LGBT and The New Gay Look Of The NBA – GCMWatch & EXMinistries Links

GCMWatch and EXMinistries, as always, is front and center on this issue.

As you know Jason Collins announced his coming out of the locker room, excuse me……”closet” with his homosexual sin.

Here are their links to this breaking story about Chris Broussard’s stand on the sin of homosexuality. Chris’ stand seemed spontaneous, with holy passion, deliberately inspired by the Holy Spirit, and without rehearsal.

When you make and take a deliberate, intentional stand against the sin of homosexuality, and do it on international TV, you will catch it for doing it.

This was a “well done, good and faithful servant” moment.

In the GCMWatch piece that shared the second prepared response by Chris’, there seems to be a capitulation.

However, this tactic is known to happen against prisoners of war where you are forced to read propaganda in order to soften or redirect the bold testimony of Chris. As with all the heroes of faith, we need to pray for him that God would protect him and his family.

In the EXMinistries piece, the very pictures of Collins cross dressing while looking huh…..GQ is what LGBT loves. As cross dressers, it is just another form of homosexuality. Transgender men are nothing more than physically rearranged men surgically adjusted to appear as a woman. It will be shocking and stunning that should a man die in a woman’s body, what will they be resurrected as?

The answer is found in Matthew 19:4-5. In the beginning, He made them male and female. To change out of the flesh of man into the flesh of woman, the Lord will resurrect you to the resurrection of the condemned in the gender you were born with. Not in the gender you wish to have.

Anyway, we see that we need to speak without mincing words of the Word of God in the face of persecution without fail or fear.

Stepping into the firefight with LGBT is the kind of fighting that the Body of Christ is sorely lacking. There is no courage these days to take on the Goliath of our times. Sexual immorality. Like Saul, we sit in a tent on the other side of the valley, way on the other side so that we won’t hear the taunting of Goliath. We got armor for others to wear but we refuse to put on our own and go after that uncircumcised Philistine.

As the days progress, there will be fewer voices that will be willing to jump out of the foxhole and use their weapon. Battles are not won in the foxhole. They are won in the valley of the shadow of death.

There was never a safe place to speak the truth and sooner or later, the remaining remnant will be out in the open air, waging war like the gladiator days of old. Fearless. Courageous. Guts. Strength. Yup, just the way the Lord Jesus fought and won.

The LGBT community was waiting for this day to come. They are using every means of the media to push their wicked, perverted agenda. They are pushing in for a major assault. It seems that LGBT has returned to the tactics of battling the states for marriage equality.


There seems to be a strong indication that the SCOTUS will not rule favorably for marriage equality. It was expected that Proposition 8 be ruled unconstitutional and that certain parts of DOMA would be struck down to pave the way for homosexuals to marry and be recognized as regular married couples.

That’s why we are seeing some things happening behind the scenes.

How many of you know that the Lord is at work and that the prayers of the righteous avails much?

Every time you see something like this, it is a serious pursuit to legitimize the sin of homosexuality, but the prayers of the saints are at work in the earth and the God that hears our holiness in our prayers will never let any evil agenda overcome the church.

There are more announcements that will shock and surprise some. Just be at rest and be ready to stand for the testimony of Jesus. This is not R and R time. Rest is when we have finished the course and the race that is set before us. Let us, as Paul said, strive lawfully to receive the crown that fades not away. For the time is short, and the day is at hand. As James said, the Lord is standing in the door.

This is not the time to hold your testimony. Be ready to hold your head up and speak the Word of the Lord as instructed by the Holy Spirit. For the Lord will put His Word in your mouth, and you are charged to speak, what thus says the Lord. Only be courageous. Be bold and be strong, for the Lord your God is with you.

Finally, it was disheartening to see the POTUS and the FLOTUS be used like pawns to forward the evil, wicked agenda of LGBT and Planned Abortionhood. This is unbecoming of African Americans to be allowed at the table of power and be used to forward an agenda that further erode the African American community. The legacy of this president will be that he supported the systematic killing and destruction of his own race. Through the sin of homosexuality and abortion, the beast is being fed.

So if you are not appalled or disturbed that something could have been done to stop the genocide, look no further than yourself that voted him in office. You are just as culpable. Guilty by reason of association. Especially those that profess to know the Lord. You bear the greater sin because you could have seen this coming and not vote in such a way, that more lives are lost through this continuation of the ministry of death and destruction propagated by the puppet masters of LGBT and Planned Abortionhood.

Be sure that the Lord Jesus will not mince words for you when you stand there to render an account.

LGBT: Marriage Equality?

It is amazing how America and the other nations have decided to go against the Word of God. You have the Queen of England making a declaration for marriage equality and soon, the SCOTUS will decide on Proposition 8. In this YouTube presentation, something caught my eye as I was driving.

If you’ve seen this YouTube video, pass it along. If not, take a look and then pass it along.

A simple bumper sticker. Click this link and take a look……

The real reason for marriage equality is to legitimize the sin of homosexuality. It is important for those that truly believe in the Lord and His Word to never be deceived by those that are sadly deceived. Sin is never on equal footing with righteousness. Just like night and day cannot be on equal footing.

Pay attention to what the Lord said in John 11:9 and 10…

“Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.”

The Bible tells us that….“All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

So the Lord Jesus made 12 hours of daylight. Which means that there is twelve hours of darkness. The point is a figure of speech. As long as we are in this world, the sun will give light to the earth for twelve hours and the world revolves around the sun, the other side of the earth will experience darkness.

This means that, spiritually speaking, there is a time when darkness will come but for a limited time.

We all know what the Bible says about marriage. This will never change no matter what laws permitting the sin of homosexuality are decreed and passed. No matter which way the Supreme Court goes, the Word of God stands true as God’s wisdom to man. The moment man departs from the wisdom of God, consequential judgment will always fall.

We all know that within the confines and boundaries of marriage, STDs cannot happen. For a sexually transmitted disease to be contracted, a person must engage in sex outside of marriage.

This is called adultery. When a person engages in sex before marriage, it is called fornication.

Both of these sins carry a consequential judgment.

When it comes to the sin of homosexuality, the consequential judgment is STDs, including HIV/AIDS.

The sad thing about LGBT is that they continue to thumb their noses at the wisdom of God.

I am quite sure that you have noted the comments under my YouTube video. It amazes me that people involved in the sin of homosexuality believe that we are forcing something upon them. To force something on people means that a person has no choice in the matter. It was the person’s choice to view the video. This person didn’t have to view my video. Yet, this person did.

On the other hand, we have LGBT forcing upon the righteous the sin of homosexuality.

By establishing laws and decrees that homosexuals be recognized as legal couples. LGBT is constantly pushing to silence the preaching of the Word of God so that their sin could go unchecked, however, the Lord is constantly raising up voices to speak the Word of God fearlessly, regardless of the cost. If LGBT is pushing to pass laws to have the sin of homosexuality accepted without righteous opposition, and should they be successful, then they would be happy.

However, we know that this will not happen.

Even should homosexuals be successful, they will never be truly happy so long as the light is in the world. The light of the Word of God brings conviction to sin that’s done in darkness.

The Lord Jesus told the people to be the light of the world, a city set on a hill that could not be hidden. We are to be the light of the world and not hide our light under a table. We are to put our light in top of the table so that everyone that comes into your room can see. If you decide that you want to sit in a dark room, it is up to you. However, when someone has light, it is instinctive for a person to walk out of a dark room to find a room where the light is.

