Same Sex Reparation

Just when Democrats who were supportively behind slavery in 1860 and Republicans paved to way to shore up the Union and abolish slavery (read your history), we now have Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, campaigning for president, is now pushing for homosexual reparation.

Apparently, the Obergefell v Hodge decision opened up a can of worms that if you were prevented from being recognized as a married couple, you deserve to alter your tax returns for a few designated years.

One of the things that homosexuals didn’t count on was their tax liability.

So, now, they want to right a “wrong.”

But one thing is clear.

For homosexuals, it’s another “Civil Rights” thing where righting the wrong becomes another “Me Too” movement to secure votes in the 2020 Presidential elections.

Just watch. There will be reparations for transgenders, and the list is almost endless.

For the record, keep your reparations.

Sadly, Black people fell for this, therefore, your vote and loyalty is demanded should a Democrat make reparations happen in the United States. Blacks make up 13% of the American population, securing their votes is important. 1% of the homosexual American population makes a difference in the electoral college vote depending on the state.

Which is why Democrats in California, New York, and other Democratic strongholds is doing everything possible to give illegal immigrants the right to vote in the United States.

But one thing’s for sure.

As soon as the Democrats look at the cost, (I’m sure they did) this promise of reparations will be a fleeting thing.

It’s just another carrot on a stick & string to keep the horse moving.

For years, we’ve been saying that homosexuality hijacked the Civil Rights movement, as well as hijacked the 14th Amendment.

As long as this slippery slope is around, anyone, unsuspecting, will slip right into this cesspool.

You could read the article here

The Allurement Of A Cover & Its Relation To Pornography

The saying goes,

Never judge a book by its cover.”

The flirty dirty cover.

But when it comes to porn and lusting after the flesh, the only concern is the cover.

The cover is what attracts the eyes.

It’s the deception that within the beauty of a body, there’s nothing wrong.

The beauty is PERFECT!!!

That’s the world of porn.

But it’s may also be true for marriage.

Men get attracted to a beautiful woman. They both play nice to a degree, and as soon as the marriage ceremony seals the deal, the book is open and the real story is read.

Porn operates the same way.

The cover lured you and you become a part of her book.

The bad part.

Granted. Not all books are bad.

Both the man and the woman did their due diligence in opening up the book to read what’s in it. Granted, the book of people’s lives is on going. We may never read it all. Sometimes, life does happen, but if you could get to the intent of the book as much as you can, the bad things that can and will happen could be mitigated.

But every now and then, the cover obscures the trap.

They don’t call it the Venus fly trap for nothing.

In marriage, after consummation, the story comes out.

All the things you thought you knew begin to unfold.

The wedding wasn’t the issue. You may have had a little spat, or many spats, but you were able to suppress it and compromise. But sometimes, people do go overboard. It gets ugly. In some cases, so ugly that you call off the wedding.

You’ve tried desperately to compromise but the anger and fierceness of the moment or moments was just too much to bear.

What does this have to do with porn?

A lot.

Men are driven into the bosom of another woman over such things.

Men rarely investigate past the cover. Men rarely see something and say something about it. But on the other hand, some do. They see tendencies, habits, and other issues that could make or break a relationship.

The one thing that chase some men away from some women is the controlling and manipulation.

Don’t think for one moment that men don’t control or manipulate.

In some cases, men may be worse than women.

Each one want something and in order to get it, they will use control and manipulation to get it.

In a pre wedding situation, certain tests should take place.

Boundaries, territories, pro’s, con’s, likes, dislikes, attitudes, mind sets, religious beliefs, foods, drinks, child raising, living habits, hygiene, education, jobs, finances, attire, recreational habits, and other areas.

They all get tested.

The key is time.

Few people are willing to take their time and examine carefully a person.

Some go as far as private investigations, background checks, family visitations, friend visitation, employment visitations, etc.

You want to know what you’re getting into.

But the cover masks all these areas until the test comes.

The sex (whether moral or immoral) is what you wanted and got but you didn’t count on the story. The drama. The hidden agenda. The controlling. The manipulating. The anger. The frustration. The constant bickering. The boisterous mouth. The lying. The cheating. The put downs. The smile as the blade pierces your back.

The one place where men are driven to when they’re hurt is porn and masturbation. Pretending to have sex with that woman on the screen.

Deeply fantasizing having sex and not dealing with the relationship.

But even if there’s no drama, over time, the cover loses its attractiveness.

When a couple get passed a certain safe zone, their physical attraction is less important. After the wedding ceremony, you got what you wanted. For the man, sex. For the woman, marriage. Then there’s no need to “upkeep” especially after having children.

