal or church credit or debit card purchases, places where he may have eaten or bought certain items, hotel security cameras, airport security cameras to see if anyone picked him up or conversed with him, stores he may have went to that may have security cameras, and Internet connections are also vital clues unless he went black (completely undercover).

After this information is compiled, a time line of his itinerary could be firmly established.

Such a timeline would rule in and rule out things and surprise many people.

Then again, it could confirm that nothing happened. It was a natural death.

If it was a natural death, then we may never know what killed him.

II. Who did he know or who does he know in NYC?

When it comes to NYC, it is very difficult to follow a people trail unless there were specific persons in NYC that he knew.

He could have connected with friends, family, if any, and it’s all about nothing. Another factor to add is how many times in the past has Dr. Tims been to NYC, where did he go, and who did he meet with?

On the suggestive speculative side, with the drug culture of NYC, the list of known and unknown drug connections is incredible. However, it’s not impossible to piece it all together.

This is not indicative of any current drug use by Pastor Tims except what he revealed in his book prior to his miraculous salvation and deliverance from drugs.

What I am about to share is in no way connected to what happened to Pastor Tims, but there was an article about a drug factory bust in the suburbs of NY.

The house where they were “doing work” blended in very well in the neighborhood but something made this nice house stand out.

A van would come every night and go into the garage. Every night.

If it were somebody that had a legit business, their business would be advertised on the vehicle, but there was no advertisement. As always, a trail was placed on the vehicle. It would pick up people at this same spot. They would wear clothing to blend in with the neighborhood.

If you do something over and over again, sooner or later a dependable schedule habit will emerge. Routine has always killed many criminal enterprises.

In WWII, the USS Indianapolis was sunk by a Japanese sub because it was determined that the Captain elected not to use a zig zag course to throw off the tracking capabilities of an attacking sub. Upon further investigation, according to the Japanese sub skipper, it wouldn’t have made a difference. With zig zag patterns, additional distance is the only con but it’s purpose is self explanatory. This was standard operating procedure (SOP) during WWII for open ocean steaming under wartime conditions.

880 sailors were killed. The survivors of the attack were left to be eaten by sharks. 317 were picked up after 5 days.

Predictability of patterns or deviation of patterns may prove to be deadly.

Why am I mentioning this?

All throughout NYC, “drug factories” blend in with the fabric of the city. Even in Midtown Manhattan.

Several years ago, as I was on my lunch break, I walked down Vanderbilt Street in Midtown Manhattan to get some pizza. I walked by what used to be called the Pan Am Building, which is now called the MetLife Building and observed a young white lady walking up to a young black man.

It didn’t take long to put two and two together.

Sometimes there is some regularity to certain situations. Either she was a regular customer or it was just a one time deal. The former is a better scenario to accept.

It was a simple drug purchase during lunch time.

In the blink of an eye, a transaction can happen.

Just a quick exchange.

Am I suggesting that this is what took place with the late Dr. Tims?

First, we don’t know what took place except for what we’ve been told. Period.

As a note, let’s just say that it was cocaine, were there any labels, if any, red or otherwise, on the bag containing the “white powdery substance?”

The label may or may not be connected to the dealers or their “enterprise”. Or, if there were no labels, then where did the alleged substance come from? Allegedly, was it a rogue police plant to make Dr. Tims look bad? The next question would be, “Why would a rogue police officer plant drugs on a preacher?”

With rogue police officers, we can’t put it pass them either. Even with a badge, they can lie like a dog so long as they can bust you.

Allegedly, what if he was with a female accomplice and they had something going on?Somehow, she was able to slip it in his shorts. Or, allegedly, she put it in his hand and then he put it in his pocket. When she left, he took it out and used it, and put the bag back in his pocket; leaving only a residue of the substance.

Cocaine is predominantly snorted these days. Was there any residue anywhere else in the hotel room?

How silly is this?

Look folks, these days, I put nothing past anyone, including preachers.

Second, if the toxicological test comes back and there is nothing to it, then our “speculating” is just fodder.

Third, if the test confirms the substance, then we need to pray that God reveal who the dealers were and that they get taken off the streets. While they can’t be called murderers, they allegedly gave him something that contributed to his death.

As I have said, the devil is out to destroy preachers. Remember what the book of James chapter 1 says. “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.”

In other words, every person has preferred sin that the devil observed in your life. All the devil does is accommodate you with the tools to fulfill the sin you love until you accept full deliverance from that sin.

We do not need a moment where we slap ourselves on the back and congratulate ourselves for figuring it out. Nor do we need to “get happy” for determining by speculation what may or may not have happened to Dr. Tims.

Somebody will start saying, “I knew it! I knew it!

What will that prove? Nothing. Except that nobody seen it so it could be stopped in time.

What is important?

That you understand that your pastor needs prayer and that he or she does not need to turn to the elements of the world to seek solace. Your pastor needs an accountability group of other pastors so that they could help him or her navigate the ministry.

Together, we can prevent another pastor from leaving their assignment before their time. (Secret Sexual Sins Broadcast)

SEX-Good, Steaming Hot Sex, Christian Style. Part One

By Fred C. Rochester, Pastor. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Attraction of the opposite sex. Compatibility. Relationship, Romance, Marriage. Kissing. Necking. Petting. Fondling. Intercourse. Orgasm! 

Yes! Yes! YES! AND OH YES!!!

Then comes children, child rearing, and the cycle of life starts all over again.

The seemingly insatiable desire for more sex between married Christian couples.

These are the common words associated with sex. Don’t blush because you see this everyday on satellite, DVDs, cable, or the Internet. But only of the sexually immoral kind. Like Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and bestiality. Very few of us ever wonder if Christians that are married have enjoyable, meaningful, red hot sex. The answer depends on who you ask.

Now that the economy and measurable STDs are forcing couples to reconsider severing relationships, we still see that marriage between a male and female is God’s best plan for the safest sex. One thing is clear, many people, Christians and pastors or ministers, engage in unsafe sexual immorality almost on equal footing as the world.

The reasons range from a mistress such as work, business, or other non sexual activities to an actual affair with a body.

My late Aunt once told me that sex is enjoyable for unmarried couples too, or words to that affect. As a young preacher, I was taken aback by her statement. She didn’t care that God’s ordained plan for safe sex is within the confines of marriage.

Most professed born again believers desire sex. We are human. It is a natural God given desire. However, the best way to enjoy sex is in a monogamous relationship between two distinctly opposite and sexually compatible individuals that love each other. Disagree if you wish but the penalty is still there to remind you of what God originally intended.

Contrary to many beliefs and current trends of thinking, sex is a very much in demand subject but least talked about in the Christian church. Sometimes the only time that sex is talked about is when sexual immorality takes place. We hear nothing but the negative.

There must be a presentation of a balanced approach if the church is to stem the tide of sexual immorality in the church. The objective of consequential judgment is to remind us of what the Holy Lord said in His Word.