So it is with sin. When you are ready to come out of sin, the room that has the light of the true Word of God is where you should go. Please note that no one is forcing you to come to the light. No one is making you receive the light. You can sit in darkness all you want. It is your choice.

We know that should LGBT be successful, the people of God will enter into an era of time when what we say will be severely censored and declared as hate speech.

Be it known to all that regardless of what laws are passed, I have a responsibility before God to stand and preach the truth regardless of the cost to me. For God I live and for God I die. Besides, on the day that the Lord called me to preach, I didn’t hear your voice.

Marriage equality of the world is unequal with the Word of God.

The point is not to make you mad but to share the truth of the Word of God.

Get mad, upset, frustrated, agitated, because the reasoning of LGBT is discombobulated. One of the things that we know is that LGBT loves to blow smoke. To get the world to believe that what they are doing is without consequences. All you have to do is look to the Center Of Disease And Control And Prevention, look at the statistics regarding homosexuality and lesbianism, and you will get a reminder of the cost associated with all sexual sins.

Nonetheless, the will of God has stood the test of time and any measure to soften the fact that sexual sins exact a penalty is wishful thinking on the part of the agenda drivers of LGBT.

You can throw the world’s money into AIDS awareness and prevention, as notable a cause it is, but look at the cost to keep sin alive? Look at the cost to the medical world, that’s in the trillions of dollars? With the highest cost that can never be paid by sinful human blood. A human life that needlessly enters the den of death by making a decision to sin against God and His Word.

Yet, the one Person that shed His blood to redeem man from sin is always there to help you to abstain from all sexual sins and to redeem you from sin once you completely yield to Him for salvation. It’s your choice. You can either continue in sin, or you can stop. It is entirely up to you.

But know this… matter what man does to legalize the sin of homosexuality, the consequences can never be legislated away.

10 Deadly Sins Of Leaders Involved In Secret Sexual Sins: Deliberate Avoidance Of Confrontation

So far, we’ve covered 5 of the 10 Deadly Sins Of Leaders Involved In Secret Sexual Sins.

#5. Pride and Arrogance.

#4. Failure To Take Heed.

#3. Compromise And Conviction.

#2. Candid Camera.

And the first one….

No Real Relationship With The Lord.

So here we are with #6, Deliberate Avoidance Of Confrontation.

In one way or another, we all avoid the place where a good spanking is coming for us. As kids growing up, we want to do our thing and get away with it. We know that sooner or later, it will catch up to us, and like clock work, the dinner bell of judgment comes.

The Lord confronted the sins of David by sending the prophet Nathan. The Lord Jesus met the woman at Jacob’s well. The Lord Jesus had a woman caught in the act of adultery brought to her. The Lord confronted Cain concerning the murder of Abel.

It is apparent that the discovery of a secret is the most feared aspect of Secret Sexual Sins.

Notice what the Lord Jesus said in John 3:19-21….

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Notice what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:4

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.”

When Paul speaks of those that sleep at night and get drunk at night, and when the Lord said, men loved darkness rather than light,” it is a clear indication that concealment depicts secrecy.

When you want to commit sin, it’s the works of darkness that gives you the false sense of security that you can get away with it. But the reality is that works of darkness are done in the dark. It depicts the sinister nature of a person bent on sinning against the Lord. We must remember that the Psalmist in Psalm 139, said of the Lord that “the night and the day are both alike to You.”

In other words, God doesn’t care if you believe that you can hide under the cloak or cover of darkness. He can still see you. Sometimes, we act like He doesn’t see us.

Remember, sin is an act of defiance against the known will of God.

Now look at what Paul said in Ephesians 5:11-13…

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.”

The intent of light is to expose the secrets of darkness. Confrontation is designed to shed light on what we may be doing in secret so we could avoid more judgment. Confrontation is part of the “chastisement of the Lord” (see Hebrews 12:4-17). If the Lord didn’t love you, He wouldn’t bother to shed any of His light on what you are doing in secret. He would let you do what you do and still judge you, based on His righteousness.

When you are hiding something, you have no confidence before the Lord, and no confidence before men. However, we must never allow such confidence to take us over into the area of pride, and false humility. As Paul admonished, “Take heed, lest we fall.”

John, the beloved apostle of the Lamb said these words in 1 John 3:19-22…

“And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”

When you do not have confidence, you hide. Just like Adam and Eve did when the Lord came to confront their sin.

The Lord already knew they had sin but as a loving Father, He was not going to let what they did go.

It must be confronted.

I thought that confrontation takes place when a person sits down with another individual to delve into their lives. Sort of like, spill your guts and tell me everything that is going on in you, and if I find anything, I will lay you out. In other places, this may not be the case where consent is given. However, when it comes to discovery, sometimes, this doesn’t work because of fear. Even when there is nothing at all to discover, the fear is sometimes too much to overcome.

This kind of discovery tactic intimidates everyone. Little do we realize that this is the fear of God at work. Besides, God is more interested in the heart coming to Him than sitting down and digging up a person’s hidden secrets. Do not get me wrong. The Lord will resort to this when your sins are blatant and you show no serious indication that you will relent. When it comes to an individual bent on sexually sinning anyway, sometimes, truthfulness and honesty is a fleeting thing.

Some men and women are great liars. That’s what hypocrites do so well. They play the part of another so convincingly that to detect who they really are is almost impossible. However, it doesn’t matter what role you play before the Lord because He is God. He is omniscient. Even when the Lord confronted Cain, Cain was determined to kill Abel no matter what God said.

Cain was already in the depraved indifference state of mind. In other words, he didn’t care that the Lord said something to him. That’s the way it was with me. I didn’t care about what the Lord said. My sin was more important than the Word of God. My sin was more important than my relationship with God. My sin was more important than my love for my wife and daughter.

Sin’s acronym is Selfish Individual Needs. 

This is not the way that every person should order their lives. To attempt to pattern after something that may not work for you, only invites future shipwrecks. However, in living before God, we are to walk “blameless unto the coming of the Lord.”

The key phrase is the coming of the Lord.”

It is clear that everyone will not be ready at the coming of the Lord. The point of blameless is to be ready when He comes. Blameless is the only position of readiness. You cannot commit sin and be ready for the coming of the Lord. When the Lord confronts you about any sin, it is so that you would enter into repentance, receive forgiveness, and from that point, learn to walk blameless before the Lord.

I often thought….what would happen if I am watching porn and masturbating. Would the Lord accept me into His kingdom? Am I walking blameless? Am I walking in the light as He is in the light? Am I in fellowship with the Father through His Son, the Lord Jesus? Am I like the five wise virgins or am I like the five foolish virgins?

When it comes to confrontation, it may come in many forms. The Lord would send people in your path to distract you from making provision to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The Lord may have you switch, unknowingly, radio stations to hear an important message from Him. Confrontation comes is various ways, designed to keep us off balance.

Off balance in the sense that you do not know when confrontation will come. Unpredictability has the potential of keeping a person honest. Then again, unpredictability of confrontation is no incentive at all for some bent on not being blameless before the Lord. Nonetheless, confrontation is there to protect us from impending judgment. Especially when we are entertaining the thought to cross the line we said to ourselves that we wouldn’t dare cross.

