Toronto: To Jail With You For Preaching To Homosexuals

In Torono, Canada, the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is against the law as a “hate crime.”

Telling people to be saved from sin or be separated into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, after the Great White Throne Judgment, violates their man made law.

No different than a fireman going into the building, telling people to escape to save themselves or they will burn to death.

In the United States, in Oregon and Washington States, there’s increasing resistance along these lines.

Free speech has been challenged because the gospel of Jesus Christ, with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, is offensive to those that practice sin.

Sin offends the Lord and the righteous.

But here’s the kicker.

The Lord and His people offer the only remedy, in a loving way, to save people from their destructive vices and from the eternal judgment to follow should they die in their sins.

True gospel preachers do not use name calling, or other non Biblical methods to communicate the gospel. We call sin what the Bible calls sin. We identify and communicate the results of continuing in sin.

Smoking a cigarette wasn’t a major problem until finally, people came to their senses about its cancer causing affects. Then there’s a further exposure of the cigarette industry placing chemicals in these cigarettes to keep people hooked.

But, today, people are hooked. Young people, exposed to these habits continue to breathe in chemicals into their system.

Cigarette smoking is the door to all chemical abuse.

Much the same with sexual immorality.

Indoctrinating young people to the evils of sexual immorality has further harmed the general society. To the point that if no one warns the people, they will die in their sins.

Even if there’s a “preventative” medicine, the people will engage in risky sexual immoral behavior.

Then they happen to come within earshot of the preacher, lovingly warning people of the consequences of sin. In some cases, the Lord warns them day and night. For others, they hear the Word preached only one time, and enter into eternity before the day is over.

In Toronto, Canada, people want to sin in peace.

The preaching of the Word of God disturbs the “peace.”

Toronto police walks over and place the preacher in handcuffs.

The right to speak freely, the gospel of Jesus Christ is considered hate speech.

In America, the US Constitution is the only document that stands in the way of tyranny. As long as our elected leaders, some of them, believe in preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States, preachers in America enjoy the right to speak freely.

To silence free speech ushers in the close of this Republic and the tyranny and violence associated with it will overtake this land.

The Puritans in the 1600’s left Europe to seek a land where they could practice their faith without tyranny and totalitarianism from catholicism. Read the history here

As a result of their departure, eventually, the United States of America formed.

Since July 4, 1776 to 2019, some 243 years, the Constitution has been preserved, protected, and defended against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The moment this document is overturned, true believers in Christ will be fully persecuted, assaulted, martyrdom, beheadings, tortures, incarcerations, and other forms of disastrous harms will plague the land.

I wish to say that this will never happen, but it’s sure to come.

No human superpower remains.

One of the most fascinating things about the Bible is that in Bible prophecy, arguably, there’s no specific reference to America in Bible prophesy. Some of you reading this will use vague references to America. It’s a big fallacy to force a revelation where there’s no direct Biblical reference.

In Revelation, Daniel, and other references, symbols, types, and shadows are used to describe people, places, and things in the language they understood to convey to us what they saw. In some places, it’s plain. In other places, we still “…see through a glass darkly.”

But anyone can make the Bible say anything.

But you will be pressed to find a clear, decisive reference to America in the Bible.

To me, it’s God’s well kept secret. Deliberately kept out of the Bible.

Even satan didn’t have any clue as to the use of America in the last days.

1776, 1812, 1865, and 1964 were pivotal years in America. Of course there were other pivotal moments worthy of noting, make no mistake about it.

Times in which the fabric of this nation was about to be torn.

Now, more than ever, we’re seeing many people willing to walk away from the Constitution where adherence to this historic document is almost a thing of the past.

Name one country where socialism was successful.

North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Laos, Cambodia, Russia.

Go and live there, and tell us what you’ve found.

Of course there may be other nations but in just these listed above, free speech isn’t considered.

Are you ready to be persecuted for righteousness sake?

To be beheaded for standing for what you believe about the Lord Jesus?

Go to Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, and the Congo, and other places in the world. Where believers are shot, hung, beheaded, burned, houses of worship burned down, and believers in Iraq crucified for Jesus.

The day will come for us should this Republic removes the Constitution.

Just as sure as we’re living.

You could read the article from Charisma of the preacher arrested here

Daily Pill To Prevent HIV

Click the link below for the facts about this article.

According to this article, with 1.1 million people carrying the HIV virus, it’s clear that to prevent further infections, the world is quickly devising medical means to curb infection.

Well, the best way is to abstain from sexual sins is repentance, be born again, and declare Jesus as Lord over your life. Living a life of holiness, to never commit sin again. Committing yourself to a life of righteousness in obedience to the Scriptures, to walk in purity.

Sadly, very few will listen to the Scriptures because the impulse and urges of committing sin is obeyed in the flesh. Sin is an offer that could be taken or refused.

Now for the uninsured, according to this article below, this medicine will cost $2,000.00.

It appears that there will be an influx of people willing to fork over the money to continue to engage in risky sexual sins. But we all know that people will not come up with the money, they will also forego wearing any condoms (false safe sex), and we’re back to square one.

But what about the other STDs associated with sexual sins?

In certain parts of the world, some STDs are mutating against common anecdotes.

Meaning that STDs are getting smarter in combating the physical cure.

It’s amazing how diseases are thinking diseases that out think and out maneuver a cure.

This possibly means, over time, this “preventative” medicine might get outsmarted.

There’s no such thing as “safe” fornication, adultery, bisexuality, or homosexuality.

Besides, if this is what they would term as a breakthrough, then why not offer this “preventative” medicine for free?

Then you have AHA, the Affordable Healthcare Act, commonly known as Obamacare, that’s supposed to pay for this.

Numbers 32:23b says (NKJV Strong’s) “…and be sure your sin will find you out.”

Since the disease became commonly known, this preventative medicine is part of the agenda……from vilifying anyone preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, to applying stigmatization titles on the righteous (homophobia), to making those that practice the vile sin of homosexuality out to be the victim, by passing hate crimes legislation, make homosexuals appear to be worthy of sympathy and empathy, to passing same sex marriage laws to further make the sinful behavior of homosexuality generally acceptable, to indoctrinating children to engage in homosexuality, to questioning a person’s gender from birth, to neutralizing a person’s gender and change it on their birth certificate, to writing gender neutral Bibles, to arresting street preachers for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to homosexuals, to allowing boys to dress like girls, and short masculine style haircuts for girls and women, the use of opposite sex bathrooms if you feel like a boy or girl, and other things.

This is going to continue.

With over 300 million Americans in the United States, a very small population of people has imposed its will on 99% of Americans.

This “preventative” medicine will further embolden many homosexuals to continue their conquest to engage in sexual sins.

Make no mistake about it.

You could read the article here