Hebrews 13:4 says,

“Marriage is honorable among all and the bed undefiled (unsoiled); but adulterers and fornicators (porn) God will judge.”

As long as you are married, your sex romps is according to God’s original intent and the bed is free of human defecation or contamination. Sin contaminates the bed like having sex in a bed full of human feces. I know gross and graphic but how else could God’s word describe adultery and fornication?

There is a positive side to great sex within the confines of holy matrimony. We must remember that before we were Christians, we were sinners in the world. When we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, our sexuality came with us. The only thing that should have happened is that the perversion of sex should have ceased.


The first instance of NT teaching along these lines came from the Lord Jesus. In actuality, the NT started when Pentecost came. Nonetheless, Jesus came with a word that startled many men.

In Matthew 5:27, the Lord Jesus sat on the mount and talked about…sex.

Well, sex of an adulterous nature.

We must understand that whoever creates any thing has a right to make up the rules.

Just like certain games. Whoever created the game must create the rules so that the game could be played correctly. When there is a violation of the rules in the game, there must be a penalty or a reset to start the game over. That’s the games of this world. But when it comes to life’s rules, the stakes are much higher. The penalties are stiffer. And in most cases, irreversible.

What man has decided to do is change the rules apart from the Creator expressed in the Word of God.

The Word of God is the rule of law.

When we violate the Word of God, we are subject to its penalty and consequences.

“In the beginning God created…” 

Our names cannot be found anywhere in Genesis chapter one so that excludes and exempts us from changing the rules.


We are powerless to create.

We are only allowed or empowered to procreate or REPRODUCE.

God created man from the dust. We do not have that power to take dust and make a human. When you have figured out a way to take dust and create a container and then blow into man the breath of life to become a living soul, please let us know.

God produced male and female. Male and female are to reproduce more males and females.

To do this, man must have sex. However, before he could have sex, he must have a wife.


There are many distractions that inhibit both the husband and the wife from sexual performance.

Jobs, kids, timing, emotions, financial security, and energy.

These are some of the obstacles that couples face everyday. According to Dr. William M. Struthers, who wrote the book, “Wired For Intimacy,” men are “wired for sex.” While this is a book about how pornography affects the brain, it is a clear indication that men, on sight and thought, can get his engines ready and revved up for sex.

The circuitry or influence of sexual behavior is different for both male and female. The problem for married couples is making the necessary adjustments and mutual compromises to make sex enjoyable. Sex could be work but under the right circumstances and situations, sex could be taken to places that would make a marriage last for life.

There are many people, inside and outside the church that shut down the kind of sex that would keep marriages from falling apart. Married women are inhibited and sometimes insecure of their bodies. This can definitely put a strain on the kind of sex she would love to give her husband.

The idea is not to make changes that a person is not comfortable or capable of making unless the desire is there. In making changes, an opposite effect could take place as well. What kind of reaction will other men have when your wife comes in after making certain changes?

We all know what men fantasize about. Men are sight wired and thought wired.

Proverbs 27:20 says,

“Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

The eyes of man is always in search for beauty to stimulate his mind. Just because a man’s eyes are never satisfied does it mean that he has permission to seek other women in an attempt to satisfy something that could never be satisfied.

When a man gets married, he picked the one woman that he wants to look at for the rest of his life. Married man, your eyes cannot google and your mouth cannot dribble at another woman. Once you are married, no other woman is to be desirable for you. No other woman is more beautiful. The search switch must be turned off after the marriage is solemnized and consummated in the bedroom.

As devastating it is to a woman you are engaged to, during that “feeling out” not “shacking up” process, you can break off the engagement. Reneging on the promise to marry is a very hurtful and coldblooded way to get out of a relationship unless you’ve observed something in yourself that reveal that you are not ready to take on the responsibility of relationship. Cold feet is also just a man getting scared of the fact that his commitment to a wife prohibits extramarital sins.

Once he is married, he can no longer play the field. To do so would risk and compromise his health for the rest of his life.

This is the most difficult part for man because other women that aren’t married are always in passive search mode. So unmarried and even some married women will wear things that range from provocative to conservative to attract the attention of a man.

In some cases, they’ll attract the roving eyes of a married man.

It is left to the man to enforce the discipline of his eyes during marriage on one woman only. His wife. No matter how desirable another woman may be.

Job 31:1 says,

“I have made a covenant with my eyes; why then should I look upon young woman?”

Job was married and the sin of sight adultery never entered his mind. His statement was a statement of fact that sexually looking and lusting after a young woman was not the door for calamity to enter his life. Not too many men, including me, could say that.


Now the opposite of a wired man is a wired woman. The circuitry for her is clearly different. We know that in the fantasy of women, it’s the romance. It’s all about how she feels about herself that makes her feel attracted to her husband. Her sexuality is tied to her emotions and the way she feels about herself. She must be coaxed or gradually persuaded to engage in sex.

Coaxed or persuaded not in the abusive sense.


It’s all about treating her right.

She has to feel secure, safe, loved, connected, affirmed, and esteemed for her real value.

While she is also sight minded in the sense that she sees something in a man that she feels attracted to, the attraction is partly about how will that man treat her. When a woman has many things going on in the mind or within her emotions, the way she feels determines whether or not she will sexually engage with her husband.

The bedroom value increases exponentially when these things are firmly established. Brothers, great sex will always come when you value her for who she is and not only what she could do in the bedroom. Hot, steamy sex for married couples is achievable when a man does the right thing with her wife.

Telling her truthfully honest and meaningful things in a loving way will start her engine.

Dis-arming your wife with kindness will help her unwind.

When you are uptight and she is uptight, it only leads to no romps. When you take the time to resolve the issue and hear her out, when she believes in her heart that you have “connected” with her, the physical connection will happen.


She wants to know that you understand her for her.

If her mind isn’t resting or rested but preoccupied with the events of her life, she must be given time to resolve these issues.

Men love beauty.

That’s what a man desires. But outer beauty is only an introduction to the inner beauty of his queen. Therefore, inner beauty makes the outer beauty that much more enticing. That’s what intimacy is about. A husband wants to get into his wife but the true door to her is her heart.

The external is just the introduction. 

The natural expression of sex is the culmination of what you have found deep inside her heart.

Her love for you.

When she knows that her heart has been penetrated, a natural penetration takes place.

When orgasm takes place, oh my!

In Ephesians 5:32, Paul said that, “This is a profound mystery.”

When a man treats his wife the way Christ treats the church, my goodness.

The marriage bedroom of a man and his wife can be too hot to handle. And there would be no shame.

So yes, Christians can have steamy, hot sex. It’s all a matter of understanding how to appreciate and esteem each other in ways that lead to a series of hot bedroom romps that the world wish they could have. (listen to our Secret Sexual Sins Broadcast)

9/11. What We Have Yet To Learn

As the 10th anniversary of a dark day approach, once again, the families that were left behind will mourn their loss on this day of infamy. It was an interracial tragedy. No one race of people suffered alone.