Finally, in Dr. Mark Laaser’s book on Healing The Wounds Of Sexual Addiction, I believe he talked about a story about a married, father of children pastor that robbed banks to feed his sexual addiction habits of porn, masturbation, strip clubs, Internet porn, and prostitutes. At the end, he was tried and convicted of armed robbery and served time. He lost his pastorate, obviously, and he hurt his family and children. At the pinnacle of this were layers of neglect.

The intentional disregard for the confronting power of God to save him from this pinnacle event.

When we refuse to even consider that the Lord is speaking to us in His still small voice, a much distinguishing, loud, impossible to ignore voice speaks to us. It could be that when we are about to cross a line, the voice of the Lord comes when the police comes. The voice of the Lord comes when the judge imposes a sentence for an avoidable crime. The voice of the Lord comes loud and clear when an STD of an incurable nature comes.

Yes, the voice of the Lord comes in many ways but it is prudent to listen to the voice of the Lord when we are still tender in our hearts and minds. The Lord knows how to salvage the unsalvageable. The Lord knows how to redeem the unredeemable. The Lord knows how to take a broken life, pieces all over the place, and one by one, put our lives back together again.

When the confrontation comes, let’s not run, but let’s embrace it.

LGBT: SCOTUS Prop 8 Vote. The Most Important Decision Of The 21 Century

I do not think that the Body of Christ is aware of the ramifications of this all important vote.

The Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) will be set to hear oral arguments on Proposition 9 and certain provisions in DOMA. I just read an article about what took place in Canada when a man passed out flyers that shared about the Bible being against the sin of homosexuality. Two homosexual men were offended and took him to court. The brother in the Lord lost the case and was fined.

You can read the link here….

A friend on FB posted this link and I believe that the Lord is warning the church in the United States of what is to come.

The Lord spoke to me about the election of 2012 that the election that took place paved the way for what is to come.

In the article above, I hope that you paid enough attention to note that should the Supreme Court strike Proposition 8 down as unconstitutional and strike down certain provisions of DOMA, the level of persecution of believers in Christ and pastors will exponentially rise to unprecedented levels in the US. In Canada, the courts have deemed preaching against the sin of homosexuality as hate speech.

This sets the precedence for persecution that would make the dark ages look like child’s play.

Free speech is about to be erased and we will be subjected to persecution. We must also understand that these are the last days. These are the days of Noah and Lot. We cannot be afraid of their faces. We must preach the truth regardless of the punitive damages the world imposes upon those who believe the Word of God.

It is interesting to note that oral arguments will begin one week before Passover.

The History Channel will show the miniseries called “The Bible” beginning 03/03/2013.

Oral arguments are set for March 26 and a decision by the SCOTUS should be reached by June 27.

Folks, this is no coincidence and the Lord was never caught off guard.

We must however, take note of the fact that since Canada is a dark place, the same darkness is making its way here in the United States.

As Jesus said, “The night comes when no man could work.”

Paul warned us in Romans 13:11-14.

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lust.”

And this is exactly what the church in the United States has done. We are sleeping and this is the price.

When 50% of pastors struggle with porn. When 70% or more of professed believers struggle with porn. When 93% of African Americans voted to re-elect Barack Obama as POTUS. When 3% of the US population that is LGBT has a bigger influence on the immorality course of this nation than the morality influence of the church, it is clear that we are in serious trouble.

The devil doesn’t mind if we sing praise to God while we engage in sexual immorality. The devil doesn’t mind if we preach watered down sermons that has no conviction of the Holy Spirit. The devil doesn’t mind if we preachers with dog collars and miters on are Emotional Manipulators, Intellectual Manipulators, and Revelatory Manipulators. The devil doesn’t mind you having a “praise break.”

In fact, right in the middle of your praise break the devil is holding your hands and dancing right along with you.

The devil doesn’t mind so long as we never start living the truth before we preach the truth. In the church, you have many people that are quick to live in sin, curse God, and then turn around and praise God with you. You have many people that is attached to corporate organizations that fund the LGBT agenda. In more ways than you can shake a stick, the products that we purchase will have some connections to the money trail that fund sexual immorality. Just like the purchase of porn is a Seamless Connection to alcohol, drugs, prostitution, strip clubs, human trafficking, child porn and molestation, the simple purchase of certain items funds the agenda of LGBT and abortion.

The taxes that we pay, if the Lord could show the deep connections to worldwide immorality, we would cringe. However, somewhere down the line, we may only have had a hand in someone’s involvement in the sins of the world if we participated in purchasing sin. The disconnection that saves us is the fact that we have no direct connection to their sins, unless we did purchase porn or other sinful things.

The believer’s vulnerability is self inflicted and the devil took full advantage.

I say again, that the Lord was never surprised. He wasn’t surprised with Samson, Saul, or David in their sins.

So He is not surprised with ours today.

After reading of the imminent possibility that the 31 states that placed in their state constitution an amendment protecting marriage between one man and one woman is in jeopardy, that everyone knew that there was something up the sleeves of LGBT. The Spirit of God always warn me that something is going on. The thing that I haven’t been able to get is what is that thing that is going on that I don’t know about yet.

When it is just too quiet it is an indication that something is about to happen.

Well, the Bible tells us “When there is peace and safety, then comes sudden destruction.”

It is not a coincidence that around Passover, we are seeing these issues come to head. And for the most part, it is getting to the point that we are so comfortable being tied to the posts with our eyes out like Samson is too comfortable. It is dark outside and getting darker. We are reaching the apex or culmination of the end of the ages. The only thing that the Lord told us to do is to be ready.

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

We do not know when the Lord will come, that is why we must stand and occupy until He comes. This is no time to pack our bags. This is the moment to stand in the face of opposition and speak the truth. We will not run. We will not hide. We will fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. We will not buckle under the pressure of persecution. We will not look for the convenience and comfort, and safety of the inner sanctuary. What is to come must come and we must be prepared to stand for what is right.

Remember Revelation 21:8. Cowards have no place in the kingdom.

This is the valley of the shadow of death and we are to fear no evil, for He is with us.

Let’s stand and fight.

Just Can’t Seem To Quit Self Gratification

Oh, heaven NO!!!!

No relapse on my part. Not on your life because we are getting too close to the finale. I know that’s it’s been a while since my last blog. However, this is not a report of me backsliding kind of blog.

The trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we that are alive and remain will be caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

To stay holy is my one goal. I do not plan to be fulfilling the lust of the flesh and satisfying myself when Jesus comes.

Some of you may recall the 10 virgins. Five were wise. Five were foolish. When the bridegroom came, it was time for them to go to the wedding. The five wise had enough oil for the journey in the night and the five foolish did not. The five foolish asked the five wise to spare what they had, and the wise ones declined.

The five wise told them to go and buy for themselves. So they went out to buy oil for themselves, and they found some, but by the time they got to the door, it was shut.

They knocked on the door and the bridegroom did not let them in.

It was too late.

There are many incentives to take advantage of to quit sexual immorality, however, very few will incorporate such incentives.

The pleasures of self gratification can be overwhelming because of the rewards it offers. However, the reward of heaven with Christ outweighs the pleasures of self gratification. There comes a point in your walk with the Lord where masturbation is something you do not need.

Dr. Mark Laaser, who wrote a book on Healing The Wounds Of Sexual Addiction, did a course and placed a powerful lesson on Sexual Addiction on CD. He asked a question, “Can you do without masturbation and sex with your wife?” That’s radical. Because he continued and said, “If you can’t, you do not have full control and you cannot manage your sex life.”