For the most part, the cover lost it’s beauty, and for the male, he loses his strength. But he never lost the ability to look and be stimulated sexually.

But over time, eventually, his ability to perform in the bedroom slows down.

As you age, you adjust.

It’s called settling down.

However, the gym can do wonders for both the male and female.

Maintaining the cover is a life long pursuit.

This one act of maintaining the cover of the book could save many marriages.

Vitality will be lost one day, but you could slow down its affect.

The winds of destroying marriages are around.

Many believe that when you age in marriage, it doesn’t matter about the cover.

You have a right to that thought, but just imagine if you did your part to maintain the cover for as long as you could?

It may save the marriage relationship.

So, the cover to attract is there as well as what’s in the book.

Democrats Getting Religion In Time For The 2020 Election

Some of you will remember that in the Democratic Convention of 2016, people booed God.

They don’t want God to be Lord of the nation.

It should be no surprise that both parties cater to the Christian vote, however, as a believer, many believe in the principle of selecting the lessor of two evils.

Selecting the lessor of two evils is still a choice for evil.

Just because it’s less evil, it doesn’t mean that it’s a safe choice.

Evil is evil.

There’s no question about what party supports what.

With the Republican Party, it’s generally pro life, with many believing in inclusion of homosexuals. These are also called moderate/liberal Republicans. Btw, pro life positions tolerate abortion due to incest and rape.

Abortion is just as evil and wrong as rape and incest.

So, in my opinion, pro life positions is a compromise position to appease certain moderate/liberal conservatives willing to vote and support Republicans.

When you’re supportive of positions clearly defined as an abomination by God, you have a major problem on your hands.

James 4:4 is very clear.

During the 2008 election, many Black people that profess going to church, roughly 95% of the 13% that make up the African American population, voted for Obama.

But of that 95%, 43% professed faith in Jesus.

This indicated to me that they were more than willing to put their Bible aside to vote a Black man into the WH. Essentially walking away from what the Lord said in His word about abortion and homosexuality.

In some of Obama’s stump speeches as a candidate for president, I liked that he was running and I said he looked very presidential. UNTIL he mentioned abortion rights, & support for LGBT. And he gave a speech at Planned Parenthood, declaring that Planned Parenthood, under his presidency was going no where.

When a moral position is politicized, as a believer, you must never surrender or capitulate your “…deeply held religious beliefs.”

To do so is to give anyone a license to control everything you do.

Believers in Christ must remain vigilant and not be moved by political or preacher personalities, that you lose Biblical sense and give in to the cultural winds that blow today.

If you don’t stand for Biblical principles, you’ll fall for demonic lies and deceptions.

The Democratic Party is clear on what they want to do.

Continue the systematic eugenic policy of killing precious babies, and Joe Biden already said that he would make LGBT concerns his number 1 priority.

Never mind that Iran and North Korea is seeking nukes, China is seeking global reach capabilities and dominance, Russia is looking for Middle East and European dominance. The Palestinians, will millions of US tax dollars, look for the destruction of Israel, and establish control of Jerusalem as their capital.

For Democrats, boarder insecurity, killing babies, and LGBT priorities is far more important.

During the Obama administration, they gave away US leadership and world stability, thinking that if you allow them to do what they want, they would be good neighbors.

That’s a very foolish position.

Retreating into an isolationist position as a nation, unwilling to engage world powers to check it, led to two world wars.

Millions were killed as a result.

We face the same today.

We must engage and check world dominance or we will lose our nation.

And let’s not forget that for the Democratic Party, to control people, free thinking people must be disarmed and it’s imperative to take away from free thinking people free speech.

So, they use the cover of being a party that loves God by recruiting inclusive false preachers to deceive many into thinking that the Democratic Party is safe.

Just look at the Obama administration and the direction this nation was headed, and it will give you a good indication that should believers become oblivious to clear anti God policies, more is on the way.

Obama’s administration was a taste of the final chapter of America.

So if you want to kiss this country goodbye, the next president, should they be a Democrat, is a clear indication to us that many of the rights we enjoy as a Republic, might not ever return.

But I also look at it like this.

The kingdom of the Lord Jesus must come.

For this to happen, this nation must end.

How will it end?


It’s when America is no longer America and the US Constitution ceases to exist.

Guns are confiscated.

Government controls everyone.

Churches go underground.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

The opposite is true too.

Cursed is the nation that doesn’t have God as the Lord.

You could read the article from Fox News here