It was a bright, sunny, cloudless day when two airplanes struck the north and south towers.

Two more aircrafts, destined for another deadly assault were racing to hit their targets. One crashed, in what was called utter confusion, into the Pentagon. Sheer fortune on the terrorist driver of the craft. I refuse to call him a pilot because it would put him in a class of the skilled pilots that were killed that day before the planes crashed.

The other aircraft crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania but not by the will of the terrorist driver by choice. There were selfless heros on that plane. All were heros because they knew that one way or another, their precious lives would end, and they didn’t want the terrorists to succeed.

I was on the roof of my father’s apartment building after the first plane struck the north tower. Just before the first attack, my wife drove our daughter to school. I ran to our usual voting district to vote, I came home, and went to bed. But for some strange reason, I turned on the TV.

It was just after 9 AM when the most horrible pictures flashed on the screen.

Smoke was billowing from the north tower of the World Trade Center.

I had put on some clothes and went to the roof to get a bird’s eye view of the “accident.”

If you’ve been inside the World Trade Center, it was awesome.

When I was training to be a teller for Manufacturers Hanover (I know, this is going back in time), we had to ride the elevator to get to the training floor. Riding in these elevators is like riding an airplane. If you are not used to it, your brains along with your heart, falls into your belly. The “G” or gravity force going up nailed you to the floor. Going down was like riding in an airplane with almost zero “G’s.” Your ears would “pop” in either direction.

When you go to the 79th or 80th something floor (I don’t recall which floor), you transferred to a local elevator. As you looked out the window, the sky is the limit. You could see for miles. On days that it would rain, you were in the rain clouds or above it. On windy days, both towers would take turns swaying.

My sister went to the towers one day. On that particular day, she observed a bird flying towards the building. It hit the window. Beak first and slid down like in the cartoons.


On occasion, there would be “gospel concerts” on the grounds of the WTC. Yeah, God was there using His people to get people saved from their sins.

I wondered who listened and who refused the gospel of Jesus Christ?

As a young teenager in Junior High, we would look out the window and see the cranes assemble the towers. It was magnificent. Sometimes we forget that one day, people would work in these buildings because the structures tend to overshadow the fact that humans would one day occupy these buildings.

As I was taking pictures on the roof on that fateful day, I looked up and two planes flew over where I was standing. They were flying unusually close. At that time, the FAA had not given the order for all aircraft to land.

I mentioned the word “accident” because a few years before 9/11, a plane flew around to go up the Hudson River to land in LaGuardia Airport. This airplane was under 1,500 feet and was turning towards the south tower when the air traffic controller ordered the pilot to turn right and climb to 3,000 feet. 3,000 feet is the holding pattern altitude for certain situations at that time.

The plane barely missed the tower.

For a plane to hit the north tower, I thought at first, that this was definitely an accident. Pilot error or instrument error.

As an Operations Specialist in the Navy over 30 years ago, we are not air traffic controllers, however, depending upon ship assignments we are to know the rules. On board the ship that I last served, the USS Savannah AOR4, we had CH-46’s onboard, and we had to qualify on “vectoring” the helicopters towards the ship in low visibility situations to land on the flight deck astern.

There is IFR and VFR rules. IFR is “Instrument Flying Rules” and VFR is “Visual Flying Rules.” With the north tower struck by an airplane, how could it be a malfunction with instruments when you can see as clear as day out the cockpit window?

Anyway, I thought that this was definitely an accident until out of the corner of my eye, an ominous sight. It was a United Airlines plane that rapidly descended and struct the south tower. I counted the seconds because sound travels at 1,100 feet per second. It took 2 and a half seconds for me to feel the blast and the heat.

It was then that I knew that we were under attack and that lives were lost in an apparent coordinated terrorist attack on US soil.

The first thing on my mind was, it’s an attack. It’s time to re-up. It’s time to go to war with whoever attacked the US. My wife and daughter didn’t want me to go and cried.

Obviously, I didn’t go but others did.

Some to never make it back.

In a nut shell, here’s what we have yet to learn.

Everything about America isn’t as what it seems. Since the idea of democracy was born, humans without God can be prideful, arrogant, greedy or covetous, lascivious, and destructive. Just that evening after the attacks, both sides of the government stood on the steps to sing “God Bless America.”

At every Yankee game, during the seventh inning, they sing “God Bless America.”

America, God cannot bless us when we live in sin. God cannot bless us when we blatantly snub God by legislating sin called same sex unions. God cannot bless us when pastors are living extravagant lives that poor people dream of having while we preach to them. God cannot bless us when we pastors live secret lives of sexual immorality and permit music ministers to play while they live homosexual or bisexual lifestyles. God cannot bless us if singers that claim to be singing for the Lord watch porn and gratify themselves. God cannot bless us if we are doing all these things.

God cannot bless us while we live any old kind of way.

Church attendance is down because the sinning hypocrites of the world calls the church a bunch of hypocrites and they are mostly right. NO church is perfect, but there is someone out there that is living right, telling the truth, and helping the desperately poor folks in their neighborhoods. Some church is doing the right thing.

According to one statistic, 65% of people view church on the Internet. They never come out to church for 3 basic reasons.

1. Hypocrites.

2. Money.

3. Church Hurt.

The terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and economic turmoil that America and the other nations is experiencing is consequential judgment.

Luke 13:1-5 is like reading the Daily News.

The issue is clear. Unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.

The issue is not just attending church for attendance’ sake. The issue is getting into and developing a relationship with the Father, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the bottom line of the church. To live lives apart from the way the world lives it and to show that we have been changed by the power of God.

To extend and teach by example faith, hope, love, and forgiveness from a non condemning and non compromising position.

The church is not just a “charitable organization.”

The church is an organized organism. We live to please the Lord. We live to worship the Lord. We live to honor the Lord. We live the life of Jesus Christ unapologetically. We tolerate the person, not the sins a person commit.

In Him we live and move and have our being (see Acts 17:28).

God attached consequential judgment as a penalty for the sins man intentionally commits. For instance, when you see a sign that says “Danger 600 Volts. Do Not Touch,” it is there for a reason. Yet, people foolishly touch it. It’s the same with sin. No one escapes the deadly penalty.

End time judgment is God’s direct hand on every man. End time judgment will come later according to the book of Revelation from chapters 4 to 20.

We see evidence of consequential judgment in the OT (Old Testament).

When Israel obeyed the Lord’s commands, they were spared consequential judgment. When they sinned, they would receive judgment. The ultimate judgment was when Israel was exiled to Babylon.

Every year before the death of Christ, the Jews would celebrate the Passover to “atone” or cover their sins.

However, after the death of Christ, there is no longer a need to “atone” for sin (see Hebrews 9:6-15). When we come to Christ and believe that His sacrifice or propitiation forever took away our sins, we have eternal life (see John 3:15-16).

However, because man insist on disobeying the Lord, judgment is meted out as a consequence for sin.

The people of this nation continues to sin before God.