The release of sexual tension is powerful. However, there comes a point where these pleasure of life must come to an end one way or another. Either through self discipline or when the catching away of the people of God takes place. Even after that, people will still engage in some form of releasing sexual tension. Even then, it’s just a matter of time before it all comes to an end.


For many people, a sense of hopelessness and shame clouds the mind. Hopelessness is the fog of war in the mind and flesh.

As long as this feeling of hopelessness lingers in the mind, the attempt to break free is the light at the end of the tunnel that is seemingly a fleeting thing. Many men and women have dashed their hopes because the urges and impulses dictates their every move.

In my studies about sexuality, I learned that many people plan their day around sex. It usually is at the expense of a marriage, their job, and ultimately, their relationship with the Lord. It was true for me too. The obsession, infatuation, day dreaming, open minded thoughts of reading a newspaper, magazine, women watching, and porn. My whole day was planned around an orgasm.

All these things and the true worship of God takes a back seat. In most cases, a relationship with God in hypocrisy is better than no relationship at all. As ridiculous as this sounds, this is where many of God’s people are. I can identify with this because when you refuse to equate the sin of self gratification as part of the religious ritual of false penance, it is easy to think that you are just as close to God as if you never sinned.

Like John, the apostle of the Lamb said, “If we say we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”

I know you are not going to let me off the hook about calling masturbation a sin because there is no specific chapter and verse that declares that masturbation is a sin. However, where the Bible is silent, it is never to be assumed that it is safe to commit an act. Besides, not many people will agree that since Jesus didn’t do it, neither should I.

This stops all of the pretense.

I mean, we are to be like Christ in every way? Right?

If this is so according to, Romans 8:29, and if we are to prove that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God, to yield our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service according to Romans 12:1, then we should be able, at least consider the fact that the Lord desires for sin to not have dominion over us according to Romans 6:12.

The majority of the time, we are always looking for a reason to continue in sin that grace may abound” according to Romans 6:1. When we get to the place where we desire to please the Lord, we find ourselves looking for reasons to continue in righteousness so that grace may abound. We look to cut our hands and our eyes, we look to strive against sin even to the shedding of our own blood to stop sin.

No, put the Rambo knife down.

Jesus and the writer of Hebrews spoke of entering a place of radical cutting off of the instruments and members so that we would stop sinning.

Paul said, by the Spirit of God, “The body is not made for sexual immorality.” 

The physical body was made to be indwelled by the Lord. The Lord desired to inhabit man and the body is not for fornication (pornea).

As long as we make provision to fulfill the desires of the flesh and mind, we will never break its cycle.

Millions of men and women throughout the world masturbate every day. For reasons that range from sexual perversion to fulfill lust, to releasing sexual tension is a major problem. It seems like marriage, which is the answer to stop masturbation is no longer the answer that man wants to accept. Additionally, self control, a fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5:22, is cast to the side.

The parable of the sower is the most powerful parable that Jesus ever spoke. In that parable is the answer to handle the problems we face in life. It also serves as the gauge or measuring tool to locate where you are in your relationship with the Lord. Producing fruit is the thing that most concerns the Father. Galatians 5:22. John 15:1-5 confirms this and Jesus further confirms this when He said that we are known by our fruit.

Man will stand in four places. Good ground, wayside, stoney ground, and thorny ground.

The last ground, thorny ground speaks of people that are trapped in cares, riches, and pleasures of life. 

The pleasures of this life come with a price. If we are unable to cast aside the pleasures of this life, we may never be free. But thank God your failure is not final. While there is still time, you can enjoy freedom in Christ from the powerful urge to masturbate. You can return to experience a healthy sexual life with your wife or husband if you are married.

Most importantly, you can be restored in your relationship with the Lord in righteousness and true holiness, laying aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset you, to lay aside every filthiness and overflow of wickedness, to cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Hopelessness is coming to an end for you. New life in Christ is at hand for you.

I Can’t Back Down Now

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith. 

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

Paul shared these words in Romans chapter one. These powerful words indicate that he may or may not have been tempted to be quiet or to be ashamed about the power of God exhibited in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A boldness came over him because he remembered what happened to him on the road to Damascus.

The Light that was brighter than the noon day sun shown around him. This Light was Jesus.

John, the apostle of the Lamb reminded us about this Light in chapter one of the gospel of John. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John also quoted Jesus saying, “I am the Light of the world.” John reminded us again about the Light in his first general epistle, “that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

John reminds us of the Light in Revelation chapter one when John said, “”and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength,” and finally in Revelation chapter 22, “They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. There shall be no night there; They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.”

Paul remembered this experienced because he observed the darkness coming upon the whole earth.

Sometimes shame can cause a person to back down, however, Paul chose not to back down but to stand firm.

Paul remembered on that road these words,

“to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those that are sanctified by faith in Me.”

After all, this is about bring many people from the place of darkness and the only thing that could do it is the light of the glorious gospel.

This country, the United States of America is in darkness because the church allowed darkness to enter their hearts. The place where the darkness entered is the media. All perversion of the devil is broadcast in some form, by way of our TV’s. It’s destructive power influences like no other. When people desire darkness, it is now broadcast to our phones and other devices. We can view anything and not have to wait until we arrive at home to view it.

Today, brother Milton Charles Barnes shared a message by Dr. Myles Monroe about a leadership conference evidently held in the Bahamas, at his local church on a message “Transforming Society.”

Being agents of change. If you are ready to be an agent of change, click the link below, but if you need an example of an agent of change, wait till you click the link at the end of this blog.

Here is the link to that message.

This message underscores the reason why the American church is under the spell and influence of LGBT.

The world and some segments of the church is hypnotized and under great spell of the seducing spirits and doctrine of devils.

I’ve often wondered why we are ineffective as a church and it is found in the media. We are so drunk with the world that we can’t hear the Word of God. When the truth is spoken, there is considerable resistance to the known will of God. We don’t stand a chance to operate in the power of God on the level of the early church because they didn’t have these distractions. We are so engulfed with the affairs of the world that we are the most ineffective bunch of Christians the world has ever seen.

Even in Prevailing Word Ministries, the work the Lord led me to start, we are seeing major changes but we are also seeing major resistance against the power of the gospel inside and outside the local church. If the church would see that the damaging affects of TV is at the root of ineffective Christ like living, we would pull the plug on TV.

Little did we know that we would watch the erosion of morals. From “Ricky” and “Lucy” sleeping in separate beds when “I Love Lucy” was produced, to all forms of lewd acts on TV, and movie screens. What was once unacceptable is now normal. The church has moved from dictating morals by powerful preaching and living of the Word of God to inviting lewdness to come directly into the house of the Lord.

An example of this is found in GCMWatch’s recent blog

Click the link below to read about lewdness in the church.

But it doesn’t matter. We cannot back down now. We have to push the Word of God regardless of the hour we are in. Regardless of the enemies arrayed against us. The comfort zone of the child of God is no longer safe. The persecution is here. We cannot retreat into the house of the Lord. We must advance the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ no matter what.

We cannot back down now.

As hurt as most people will be, I cannot back down from preaching the purest form of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t care what is lost except that I can’t do without truth. Truth must not be lost. We can’t be afraid to tell people inside and outside the church the truth of the gospel. The moment we are afraid to lose is a moment that we lose it all. God is about truth and if people cannot accept the truth, then the church is not the pillar and the ground of truth.

