Missouri: The Last Abortion Clinic In The State

Please click the link below for the story.

Missouri has only 1 abortion death house in the state.

After the state imposed several hurdles for Planned Parenthood abortionists to jump over, the plot thickens. A judge placed an injunction on the requirements imposed by the state in order to perform abortion.

It’s conceivable that it may go to the Supreme Court.

But under the radar, there’s been significant pushback to close as many abortion clinics in this nation as possible.

The media has been instrumental to give the appearance that abortion on demand will never relinquish its hold on the nation, but we’re seeing a different picture.

Despite what we read on the Internet, newspapers, or advertised on the airwaves, what’s taking hold is that abortion on demand is disdained. Americans are slowly realizing that abortion is a hideous crime.

Several anti abortion groups are responsible for getting people to see that the systematic procedure of destroying a life has serious implications.

We can’t ignore the fact that there’s still a great proportion of supporters for abortion but on the political scale, support is waning.

Sadly, there’s other states willing to liberally kill babies.

The closing of Missouri’s last remaining death house, perhaps, have forced mothers to seek other states to kill their babies. However, I believe that the resolve to get information to people that abortion is murder, hopefully will further erase this demonic sin on this nation.

We must be clear that fornication and adultery is the fuel of abortion.

The next line of defense is to carry the child full term with the primary goal of taking on the responsibility and raise that child.

The next line of defense is after birth, give the child up for adoption.

Many will argue that incest and rape is a good excuse to murder a child.

According to the CDC….

1.7% of abortions are for rape or incest.
0.3% of abortions are for confirmed medical reasons.

Seems like these fall under the category of “rare abortions.”
Killing a life is killing a life as far as rape or incest is concerned. The child pays the price.

Rape and incest is just as wrong as murdering a child.

98% of abortions are because the mother cites “inconvenience.”

But fornication and or adultery was convenient sex.

I don’t want to call this a revival but when you see the mentality and attitudes of people change regarding abortion, something is happening.

But here’s another thing to consider.

There’s other means used by people to prevent conception which may be responsible for the decline in abortions. However, there’s no recorded decline of no sex. Also, this nation has had the lowest birth rate since the late 1960’s.

But at the top of the list of no conception is ABSTINENCE!!!

To abstain from fornication and adultery is the highest form of prevention.

Abstaining and waiting to be married is true planned parenthood.

Killing a child is anti parenthood.

The sex is planned and parenthood is highly possible.

That’s why marriage before sex is the plan of God.

The state of Missouri is deliberately making every effort to close the door on abortion since 1973.

Other states are following suit.

Slowly, we’re seeing the left’s strangle hold on the nation deteriorate for now.

Don’t be deceived.

They’ll still be out there, but for now, their time is fading. We shouldn’t say that they will go away, but it’s heartening to see people come to their senses.

Abortion is not planned parenthood, it’s the murder of an innocent life.


You could read the story from US News & World Report here

Author: Prevailing Word Ministries, Inc.

Sexual sins is a stronghold that can be removed when the believer in Christ returns to the Lord in fear and in trembling. Join the many that desire to please the Lord in purity, in obedience to the Scriptures to please the Lord.