We haven’t learned a thing.

We, as a nation, both inside and outside the church, continue in sin.

All this can turn around if we find a reputable place of worship where the gospel is neither watered down or compromised. Where consecration, dedication, and sanctification to the Lord is the byword of our lives. When sin is no longer excused but washed away by the blood of the Lamb.

Where people can go and hear the unadulterated Word of God. Where a passion for Jesus and a yearning to be close to God is borne. Where true believers incorporate the Word of God into every day living to please God, and with His help and grace, change our immoral ways to live holy before God. Where believers come together to live victoriously over sin and the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.

When the nations turn back to God in repentance with godly sorrow for sin, we could potentially add years to the life of a nation before a definite turn for the worse occurs.

We still have time, but, if we don’t repent, then we haven’t learned a thing.

Prostitutes In The Church

In my other articles along these lines, by the Spirit of God, I gave you a taste of what pastors do behind closed doors. What is done in secret is what we should be paying attention to. We are taken aback when we find out that a man of God cheated on his wife.

We have concentrated on men falling in sexual sins in the church. However, there is another side to scandals. Everyone that comes to church do not come for the right reason. We all know that somewhere lurking in the pew is a passive predator.

They may appear “sanctified” but “sanctified” for sex.

I will not pull any punches because we all know that it takes two to tango. All it takes is the right set of circumstances and the game is on.

Yes, prostitution and adultery does takes place in the church.

Certain women may or may not dress like one but when they come into the church and attempt to passively hunt for pastors, ministers, bishops, deacons, and other married men, it is no different than immoral women standing on the street corner, waiting for the “John” to show up.

Then again, the immoral woman will dress provocatively to attract attention. You know that they are not supposed to wear plunging neckline dresses but they do. You know they are not supposed to wear tight, high skirt dresses but they do. If you want to get noticed, you will not spare a man’s eyes. You want to make sure they have your attention.

More skin, more sin.

While I was in another country, I was standing outside a local church after service. Out of the corner of my right eye, a young lady in a tight fitting, plunging neckline, flirty blue dress walked up. She walked passed me and right up to this married elder, and they struck up a conversation. It was so provocative, that I had to turn away.

We must also be aware that sometimes a dress is not as sexually provocative as one thinks. We must also concede that in the minds of all men, lust could be lurking.

However, it could be innocent but these days, I take nothing for granted any more.

Sometimes, people have perfect timing.

You don’t know what’s in the hearts and minds of people until they begin to talk or issue subtle or not so subtle signals.

Why is it that we are not taken aback when it is discovered that lust was in his heart and flesh before he hopped in bed with another person? It’s because we all know that if this is revealed, it will wreak havoc with many people.

When the Lord Jesus first came on the scene, he dealt with a man’s lust problem. Everything has a starting point.

POINT ONE: Adultery In The Mind Of A Man

Adultery begins in the heart of man before he even gets in bed (see Matthew 5:27-30).

How does a man commit adultery without touching a woman?

With his eyes.

Proverbs 27:20 says,

“Hell and Destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

When a man cannot control his eyes, he will hunt. Once a man has “locked in” on a woman, if he doesn’t “catch” his eyes, he will take her to the bedroom in his imagination.

This is the tale of the tape every day, every moment. Can you pull your eyes back into your sockets to avoid crossing the line into lust? If you can’t, you will go to bed with her in your thoughts.

Matthew 15:19 says,

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts (like) murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.”

These evil thoughts are connected to the “Urges and Impulses” in the flesh of man.

James 1:14 says,

“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.”

Are you beginning to see how you get caught up in the world of lust?

What you are searching for (eyes) is a result of what your flesh desires. Then the devil provides direct or indirect stimulation of the thoughts to entice you to cross certain lines to fulfill or satisfy that desire.

When you begin to develop habits of lust, you develop a consistent pattern of what you desire. Preferences are developed. The moment you start thinking about sex, body parts, and the shapes of the body parts, you are about to cross the line into thought adultery. These are the beginning stages of “fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the mind.”

POINT TWO: The Immoral Woman

The other side of the coin is when an immoral woman dresses in a sexually suggestive way.

Femininity operates in a threefold way.

1. The right way is when they are married and she does so to please her husband.

2. Pleasant dressing that strikes a balance when a single or divorced woman is searching for the right man.

3. The wrong way is when she wears sexually provocative clothing to attract the attention of men for only two reasons. Prostitution or adultery.

Even in the church, innocent looking may not necessarily mean it’s sanctified looking. While God knows the hearts and intents of the heart, all of us have to exercise a measure of mental and physical discipline to avoid demonic traps laid by the devil.

When an immoral woman prostitutes herself, she is out to take his money. Proverbs 6:26 says, “For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread…”

When an adulterous woman is hunting, she already has her heart set on one person and her goal is his life.

The rest of Proverbs 6:26 says,

“…And an adulteress will prey upon his precious life.”

Some lonely women long for a man that has everything that she is looking for. A married successful family man. They treat the wives of these men with utter contempt. They look at their wives as if they are in competition when there is no competition.

He is married and the competition is over. Sadly, when there is a hint of a strained relationship, it’s like the smell of honey for bears.

The background of adulteress varies from a person that is lonely and cannot hang onto one man, to widows, and to Jezebels. However, the bottom line will always be that all women desire “connection.”

This connection is driven by a desire to be loved, affirmed, and valued.

With the ranks of available “low maintenance” males dwindling, staying sanctified becomes a very tough life for single available women. It is true these days that males are more selective and unfortunately, males still play the field. Females are ready for relationship and family life.

What I also find is that single women are rightfully impatient because they want males to quickly commit. The competition is extremely steep. The fear of someone else catching his eye is a credible phobia that breaks the hearts of many single women.

But what single or divorced women don’t need to do is to stoop low to “animal impulses” to achieve a goal only found in true relationships within the boundaries of holy matrimony. It is true that men are much too slow in commitment but it is not excuse enough to prostitute yourself.

God is still holy and harlotry is not the will of God.

We should not fool ourselves into thinking that people will stop. That’s why sin will always have consequential judgment attached to it. When we cross lines, we must remember that God is not mocked. Whatever we sow, is what we will reap. The sexual discipline of Jesus must be employed. When we are weak, then we are strong. When temptation comes, we must fast and pray, and stay in the Word.

To prostitute ourselves is not what God intended. (listen to our Secret Sexual Sins Broadcast)

The End Times Are Not Fun Times

About 35 or 40 years ago, the church appeared to be moving in a very powerful direction.

Or so it seemed.

A shift took place when many denominational believers started abandoning the traditional churches for “WOF” or Word of Faith churches. Faith churches, as we would call them, were popping up all over the place.

Mind you that during the 70’s and 80’s, the economy wasn’t doing well either. Some of you will remember the long gas lines, high inflation, and low employment. The Cold War and other threats significantly heightened our anxiety levels. For some believers, the “rapture” seemed imminent.