Sexual immorality has decimated the church. Preachers and believers are so drunk with sex that we do not know what it means to be intimate with the Lord. We are not paying attention to what is happening outside and inside the church. We have permitted lewdness to have free course. We bring in the sin only to let sin off the hook instead of killing it. Now mind you, Jesus was our propitiation. He became the appeasing sacrifice so that we can be free of the power and guilt of sin.

If we lose this element of truth in the church, then sin will reign without prohibition.

If the church fails to preach against sin and provide the love of the Father as the only way out of sin, we are no better than a strip joint. The church has become a strip joint where perversion is permitted without question. The church has become a whore house where the Lord had to depart because for Him to stay, no one would survive His presence.

In the days ahead, we will see more persecution. I recently observed a video of a street preacher in Toronto, Canada, preaching under a tremendous anointing. And people were resistant to the power of the gospel. It is dark in Canada. The spirit of darkness has set up rule in Canada. So much so that a demon possessed man warned this young street preacher that he would unleash darkness over the whole face of the area.

At the conclusion of the video, the last video the demon’s promise was somewhat fulfilled. This young street preacher preached the gospel right in the middle of an LGBT parade, surrounded by LGBT people. The light came on and the devil, who was perhaps a ruler of the darkness of this world, personally came to check that light.

You can click to see this brother in action. Please be advised. Vulgar language is used, discretion is advised.

A special thanks to Sister Vanessa Olszen, a FB friend in the Lord for sharing this video with us.

But how many of you know that the darkness cannot comprehend the light?

This from of darkness is in the church. It is not attacking the church. It is not invading the church. This form of darkness is in the church. The only way to deal with this darkness is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, cast out devils that are in people in the streets, and lead people to Christ in the backyard of the devil.

At the same time, in our local assemblies, we cannot back down from preaching the pure unadulterated Word of God. This assignment that the Lord gave me is beyond me. However, His grace is sufficient for me. In some places, it may cost you your life. However, we must remember that the Lord gave His life for us. He paid a powerful penalty for our redemption.

We cannot back down now.

2012 Presidential Election: The Sinking With The Titanic Of Sexual Immorality

First, I crossed the line in an unethical way. Some of you may disagree but just like David, my heart smote me. The article that Pastor DL Foster put out is the lead article and the title of my blog deflected from the proper credit. My intent is never to abuse blogging to cause confusion. I repent and I apologize.

The utmost goal is to inform the believers where the Spirit of God is definitely moving.

Not to compete, but to complete.

My good friend and colleague in the ministry, who has been especially gracious to us all is way ahead of the curve on this stuff. I’m just learning and trying to assist in any way possible to help bring concurrence to his vital work in the Body of Christ.

The link to this blog will be updated as quickly as possible if it hasn’t been done already.

But GCMWatch’s blog stands as the lead article, and rightly so…..

This election is revealing where many believers are. On the Titanic of Sexual Immorality. Anyone that decides to stay on a sinking ship is no different than a person that is told not to board her. Yet, because of stubbornness, they all go down.

Here is the link below. Please read and take heed.

The Chick-Fil-A Aftermath; A Defining Moment.

Chick Fil A Appreciation Day was a defining moment in world history.

While it is the right of American citizens to protest, remember, Chick Fil A Appreciation Day was not a day of protest.

The LGBTQ community will have their “protest” and they have a right in America to do so.

But just because they have a right to protest, it doesn’t exonerate them or justify them and the sin of homosexuality.

The Bible is still the same and the Lord is still the same about all sin.

One more thing.

The love of the Lord for homosexuals, lesbians, adulterers, fornicators (porn), bisexuals, and all sinners is the same too.

They may or may not believe that the Lord and true believers in Christ love them, but we cannot make them come to Christ just as they cannot make us accept the sin of homosexuality.

For the most part, we do see serious and egregious statements made by extreme radical LGBTQ people as well as extreme radical overzealous people that claim to be Christians.

Many people, carnal Christians too, believe that preaching and living against sin is inconsequential. And many believe that the maladies associated with sin is not going to happen to them but the numbers (which I will not get into) speaks for itself.


Christians were asked by former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee to show “appreciation” for a Christian organization to make a concerted stand on Biblical values that teach that marriage, as ordained by God, is between one man and one woman according to Genesis 2:24. And that the sin of homosexuality brings reproach and judgment upon a nation according to Proverbs 14:34.

This statement was made by Mr. Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-Fil-A and it resounded.

All across America, people came out to support, not protest, an organization that cherish and support family values etched and evidenced in their own personal family lives.

As a result of glorifying God, the benefits in a downturn economy is being reaped. Chick-Fil-A doesn’t work on Sunday so that the families that work for Chick-Fil-A would have a day of worshipping God and rest. As a result, records for their fast food chain were broken.

And yes, even residual tax revenue will be passed to some struggling city economies. God knows how to bless His people that honor Him and His Word, even in the face of fierce opposition from those that love their sin more than they love God.

Why was it necessary for a statement of this magnitude be made?

Take a look around you and you will see unemployment at 8.2%, for African Americans, 14% to 16%. And for Latinos, it’s around probably 10%, more or less. Drought is hitting the Midwest hard. The system of greed is still in place. The housing crisis is showing very small signs of recovery but banks, in their greed mode is not lending and they have tightened restrictions.

The existing homes in foreclosure is putting a damper on the economy. The property tax collections is hurting the overall state and local economies.

Europe is about to capsize, and you know it.

Going back to the banks, they still think that people will pursue credit and their system is rigged to swallow what little paycheck you have left in hefty interest rates.

Already, the Fed Chairman, is looking for banks to have 7% liquidity in the event of another financial crisis. Federal law require banks to have 2% liquidity.

This is only an indication that they know another recession is about to hit and Europe is about to go under with long term repercussions affecting the whole world, including the United States.

You can’t be the richest nation on earth with a 13 trillion dollar deficit with China holding the American economy hostage with our debt. It’s like a large cruise ship is taking on water and only one person has a bucket, trying to scoop the water out while saying, “We are not sinking.”

The abortion industry is still killing 1.2 million babies annually and their funding is evaporating rapidly.

Corporate jobs in the private sector is not flowing freely as before. Kids coming out of college will not find jobs for which they carry degrees for. Saddled with student loan debt and credit card debt before they could get a job, is forcing them to look at other alternatives unimagined. Cuts across the board in pay, pensions, medical, dental, and other benefits is hurting people all across the board and now you see the reason behind Obamacare.

Even the military has tighten restrictions on admitting below standard civilians and with reason.


It used to be easy to get into the military in a downturn economy but now, the nation’s military only want the best qualified candidates.

Here’s the reason. Less trouble. Trouble people in the military decreases military readiness. Trouble people in the military decreases “good morals, good order, and discipline.”

Isn’t this a joke now that DADT is repealed.

Trouble people is defined as the combination of out of shape and low education standards civilians.

The military spends billions on training and equipment.

The greatest resource of any military power is the soldier, sailor, marine, and airman. If they scrutinize more, it’s because they want to spend more time training the right mentally and physically fit person. There is no more under the radar civilians getting a free pass.

If you are looking to get in, do not try “Just barely.” The military is looking for civilians that will exceed standards to maintain the military edge over potential adversaries.

For the military, that means less jail time, less dropouts, less trouble people all across the board. So if you wonder why you didn’t make the cut, it’s because the military has raised its standards. And don’t even think that you may get to stay if you are in.

If you are below par, retention is not as easy as you think.

They will let you go in a heart beat if you are underperforming.

Even the drug trade is experiencing a significant decrease in revenue.

When you have major drug cartels fighting each other with ferocity, it’s serious. Just recently, a drug cartel beheaded three rival drug cartel workers on the border of Mexico. It is a clear indication that the United States is still demanding drugs on an unprecedented scale, but nonetheless, at a slower demand pace.

The competition for dollars is fierce. It used to be that they would negotiate and settle the issue amicably. Not any more. Greed is greed and there are no rules in covetousness on the depraved indifference level.

The combination of a downturn economy, and semi effective drug interdiction.

Record billion dollar deficits is hurting the states and they are looking for ways to squeeze every dollar, including obtaining concession from union workers as well as increasing work production rules.

Less money to staff first responders such as fire, police and other emergency service personnel. If a natural disaster were to hit in the United States, it would hurt no matter where the disaster takes place.

The state tax revenue that once was there, is gone. Just ask the mayor of Chicago. Right now, for him and any other mayor, God did him, and the other towns that have a Chick Fil A franchise, a favor. And they should be thanking God that the little extra tax revenue helped. Not to mention residual tax revenue.

Just take a look at Detroit, Michigan. Thousands of houses are empty and certain sections have become dumping grounds for murder victims.

The education system is more concerned about teaching children sexual acts of homosexuality cloaked in the “tolerance” teaching, subjecting innocent children to sexual perversion. Preparing the next generation of perversion.

Not to mention pedophiles, criminal sex addicts, child molestation, serial rapists, and other forms of lewd criminal behavior. This includes those that use their professional position to access vulnerable people and abuse them sexually. Including pastors.

Are we sure we want to educate children on the perverted ways of homosexuality? Knowing that this door is the door that further the moral erosion of families?



Selfish Individual Needs.

Many want to lie to you and tell you that homosexual love is equivalent to heterosexual love. This is never the point. It is smoke in mirrors. It is about the commission of sin. A violation of the Word of God. The willful disregard of the Word of God. Sin is the blatant act of hatred against the known will of God. It is the transgression of the law. Sin is lawlessness. Sin is what Jesus died for.


The late Dr. Lester Sumrall preached a message almost 10 maybe 15 years ago about the economic experiences and conditions of our time. That sin is inextricably connected to poverty. Scriptural authority for the statement, Romans 5:12.

The change of course in the morals of Christians and sinners in this nation demanded a defining moment.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012, was that defining moment.

The promotion of sin is never in the best interests of people. For sin is defiance of God.

The church didn’t help prior to this because of its dirty laundry of double standards that precipitated the homosexual agenda. For years, homosexuals sang, played keyboards, and preached without opposition. Not to mention the fact that adultery, fornication, porn, and self gratification is still rampant in the church today. Pastors are involved in more sex scandals than at any time in it’s history.


Internet accessibility has made it easier to tap into porn, masturbation, setting up sexual rendezvous, and other connected sins. Pastors are bringing the world of sin right into the pulpit from their homes.

The evidence is when they are asked to make a stand against the sin of homosexuality or any sin, they can’t, because chances are, unless you know them, they are in bed with Secret Sexual Sins.

If they aren’t in bed, they are preaching soft Christian messages that fail to challenge the child of God today to live sanctified, holy lives, free of sin. They are still preaching “Christian light” messages that fail to bring people to a place of conviction of personal sin and repentance before God.

Unless I am wrong, we have yet to hear these “heavy” preachers stand with Mr. Dan Cathy. But they won’t. A defining moment in history for the church must be taken advantaged of. Personal kingdom and empire building is for the dead birds. For once, we need to see these people stand for something meaningful and not for themselves to improve their legendary rock star of preachers status.

Some of them are so afraid of losing people that they steer clear of controversy intentionally. That’s so they don’t offend the biggest contributors that sit in their churches, giving away thousands. It’s tough preaching in an empty church but if you got a crowd of sinners, and you do not bring them to the altar in true repentance and giving their entire lives to Jesus, it’s no different.

It’s a shame when a known prostitute, based on a documented interview said that prostitutes sit in a known west coast mega church with ease. They sit near their clients and their client’s wives during service. Why? No conviction messages about the holy presence of the Lord. Why? Because perhaps, the pastor is a client. You never know these days.

Some of you know full well what your pastor is up to, yet, you still go to their church and listen to their hypocrisy. The worst kind of hypocrite is a pastor. Just read Matthew chapter 23 and Ezekiel 34 and you will see it.

What I am getting at is that the church has made a statement but if our statement has the hint of Secret Sexual Sins, we are hypocrites of the highest order. And that makes satan proud.

We must now look at ourselves through the mirror of the Word and make drastic corrections to bring our lives up to the standard of the Word of God and stop being hypocrites.

Many have accused the Body of Christ of not feeding the poor and sheltering the homeless. These accusation are powerful if we are not doing first things first. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” But I also find that statements about feeding the homeless and ministering to the needs of the poor are distraction statements designed to shift the focus of attention off this issue of sin.

Folks fall for it all the time and when we forget about sin, it doesn’t matter. God is concerned about your heart attitude toward Him and He can feed you any and every day. But when you die, which would you rather have?

The salvation of the Lord or a full belly going to hell?

Cold. Not really. Especially when you have an expiration date which make food and shelter almost a muted point.

We must seek God in righteousness first and then minister to the needs of others. And this could be done simultaneously. But we can no longer look the other way and sin at will as the world.

The worst thing that we can do is stop seeking God and seek to please LGBTQ’s accusation.

More defining moments are ahead of us.

What we do after this is the true defining moment. Will lives be changed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ or are we satisfied with this one display of Christian camaraderie? Are we going back to our cubby holes or will be choose to be salt and light in the earth. And yes, would we be daring enough to invite sinners to sit at the table and feed them, clothe them, house them, and minister the gospel to them?

We should never be a social gospel alone. But we should never look the other way after we came out and made an open display.

Let’s work on our out of the spot light defining moments. 

It starts with coming back to the Lord in true repentance. It continues in the true family nucleus. One man, one woman. Marriage. Not alternatives. Not substitutes.

It continues by teaching our children Biblical values that promote righteousness, not sin.

It is solidified, nurtured, and cared for within the local church.

Perhaps, by changing the way we do business, the church would once again be a place where God’s convicting power be ministered, lives would be changed, and God would be glorified.

Are we up to the challenge?

GCMWatch further explains this defining moment… please click this link.

LGBT: Who’s Behind Their “Power”?- Pay No Attention To That Person Behind The Curtain

Ezekiel 28:11-19, Isaiah 14:12-17, Revelation 12:7-9, Genesis chapter 3, 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Ephesians 2:1-3.

In these verses of Scripture reveals the origin of the power behind the darkness of this world.

For those that know their Bible, the reason is clear.

Many that claim to be in the church and those that are in the world still do not believe that there is a devil that is instigating issues of darkness.

Many believe that Jesus walked the earth. So, what’s the problem?

After the Lord was baptized in the river Jordan by His earthly cousin, John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

When it was time for Jesus to be betrayed by Judas, after Judas dipped his bread after Jesus dipped, satan entered into Judas.