All of a sudden, faith, other tongues, healing, and “positive thinking” according to “E. W. Kenyon” came out. At the same time, credit was a “blessing.” Greed is good even in the church. Many faith teachers came on the scene had overlapping messages. Sometimes you could close your eyes and it may be a different voice but the teaching was consistently the same.

Preachers that you never heard of were taking advantage of the simultaneous boom. Giving in these WOF churches and para-ministries increased. The preachers of today emerged and were living like the stars of Hollywood. Such extravagant living would make the apostle Paul drool.

Then, things appeared to stabilize and increase in the 1990’s. The United States economy was now showing a surplus and mega churches sprouted out of the ground faster than corn. The office of the pastor and teacher were the prominent offices. Praise and Worship was like heaven on earth.

It appeared that the church is in a “Third Wave.”

Then sexual immorality sprung up during the 90’s in the White House which almost cost the Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton. Reverend Jesse Jackson, President Clinton’s counselor during the Monica Lewinski scandal, had a “love child.” Reverend Lyons using hush money to conceal an affair and a “love child.”

In the 80’s it was Jim Bakker with a secretary. Jimmy Swaggart with a prostitute on more than one occasion. Even politicians were caught in sexual scandals such as Presidential candidates Gary Hart, and Jonathan Edwards had an affair and “love child” while his wife had terminal cancer.

As a foot note, Donna Rice, the woman in that famous “Monkey Business” photo with Gary Hart, is now married (not to Hart) and is President of Enough Is Enough which is an organization dealing with Internet Safety for children. This is true redemption. Donna Rice Hughes is getting back at the devil by heading an organization determined to blow the whistle on Internet sleaze designed to attack children.

During the Civil Rights era, according to sources, it is alleged that Dr. King was involved in adultery. “The King Tapes” that the FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, a known homosexual, illegally had on Dr. King were ordered sealed by a judge until 2027. The wires for these tapes were placed in his hotel room because they thought that Dr. King had connections to communism.

It turns out that they (the FBI) may have gotten more than what they’ve bargained for.

According to one source, right up to the night of his “Mountain Top” speech, allegedly, he had committed adultery. If this is true, it is devastating. If it isn’t true then it was just another attempt to smear a man of God.

Dr. Ralph Abernathy, Dr. King’s very close friend, said that Dr. King “had a weakness for women.”

While I am aware that anything could be done to make tapes and voices, there is a claim of eyewitness accounts. I pray these are lies.

This is not about slinging dirt and mud on folks.

This is about revealing the darkness in places where light ought to be. Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:3 that, “fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you…”

Homosexuality was real hidden, yet, out in the open in the church. James Cleveland and many other “gospel” singers, keyboard players, and “praise dancers” emerged as practicing homosexuals in the church. In my former home church, there were many practicing homosexuals playing for the church.

We didn’t understand it until HIV/AIDS became the disease most associated with homosexuality. No one ever thought that the unnatural act of same sex would be so disgusting. No other disease distinguishes homosexuality (see Romans chapter 1).

Fast forward to today, and you will see that the fast pace of sexual immorality in the world is in the church on the pandemic level.

When there is a moral decline of this sort in a nation, there is nothing left but to watch the nation be reduced to depravity unless the church repents, seeks the face of God, and rise up in this hour.

The USS Cole was attacked. Two US Embassies in Africa were hit by terrorist bombs. The World Trade Center was bombed.  9/11. Katrina and more natural disasters. The Great Depression of the 21st Century.

How much more could this unrepentant church and nation take?

These are the last days and it’s not over. More turmoil at the hands of unrepentant man are on the way. More natural disasters are coming.

The Lord is not sitting by and permitting things to happen because He hates man.

The Lord is only revealing these things to us to prepare us for the final hours of this world. We can no longer assume that things will be easy and that there would be a resumption of “peace and safety.”

With millions in the US unemployed, and now we are seeing Michigan about to limit further welfare benefits, it is about to get desperately drastic unless the church prays and then affect change in the communities.

Everyday that the church waits. Every day that the church sides in with the world. Every day that the church fails is a day that souls that could have been won to the Lord are now lost forever.

Is there a bright spot? Is there any hope?


But it all depends upon you, child of God. You must no longer debate what you need to do.

Stop reasoning with the Word of God and live the way Jesus lived! The Holy Spirit will give you grace to help in time of need.

Be holy for God is holy. Walk as children of light. The night is far spent. Put on light like a garment and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts. Glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God’s.

From here on, we must be prepared for persecution, pain, economic disasters, natural disasters, and other end time events.

The end times are not fun times.

The End Of Your World

By Fred C. Rochester, Pastor. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Since Harold Camping’s, consistent failure to pinpoint the exact date of the end of time, there is no mistake about the finality of this planet. It would be error to applaud his error but he did spark interest in the end times. Many were counting on his prediction to be right.

And for good reason.

People have had enough of this out of control world. But something more ominous is on the horizon.

You should be equally concerned of your own mortality.

It is important to pay attention to the natural disasters that are happening at a more frequent pace. Each earthquake is intense or less intense. The glaciers are melting. Each storm is destructive and devastating.

The Bible tells us of the first earthquake in Genesis chapter 10 and verse 25.

“…for in his days the earth was divided…”

When the Lord set the nations up, it was clear that God would govern the times, seasons, and course of all the nations. As the earth separated, there is no question that there was quite a shaking.

But notice what Acts 17 tells us.

Paul was in Greece. Athens to be specific and observed that the entire city was turned over to idolatry. The ineffectiveness of the Jewish synagogue to articulate to these philosophers who God is, has given these Gentiles reason enough to turn themselves over to idolatry.

Sounds like the modern day church today.


So Paul saw that it was an opportunity to preach Jesus to them.

Paul starts out by letting the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers know who the “UNKNOWN GOD” is.

“…God made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands…He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings…”

The definitive answer to the Lordship of Jesus is found in John 1:1-3 and Colossians 1:15-17. You go back to the question, “Who made all of this?” It all goes back to Genesis chapter 1.

When Adam sinned, all of creation was placed on a clock.

The title of this blog could be misunderstood because this planet is not the world that I am talking about.

The end of your world is you.

God determined before hand everyone’s time. Everything is pre-appointed. This pre-appointment is not based on God forcing you to do what you do. It is based on what God already knew what you would do as a free moral agent. He created you with an independent will. At any time you could make a decision and it will either mean your life or your death.

Every decision you make is a decision God knew ahead of time that you would make. At anytime, you could have change your mind. God already knows who would be saved and who would reject His salvation. Just because He knows this, it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t get into the kingdom.

When it comes to sickness and disease, you know that if you were diagnosed with a terminal illness, you know that the clock is really ticking. Most of the times when I watch certain medical shows like ER Trauma or Dr. G., Medical Examiner, we see death up front.