When Jesus asked a question about what people were saying about Him, and when Jesus explained to them that He would be betrayed, be killed, and be placed in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Jesus. Jesus in turn looked at Peter and said, “satan, get behind me. You pay more attention to the things of men and not the things of God.”

Obviously, for those that have understanding, the Lord is speaking to the devil that inspired Peter to rebuke the Lord.

If you are spiritually astute, you now got a glimpse of happens when people think, speak, and act. The spiritual source behind every person is always revealed in a person’s thought, speech, and actions.

In that order.

It is either evil or it is good.

Jesus said it like this….

“Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

Please note that it’s not a grammatical error of the person of the devil, spelling satan with a lower case letter is only fitting for him. Because the devil is such a low life loser, having been defeated by the King of kings and the Lord of lords over two thousand years ago.

In all movies, there is always good and evil. In most cases, its movies show how good always triumphs over evil. So again, the question is asked.

What’s the problem?

Well, we look at our lives and we see that we are either driven by God or the devil. Our actions reveal “who’s our daddy.”

Having said this, years ago, as people started coming out of the closet, many became very vocal and outspoken. Almost to the point where it appeared that they had numbers. Many voices. Paul Neil shared something that is worth noting and he receives the credit for this that many in “hollywood, the rich, and famous,” (the rest are my words) are the puppet masters or the puppet master associates.

But even they are not the real power behind LGBTQ. 

You see, the person you think is pulling the strings on a puppet is on a set of strings him or herself.

Demonic strings.

When they are challenged by the light of the glorious gospel, the demons speak venomous things to try to push the light back out. Granted, there are people that claim to be believers in Christ that say things just as harsh and at times worse than LGBTQ people.

Those that claim to be believers, yet speak evil things, do not speak for those that operate according to 1 John 4:7-16. They are not in the will of God and we that are true to the Lord, condemn all behavior inconsistent with true Christ-like, Biblical values.

In listening to Dr. Michael Brown, the majority of people that practice the sin of homosexuality just want to be left alone.

I heard that but it doesn’t mean we surrender, dilute, or shrink back from speaking the truth, the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in love.

Then where is this other stuff coming from?

Those that are in high positions in almost every state.

God doesn’t have puppets and He doesn’t have strings. Those that are saved, willingly submit to the power of God. And at anytime, if we so choose, we could return to the demonic puppet master.

At any time, I can watch porn and masturbate (I still have Directv and access to the Internet). At any time, I can act out my former sinful sexual self. But I don’t want to because God loved me, and saved me, and delivered me from the horrible pit of sin. There is no desire to return because He fully satisfies me with good things so my youth is renewed like the eagles.

Besides, the Bible also says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”

We are not pulled to act, we are inspired by the Holy Spirit to act.

At any time, we can stop ourselves from being led by the Spirit. We are not manipulated or coerced. And while there is repercussions for disobedience to the Lord, the Lord gives His people space to repent.

With the devil, when he gives power, he takes it away. Why? With the world, it’s about worship. World Idol. Every person that received glory from the world was destroyed. Count them up. How did some of them die? And even if they went “peaceful” if they died outside of Christ, in hell they lifted up their eyes.

All that work for nothing but eternal separation from the presence of the Lord in the pit of hell, called Hades, and after that, the judgment, and the lake of fire forever.

One thing about shows and actors, we forget that an actor is a hypocrite. That’s what an actor is. A play actor. They come out of who they are and assume the personality of their character. Depending upon their spiritual source, it’s either good or bad.

More than likely, it is bad.

You see, their sin on screen influences sin off the screen. In other words, those that are in darkness, plunge further into darkness. Those that have yet to plunge initially will plunge and be caught by demonic forces portrayed though hearts of darkness, teaching people the ways of darkness.

And when they stand on stage, you do not see them as a real person, you see the spirit that drives them and they think they are bigger in life. You acclimate to their sinful ways and fall into sin because they taught you. They trained you. They copycatted what they do and they pursue it with fierce gusto.

And if you try to preach to them the righteousness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will fight you. With our African American hip hop artists, now you see why they act out what they rap about or they are already acting out. It’s that they have found a way to communicate it to the masses, and more African American copycats show up.

That’s why the Lord Jesus said, “…unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

That’s the only way you will be able to bear good fruit. Yet, many that aren’t born again are trying to bear good fruit and we know that this is impossible, based on what the Lord Jesus said.

“…a bad tree cannot bear good fruit…”

Therefore, LGBTQ people or anyone that is not born again, cannot bear good fruit.

So there is a tremendous effort to discredit, restrict, impose man made laws and policy, speak evil of the people of God on the level of Goliath towards Israel, use violence, use politics, use the media, circumvent Internet free speech rights, use and play stupid childish, immature computer savvy blocking methods, harass, belittle and degrade anyone that uses the Word of God to tell the truth in love.

Modern day Gestapo, North Korea, Chinese and every other evil national totalitarian tactics to stop the truth. It’s not just the people that do these things, it’s the devil and his angels driving unregenerate people to do these things because they are blinded by the god of this world called the devil.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall was busted through, the people shouted. In fact, on one tape, at the Berlin Wall, the people that were once held captive by communism sang, “This Is The Day The Lord Has Made” in German.

If what the Bible said weren’t perceived as a clear threat, the devil and his kids wouldn’t even bother to say a word. But because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation, the promise of being made free by Jesus is too great a promise not to ignore.

Because when people are free, corrupt systems disappear.

The more homosexuals, lesbians, adulterers, fornicators, bisexuals and all sinners come out of the dark places to His marvelous light, the LGBTQ community would suffer heavy political loss.

Their sin of homosexuality would see a considerable decrease.

That’s why they push so hard vocally and vehemently against real marriage and righteousness according to the Word of God.

Back in 2004 or so, it seemed as if LGBTQ numbers were like 15% or more of the American population. This would be a formidable number because that means their influence appears to be heavy in every state and major populated cities.

But after they did an analysis of their actual numbers, it turned out to be significantly much less.

How significant?

2% to 3% of the American population, which is far less than the African American minority numbers at between 12% and 14% of the US population. Yet, African Americans make of half the HIV/AIDS cases annually in America.

Go figure.

Why do they seem bigger?

Because heterosexual couples that live in sin or they are actually married support homosexual marriage. Coupled with the fact that politicians embraced their lobbyists. Coupled with the fact that the media embraced their sin of homosexuality. Not because it was popular but they saw another way to make money. Yes, they are being used like a dingy, rain soaked, never cleaned, floor mat and they do even know it.

Talk about being played.

Just like African Americans that do not know the truth are being played.

Each and every year, they vote blindly and stupidly. Hoping that they would one day “overcome.”

They do not mind if you keep singing, “We Shall Overcome” because if you knew the God of the Bible and the New Testament, ratified by the blood of Jesus said, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” you would stop singing that song.

That song of hope remains an expectation that never will happen and that you will never overcome and win. That’s exactly what the devil behind the curtain wants you to think.

So they add to the voice behind the curtain. And they are just as boisterous.

Another hidden figure is the amount of bisexual activity that goes on with unregenerate men and women.

But the God of the Bible, the Word of God, and the redeemed of the Lord is not a threat.

We are a promise.