What I’ve also observed in these and similar shows is that while people are faced with the end of their world, the Person they need most is not even thought of sometimes. They use abstract thinking or reasoning that sounds religious but you could see that there is no real connection to God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

A person’s world is passing before their eyes and faster than they could think. Very few realize that when earthly life is over, eternity is next. Or they do know that death is about to take them but they play it off like it’s not really happening to them.

Because of Adam’s transgression, all of us received the death penalty but through Jesus, we, through His death can receive eternal life. If we reject God’s provision for salvation, we must be eternally separated forever (see John 3:15-21).


The answer is found in the Scripture quoted directly above.

Very few have made the decision to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and they are not ready to pass into eternity into heaven. Very many pass into eternity without knowing the Savior.

In one particular show other than the ones I mentioned above, she explained to me that a person died of a heart attack. When they revived him, they asked him a question. “Did you see anything?” He answered, “It was dark. I didn’t see a blanking thing.”

Just because you didn’t see anything it doesn’t mean that you saw everything.

Millions that have pass away are brought back to this life. Not realizing that it was somebody, either in heaven, or in earth, or both that prayed to the Father to spare your life so that you could get a chance to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

So the next time death is about to fully take you, you will not go the way of all the earth into a dark eternity apart from God.

Hebrews 9:27 says,

“It is appointed unto men once to die, after this the judgment.”

Everyone knows that the appointment of death is coming. But after death, the judgment is coming. You will be judge according to what you’ve done and primarily what you have done with Jesus.

Did you accept Him or reject Him.

We see death as a reminder when the hearse goes by. We see it when we watch wars or murders. We see it when we watch our relatives or our loved ones pass through the doors of death. We know that the end of our world is soon coming.

The point is, will you pass through into eternity with Christ or without Him.

Sinner’s Prayer

“God, I come to You, a sinner. I desire salvation. I repent of all my sins. I believe that Jesus is Lord. I believe that Jesus is the Son of the living God. I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. I believe that right now, I am saved. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

If you prayed that prayer for the very first time, Welcome into the Kingdom of our risen Savior. Now click the link below, click the “Sinner’s Prayer” and you will find out more about what you did to become a child of the King.

The Fastest Way To Grow Your Church, Part Two

by Fred C. Rochester. The Fastest Way To Grow Your Church, Part Two. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

In Part One we covered two out of seven things that is essential for church growth.

1. Worship and

2. Prayer and Evangelism

Without these two important things, your church cannot grow.

Church growth begins when there is a pursuit to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. True church growth is never a shift in numbers. Transfer growth is when people that are already believers stop going to one church just to attend another church.

That’s church hopping.

They are pursuing membership, not discipleship.

When church hopping happens, this is an indication of immaturity on the part of the believer unless they are arriving at churches that are faltering or failing to provide true stability. Granted, there are some churches that do not provide genuine discipleship but God never called His people to uproot at random based on feelings.

You must have a solid discipleship plan to bring them along and help stabilize them in their relationship with the Lord Jesus.

If you are only counting numbers of people in a chair and not ministering to them so they can grow in the Lord, you will have a church full of babies that will never reach their full potential in Christ. The Lord wants you to be fruitful and multiply, however, maturation is a long term investment process.

It is important for the pastor and the people working with the pastor to establish an atmosphere of worship, prayer and evangelism.

Too often, many pastors look for natural means to do a supernatural work. In other words, when they see that nothing is happening, they look to do natural means alone to get the job done without inquiring the Lord.

What kind of natural means?

Marketing. Mailings. Attraction gimmicks.

I am not saying that we are not to do these things (except gimmicks) but we are not to be totally reliant on these things.

I encourage you to do like David. Before you make a move, inquire of the Lord. Get God’s counsel on what you need to do. When you get God’s counsel, anointing, and grace, you must be prepared for twists and turns.

You cannot rush God.

As a side note, when you are with working with people, there will be some that will not agree with what the Lord placed in your heart.

There is two kinds of opposition in the church.

All opposition comes from the devil, however, the opposition originates in the realm of the spirit and enters into the heart of the unsuspecting.

Demonic opposition is when the devil is fighting everything you do in the realm of the spirit. This is where the “Daniel kind of praying” is warranted. You go into prayer and fasting against what is against you, or against what is preventing you from receiving what God has in store for the local church. And you take a stand until there is a definitive release from the Lord.

People opposition is Galatians 5:7-26 in operation in the local church.

When the people inside the church is fighting one another, it is a clear indication that the devil has found someone to work through to stop the momentum. When people intentionally become unwilling to do certain things to help you facilitate growth in the church, it is people opposition.

When people disappear at the right moment or quit when they are most needed, it is people opposition. I should point out that not all disappearances and quits is a person’s fault.

There are other factors that do occur that makes disappearances and quitting easy. Sometimes, difficult pastoral leadership or difficult leaders alleged to be working with the pastor can make doing the work of the ministry difficult.

When people willingly agree to disagree, and it is their right to do so, it is still people opposition. If they disagree just over trivial things, they are being difficult and they want to control the pastor.

As a pastor, you cannot make people agree with you. You cannot stop people from opposing you when they’ve made up their mind to stand against you. You cannot stop people from disappearing when you need what they have.

What you can do is pray for those that are in opposition to come into agreement with you. Or, pray for new people to come and replace them.

Pray, as Pastor Robyn Gool would say, “for the right kind of help.” Don’t just pray for help because the wrong kind of help will show up.

Be specific.

Pray that God would send people that is agreeable with the will of God, the vision, and mission for the local church. Pray that they can receive pastoral authority and Biblical leadership. Pray that they are teachable and have a humble spirit. Pray that they have the wisdom of God.

Pray that they can work with little to no supervision to get the task done. Pray that they can discern the will of God for the house and work with each other, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

And when the Lord sends them to you, you must teach them that they are necessary for the body to function according to 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Teach them to operate in the fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5:22. Teach them that their measure is required of them according to Romans 12:1-13.

You teach them that they cannot hold the church back by withholding what God gave them. You teach them that they do not have the right to withhold the gift of God. God gave us life, health, and strength. He has blessed us and we feel that we have the right to tell God that we are not going to give Him what is His all along.

All of a sudden, we assume the right to tell God how we are going to be used.

“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28.

In the same way He gives us breath, in an instant, we can stop breathing. In an instant, because we were obedient, the abundant blessings of the Lord comes. In an instant, because of willful disobedience against the known will of God, the abundance could be dried up.

Sometimes, only a few people will grasp what you see and join in with you to get the job done. Sometimes people are not patient and will exhibit frustration and anger. This is not the time to join in their frustration and anger. It is the time to be patient and teach them what the Lord told you to do.

As a pastor,  you must be faithful with what is in your hands.

Pastor Zachary Tims: The Autopsy Report

by Fred C. Rochester, Pastor. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.

In anticipation of the autopsy report of the late Dr. Zachary Tims, it is important that we focus on the fact that sometimes autopsies are inconclusive. Even after the toxicological tests returns, we may or may not know what really caused his death.

I am aware that the police through the media put out the “white powdery substance” found in his pocket. Most police patrol units and CSU (Crime Scene Units) have a kit to test for cocaine and heroin on the scene.

So we already know that the police may already know the actual substance. The million dollar question is that if the police already know what it is, did it enter his body and cause his death?

That’s what the toxicological tests may or may not conclude.

There’s always that possibility that it will be ruled a natural death.

Even if a certain “substance” is found on or near the decedent, any substance that is known to cause death may or may not be the true cause behind a person’s death.

What is so troubling is that no one seem to put the pieces together before his death.

No one traced the “needle trail.”

Or, perhaps, the trail was hidden so well that even if there were certain tell tale signs, we would ignore or intentionally suppress them. I find that when people do intentionally suppress the truth, they do it to cover a leader.

No one wants to uncover and disclose the truth of the trail because it would uncover another trail to places where certain people (high level, prominent, outspoken church leadership) do not want you to go.

What is the “needle trail?”

Again, it uncovers the dark side of the pulpit that we all know is going on.

Case in point.

According to Gay Christian Movement Watch (, COGIC Superintendent Joseph E. Hogan Jr. was recently selected to be Bishop over Central Georgia. He has a child out of wedlock and was arrested for being a deadbeat father.

In a separate incident, a well loved person in church leadership passed away. He was known in his church in the south to smoke, drink, and sleep with women. The pastor eulogized him as a person who did much good. “Let his good overshadow his bad.” Yet, he was divorced, had a child out of wedlock, and his girlfriends showed up at his home going service.

Sadly, pathetically, and hypocritically, we have no problem speaking well of people in ministerial leadership that are known to have committed Secret Sexual Sins at home goings but we have a problem not preaching about the true Biblical fact that fornicators, homosexuals (catamites), and adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil.

Only hypocrites judge.

Only those that expose sin (because the truth need to be told), do so to warn the rest of the hearers and seers that this is what happens when sin is left unchecked and undiscovered in the hearts and minds of believers and powerful leadership.

And even babes in Christ and the laity that know their God and their Bible will never call sin a “train wreck” to covertly cover the sins of a fallen minister.

The secret is only a secret when few know about it or are told about it.

The power of a secret is safe where few know about it or the few that do know do not talk about it.

Collaborators and conspirators do not want the truth to come back to them because it will reveal a bigger picture that something sinister of epic proportions is too much for the church to bear.

So they fight so hard to speak the good over a leader while intentionally overlooking what is bad at the same time. It’s never commendable to cover sin. It makes such a cover, a cover up. Sin can never be covered. There is only one thing to do about sin that God agrees with. Sin can only be washed away by the blood of Jesus. Covering sin or speaking good over a sinful leader is the way of co-conspirators. Cover a leader’s sin and my sin will not be discovered.

The anointing on a person’s life or their persona has a way of hiding even obvious signs of trouble.

No one really seen Dr. Tims’ death coming even after the fact of death. Sometimes certain people will act a certain way that may be key behavioral factors that are not ordinary.

Sometimes this is not a good way to determine that something is wrong because it is a fact that people will snap on a moment’s notice and go crazy. Then we are left trying to figure out what happened that led to an unthinkable incident.

Again, for preachers in particular, the “persona” and the “anointing” can cover dark happenings in a person’s true character.

It’s called “Undercover Christian Brother.”

The story of a book is never read or understood on the cover.

The story is always found inside the book.

Speculation is a failed attempt to understand the true meaning of what took place or to get into the mind of the deceased. After all is said and done, we conclude that we will never get at the heart of the matter. Speculation, therefore, becomes “hit or miss.”

More miss than hit.

It’s very easy to blame the dead on a number of things.

Which is why we must always recognize the obvious signs of pastors that are not so obvious to believers and even close associates.

Bishop Jakes tapped into something that was very telling that Dr. Tims was “unhappy.”

Folks, as much as you want to believe that even when a pastor has a lot of people, it is not all peaches and cream. But just because a person or a pastor is unhappy, it doesn’t mean that we now understand all that is going on in an unhappy person.

Behind the scenes, there are many pastors that are unhappy with life and ministry.

This is not a reflection on Pastor Tims. I know this to be true in almost every pastor and it is a reflection of my own life and ministry.

Early in my ministry, I began to experience “the ministerial mountain top blues.”

You’ve preached the best messages and people receive. Then you go home or back to your hotel.

It is there that the mind sometimes goes crazy.

No matter how much Word a preacher has in him, there is always that moment when the devil or even your own mind retreats into a place of seclusion and second guess the message.

Or the message was received but it wasn’t good enough.

Or it was good enough but you are still looking for something.

That something we are all looking for is accomplishment, affirmation, and acceptance. No one wants to be rejected. Sadly, we male preachers, or males as a whole are afraid of rejection and failure. Behind all of our strength we are susceptible to these two vulnerabilities that drive us to commit sin to achieve apart from God.

There is also the ferocious intensity to minister in such a way that completely obscure our past moral failures, or current involvement in Secret Sexual Sins that there is no flow of the Holy Spirit. Just a forceful push that looks like an out of control freight train going downgrade heading towards a turnout (curve), with no brakes.

Instead of resting in the Lord, it’s fast paced preaching as if you are running from something or someone. In essence, you are running from God.

The majority of ministers of the gospel will never tell you that what drives them is their ability to perform before people. It is a “form of worship” that we are not permitted to have but some of us search for it anyway. Even after a scandal, there is that one thing called “performance” that drives us to give us a false awareness that we are truly successful.

Sexuality is the highest form of physical pleasure. The use of drugs has been known to heighten sexual experiences as part of heightening the false sense of escaping reality. Candidly, false intimacy and the aftermath of male or female orgasm gives a person seeking for some measure of success, a deceptive means of achieving accomplishment.

Because of “fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind” and “the pleasures of this world,” it is very difficult for many to go “cold turkey” on self gratification, commonly called masturbation.

Victory over masturbation is achieved by employing “moment by moment” sanctification which is the same discipline used by Jesus in Hebrews 4:14-16.

It’s called the “Sexual Discipline of Jesus.”

Just because the Bible is silent about masturbation, it doesn’t mean that you have permission to engage in the practice. Silence is never permission.

We pastors refuse to admit that we masturbate nor do we even discuss the reasons why we masturbate because it is embarrassing. In our secret and hidden lives, this is what males and females do to relieve sexual tension when we are alone to fulfill the lusts of our flesh and mind. And as a secondary reason, to acquiring some measure of self worth, accomplishment, self love, acceptance, and affirmation.

We violate Scripture by measuring ourselves by ourselves. It’s part of pride and arrogance, and it always lead to elitism, entitlement, empowerment, and expediency.

Even when it is assumed that we are actually helping people, sometimes we pastors can be so full of ourselves (egomaniac) that we believe the hype about ourselves. Like Paul, we always need to judge ourselves and we need that “thorn in the flesh” so we would not go beyond the limits of our measure.