The promise of hope, and joy when a person is turned from the power of satan to God, from the power of darkness to light. From sin to righteousness. From a child of hell to a child of God. From the presence of demonic forces to the presence of the Lord.

With the Chick-fil-A situation, again, they tried to use the tactic of “loud and boisterous” in hopes that they would strike fear and terror.

A pip squeak called satan, defeated by Jesus, is behind the curtain, remember.

We are not impressed or intimidated.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous hand. Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing (hence the title of my blog), and those who strive with you shall perish, You shall seek them and not find them- Those who contend with you. Those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your GOd, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.” 

LGBT’s Worst Fears

Many in the LGBT community are very fearful.

At this point, they feel safe and that’s not a good place to be. In the battle for the hearts, minds, and bodies of men, they feel that they have enough momentum to enact their agenda with little resistance.

At one point, it seemed like they would steam roll their agenda across the country.

They counted on the sleeping giant to just roll over and not care.

Inattentive giants seldom awaken unless something extraordinary happens.

It’s amazing that when a person makes a statement that it may become the one thing that shakes the giant alive to action.

This battle is not over by a long shot. This struggle is just getting started.

LGBT has some sympathetic activist jurors. They have strongholds in the NAACP and other African American Civil Rights organizations. They have made their case to certain rogue local churches and pastors and bishops in certain denomination and non denominational churches. They have their own churches that are complete LGBT “safe havens and sanctuaries.”

LGBT has local, state, and federal politicians that passed legislation calling for the sin of homosexuality to be viewed as a sexual orientation that must not be discriminated against. All hate language against homosexuals is bigotry, discrimination, and will not be tolerated.

LGBT has found a way to accuse the true church of being insensitive, intolerant, unloving, discriminators, and they place churches, anti gay articles, speeches, preaching, and righteous blogs on watch lists.

Such a compiling of a watch list is similar to Watergate activities.

No, LGBT is not sending second rate burglars to a building.

However, as a group, they are acting like the late former president Richard Nixon in trying to locate who his enemies are and place them on a list to attack them later.

LGBT & GLEN is forging ahead to indoctrinate children in the public school systems. They are attempting to use truancy laws and other stop gap measures to prevent parents from pulling their children out of schools where LGBT indoctrination material is taught.

In NYC alone, there is a concerted effort to discontinue churches from using public schools as places of worship for small congregations that cannot afford to rent out a facility of their own due to the high cost of leasing commercial space. That’s because commercial property owners are paying considerable amounts of property tax and cannot afford to reduce their rent.

As one attorney put it to us, “property tax never goes down. It always increases.”

This tactic is a clear illustration of the fact that the world is attempting to push the righteous voice of the church out.

That’s the picture that is painted.

It’s not pretty.

One thing that we must be aware of.

God was never caught off guard.

All of these things He saw before time began. He knows the names of every individual that would thumb their noses at Him. He knows the names of all the people that would stand in opposition to His will.

It’s comforting to know that God knows your name. It’s reassuring that the God of the entire universe knew that you would be against Him. Comforting in the sense that God doesn’t want to drive you back into the closet.

The objective of the church is not chase you back into the places of darkness.

Quite the contrary.

The Lord desired to pull you out of darkness and be conveyed in the kingdom of the Son of His love. However, He also knew before time began that there will be those that will not come out of the dark place and remain in the sin of homosexuality.

According to the Lord Jesus, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God, and this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light , lest his deeds should be exposed.”

These gay Christians are the same ones that practice the sin of homosexuality.

The Word of the Lord for gay Christians is Matthew 7:21-25.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? ’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

The true mark of a true Christian or child of God is when they depart from iniquity and embrace the Savior, departing from sin.

The true mark of a sinner is when they stay in the sin of homosexuality or any sin for that matter. Because sin is the identifying characteristic that you are a child of the devil.

John, the eyewitness apostle of the Lamb said in 1 John 3:7-9,

“Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.”

It is clear that LGBT has no fear of God. Otherwise, they would recognize that if they practice the sin of homosexuality, they are not in the kingdom of God.

As John said, “…let no one deceive you.”

They do not think that they will be judged.

So they forge ahead with their diabolical agenda.

LGBT’s Worst Fear?

Defections are happening all over the place.

People that they once counted on to be loyal and faithful to the cause of propagating the sin of homosexuality are defecting. One by one, they are quitting the lifestyle. They had enough of the shame, pain, fear, rejection, depression, and sin.

One by one, the lie that “it gets better” is just that.

A lie.

And the Bible is true.

Jesus is Lord and Savior. They are finding grace to help in time of need. Ex-homosexuals and ex-lesbians are quitting and coming to Christ. All over the United States, the defection is picking up steam.

Another thing that is picking up steam is that African Americans are finally seeing that their racial struggle was hijacked and is being used to cloak the sin of homosexuality. So much so that when the president voiced his support for gay marriage, the true African American pastors are standing with God to speak against the president’s ill fated conclusion.

He is sending the Attorney General, and other officials to gain support of African American pastors to get them to somehow support the president. It appears that the president’s announcement wasn’t taken well by maverick pastors that refused to line up with rogue leaders of the NAACP, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Joseph Lowery and other men that claim to be in the ministry that is sympathetic to the sin of homosexuality.

A lack of support from the African American community only spells trouble for the president. Any solid support that is missing only ensures that the conservative base has great momentum that may pose a similar problem like in the 2004 election.

Independent African American pastors must not fear the establishment.

The NAACP establishment and their leaders never had the best interest of African Americans and they never will. They are an institution that should have moved in righteousness and not unrighteousness.

African American pastors that are somewhat sensitive to God and His Word must make for the exits because the hand of God is against you should you stay and support the killing of our own babies through Planned Parenthood. Excuse me, Eugenics. Excuse me, Planned Abortionhood.

You are either for God or against Him. You can’t be both.

African American pastors that are sympathetic to the NAACP’s position about same sex marriages and LGBT causes is a position that violates the Word of God. Over half of all HIV/AIDS cases are African American. How can you support the sin of homosexuality knowing that half of all new cases, annually, come from your own people.

Pastor, you are no different than the devil if you support the sin of homosexuality through same sex unions. The devil is lying to you and through you. You need to repent before God before the heavy hand of the Lord sweeps through. For “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men…”

African American pastor, you are doing more to destroy your own people than preaching righteousness based on the Bible. There is no place for you to hide for cover for you will be exposed and dealt with.

Paul said it clear with no wiggle room.

“Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord.”

LGBT’s Worst Fears?

African American pastors are leading the way to speak truth to the people. Not just to African American parishioners but to all races. We are exposing the lies for what they are.


We are discipling people that have SSA and sexual immorality issues.

We want lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people to come to our churches.


We know of individuals that changed their physical bodies from male to female and went back because they know that it was against the will of God.

LGBT’s Worst Fears?


We know of many homosexuals and lesbians that have come out of the closet, lived in the sin of homosexuality, only to meet the true Lover of their souls, and gave their lives to Jesus. It is happening. They are finally waking up to the fact that sin is not the way to live.

They are finding peace, joy, and, true love in the Savior.

LGBT participants, it’s not too late.

The pain and suffering ends when you recognize that Jesus will truly satisfy you deepest longing and desires. One person at a time, they are making a way to the exits of the contradictions and lies that held them bound.

Ex-homosexuals and lesbians. Ex-sexual immoral people.

LGBT’s Worst Fears.