Even behind our praise of God in front of people, if we are not careful, we will try to steal God’s praise in broad daylight.

As Paul said, “Knowledge puffs up.”

And when the hurts and wounds of a pastor is mixed with our emotions, coupled with great pulpit performances, and a desire to be received or worshipped, we get into trouble. As I have said before, humbleness of mind and humility will keep us from places of humiliation.

This is where pastors must recognize that this is the moment to find God for you and not for others. It is the moment to find a close friend to share your heart with and lay what’s in your heart bare.

Coming down from the mountain is the most vulnerable moment in a preacher’s life because of the lack of complete satisfaction.

When you are constantly pouring out of your life and ministry, the expending and dispensing of the Word and the anointing out of your life is for the people. It is not for you. It is there that you seek to put something back to fill the void.

If you are not getting ministry for “you,” it is very easy to fall into the traps of loneliness.

After most Sundays, I look to channel surfing to preaching that will feed me and minister to me. I particularly look to Fred Brothers. His ministry really has been found to be the thing that I need from the Lord at precisely the right moment. As Fred Price said, not everyone can minister to you. And you will not receive from everybody.

That’s good preaching.

Hotels are very lonely places unless your family is with you.

According to, the average time spent on porn is 12 minutes.

For the single and divorced pastors, it is a very lonely world. For single and divorced pastors, to be isolated from family is another spot of vulnerability. Without loving family support, it makes ministry all the more troubling and dangerous.

Too many “options.” Too many “distractions.” Too many “opportunities.”

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine, Pastor Roger Jamison ran into Bishop Eugene Tanniehill. “The Bishop,” a former death row inmate, was released from Angola Prison and we went down to Louisiana to visit with the Bishop.

This was just after I was delivered from porn and masturbation. I was in a hotel room away from my associates.

By myself.

I can’t tell you the number of times the flesh started to rise and the mind battles in that hotel room. But to fall back into Secret Sexual Sins of 13 years of porn, such a turn back from a great deliverance would be the greatest hypocrisy ever.

On the day that inmates were expecting visitation, there were many women that we waiting to get in. All these temptations surround a man every where. Preachers are not exempt.

But God was good. He kept me from turning on the television. He kept me from filing the “images” of the day in my mind to fuel the fire of “urges and impulses.” I knew what was waiting for me if I surfed the channels. I prayed, stayed in the Word, and called my wife regularly to ensure that I stay pure before God.

I’ve determined that loneliness is a “trigger mechanism” to commit Secret Sexual Sins.

If you fail to identify your trip wires and trigger mechanisms, you will never end the cycle of sexual addiction. You will continue the “ritual” and fulfill false intimacy or act out sexually to attain unattainable satisfaction. Seeking unattainable healing through false sexual satisfaction is never acquired or accomplished, but these drugs are released into the blood stream.

Testosterone, adrenaline, vasopressin, and dopamine.

I was acting as my own “pharmacist.”

When false intimacy by self sex takes place, the addict demands these chemicals, and it is what makes sexual addictions become “medicinal properties” to vainly attempt to heal deep seated wounds in the soul that only God could heal and make whole.

Males seek to masturbate because these feelings govern his refusal to approach God, to search after Him for true healing and intimacy. We want to do it ourselves for two reasons.

1. Sin’s pleasure.

2. Medicinal or pharmaceutical properties for self healing.

This is our disturbed way of autonomy.

That’s why self sex or masturbation leaves a bad feeling (violating the conscience) because you are violating the “one flesh” principle, thus, sinning against your own body, and against God. Sex in marriage between male and female is designed to be shared. Masturbation is selfishness.

When sex is done according to the “one flesh” principle, between husband and wife, these same chemicals produce positive effects of love and bonding to secure the marriage relationship. The conscience is clear.

Loneliness can only be satisfied in Jesus. Him alone!


Pastor Jamison shared this Scripture with me at our Come Clean Conference in 2009.

“A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment.” Proverbs 18:1

The Amplified Bible says it this way,

“He who willfully separates and estranges himself [from God and man] seeks his own desire and pretext to break out against all wise and sound judgment.”

More pastors run into trouble when there isn’t a close person to talk to about the “ups” and “downs” of ministry.

The prideful pastors will always find a way to break out against all wise and sound judgment. We walk the streets or drive in our cars lusting for flesh. We go back and fulfill our fantasies through false intimacy.

Then, after having our fill of false sex, we look to take it to the next level. We look for another live body on the level one of sexual addiction.

Not realizing that deep inside, there is a longing for true intimacy with God.

I was watching “Faith Of Our Fathers” or “Fathers Of The Faith.” They had a panel of 5 or 6 “senior” pastors sharing their secrets of 40 plus years of ministry apiece.

One pastor lamented over the fact that he wished that early in his ministry that he had a close pastor friend to bounce ideas off or to just share in his personal struggles in his life and ministry.

A pastor could have many people, many friends, but few close friends that is able to speak into his or her life. More often than not, many pastors close the doors to such personal ministry because, for men, we tend to believe we could fix our own lives.

We also want to keep our personal sins personal so we could stay in ministry. We try to “heal our own wounds” in sin when the Savior is waiting to help us. Even pastors need Jesus.

We know what is wrong with us. Even though we may know what is wrong with us, we do not know how to fix ourselves. We think we do, but we fool ourselves into thinking that there is nothing wrong. We pretend all is well, yet, we cry silent tears within.

Inside the heart of most pastors are wounds. Self inflicted or sheep inflicted that never get attended to. We bleed while we preach. We bleed while we minister to others. We bleed while we laugh. We bleed while we sin. We bleed while people watch.

Our false intimacy becomes a place of failed attempts to stop the bleeding. We refuse to believe our own preaching and find the Healer through safe associations with other pastors. We can’t share, or we refuse to open up our hearts because we have this false understanding that we are all right.

We can’t let the people see and know how much we hurt.

Sin deceived us into thinking that sexual ritualistic activities is the only way to bring healing to ourselves.

No lie could be more deceptive than this.

How are you going to heal yourself by hurting yourself?

And then when it is detected that somebody can see our hurt, we refuse their prayers, their comfort, their counsel, their ministry to us. We run from the very thing that God sends to help us heal.

It’s like asking a heart surgeon to do heart surgery on himself, without anesthesia.

If you are a lonely pastor, it is time to furl the superman cape.

It is time to find a close friend to share your heart with. Life and ministry is not designed for the pastor that goes it alone. You’ve sat in that office crying to God for companionship. You’ve gone home looking for someone to help you understand the process of the “ministerial mountain top blues.” Only to fall into various Secret Sexual Sins or other common sins to heal a desperately lonely heart.

It takes courage to find a friend in Jesus that understands what you are going through.

Pick up the phone and call someone. Or when that friend calls to see how you are doing, do not do what I have done. Never return that call. Leave it on voice mail. Or worse. Cut them off forever.

Physician, it’s time to get healed.