The LGBTQ Insanity: Accept Or Reject (Part 3)

On this final part, the question remains.

What is the driving factor of the homosexual agenda?


The right to do what they do without restraint, rejection, and to be militantly intolerant of those that refuse to accept such behavior as normal.

To normalize same sex unions was thought to be the one thing that would eliminate the existing prohibitions.

There’s still laws in the books of city and state government, including the UCMJ (Uniform Code Of Military Justice).

However, we see that since the hijacking of the 14th Amendment, a class of people was formed. This Amendment, in its initial groundbreaking form, had everything to do with giving Black people equal status as American citizens.

This sneaky maneuver proved to be the one thing needed to propel homosexuality as a normal behavior. For years, this sin was kept in the closet and now it’s out for all the world to see.

Proof that if you keep pushing for acceptance, over time, people will stop fighting and resistance to sin wanes.

But the one thing that didn’t happen is that it didn’t stop the sexually transmitted diseases from manifesting. It didn’t stop true believers from sounding the alarm that this behavior is sin.

But indoctrination continued.

Movies, main stream media, news outlets, books, television shows, church musicians and choir masters, pastors, preachers, and other places did the unthinkable.

Assist in making sin normal.

But again, the diseases associated with homosexuality didn’t stop.

It’s insanity.

Diseases is something that you run from not run towards.

Abnormal sexual behavior, which if not stopped, carries the potential to acquire STDs.

Sex between male and female outside of being married isn’t normal.

Sex between the same sex isn’t normal.

To impose these abnormalities as normal is imposing confusion.

But when the insatiable desire to fulfill the lusts of the flesh and mind comes, it’s certain that a measure of insanity sets in.

After the satisfaction is achieved, and word gets out that you’re a part of this world, acceptance is demanded.

No one wants to be rejected. It hurts.

But to what lengths a person is willing to go to get you to accept them?

It’s a no holds barred situation.

The argument will continue but in the end, it’s not normal.

To push people to accept the sin of homosexuality as normal opened up a can of worms.

Planned Parenthood fired Dr. Leana Wen as their president because, according to a story, she didn’t push transgender abortion.

Planned Parenthood hired a medical doctor to push transgender abortion?

I find it highly unlikely, but then again, it’s deeply concerning.

But as I’ve said in a separate blog that it’s insane to go through the process of surgical reassignment surgery, wait for a woman to die, transplant her uterus into a transgender female, that was once a male, and then abort a baby.

But even more troubling, is the fact that transgender woman that wants to be a man is entitled to abortions.


Again, the reasons behind firing Dr. Wen is highly unknown at this time and very speculative, but I do believe that according to the NY Times, Dr. Wen stated that abortion shouldn’t be a political issue, but a health care issue.

Which is a signal to politicians that Planned Parenthood is about abortion not about politics. And surely, that’s what Planned Parenthood didn’t support. Of course it’s political. How else are they financially supported?

And killing babies? Is this health care?

Killing a baby conceived out of wedlock, isn’t health care but death.

There were other philosophical differences, the Times reported but it’s clear that wickedness knows no bounds.

The wicked devices formed in the mind of man is becoming more insidious by the hour.

Sadly, hidden from our eyes are more insidious acts, waiting to be normalized.

Which only tells us one thing.

They will not stop until the whole world declares that that which is abnormal is normal.


You could read the decline of acceptance by millennials here

Pastors/Boys, HIV/AIDS & Cancers

This is a subject probably least discussed but in the midst of the greatest pandemic in history, we see that there is a considerable risk of acquiring full blown AIDS during MSM (Men having sex with men.)

The government and the public has put out many ads about getting tested and the amount of people infected with this disease, as with other sexually transmitted diseases goes underreported.

The fear of discovery and the treatments that men and women face is embarrassing to them but that’s the price of shame when sexual immorality is committed. That’s the down side in the natural, but this “shame” could be avoided if a person refrains from committing any sexual sins, including the vile sin of homosexuality.

For the last few years and during the Obama administration, there has been a campaign to normalize homosexuality. Anything with a sexually transmitted disease is not normal. Men having sex with men and women having sex with women is not normal. And everyone knows it.

To legalize it with “marriage,” and discrimination legislation, homosexuals are hoping that if the general population would accept them as normal, then everything would be fine.

But the failure of this agenda of normalizing homosexuality, in all honesty, hasn’t dissuaded the diseases from manifesting. There is a price to be paid when people engage in risky behavior and sadly, millions, if not billions have suffered for it.

According to one particular sight, these are the “types of cancer that are known to be associated with HIV/AIDS include the following:

Kaposi’s sarcoma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Hodgkin’s disease
Cervical cancer
Anal squamous cell carcinoma
Primary CNS lymphoma”

Men having sex with men carries a considerable risk.

These are just a few of the risks associated that the media and other outlets will deliberately refuse to get over to the general public.

When you hear in the news of certain people, notable people who have been discovered or rumored to have had sex with boys, and they’ve died of cancer, one can’t help but connect the dots. And depending upon the person that may have acquired cancer, it may not be the case.


Because we will never know until afterwards.

Then why write this blog?

The answer is very simple. It’s now common determination that same sex sins reveal a considerable risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS and when a person receives cancer, it is determined by the medical field that that person has full blown AIDS.

If a person never had sex with another person of the same sex, then this blog is a mute point. When there is even the hint or allegation of men having sex with men, and cancer shows up, the preponderance suggests that homosexuality may be at the root.

That’s why not all cases are homosexual cases.

But when it comes to accusations, rumors, preponderance of evidence, and other substantiated and unsubstantiated information, when you see that a person involved, whether alleged or not, in homosexuality, we can’t close our eyes to the trail of dots that lead to a common conclusion.

For instance, the death of Zachary Tims.

NYPD found a “white powdery substance” in the hotel room where his body was found. The mother of Tims had the medical examiner’s report sealed until a judge ordered the unsealing of the cause of death almost a year later.

The emotional heat of protecting her son from the stigmatization of being a pastor on drugs was too much. Especially when you are a well known pastor.

It was a common conclusion that many have known all along that Zachary Tims never recovered from his past. The combination of sexual immorality, alcohol, and drugs will always be prevalent.

So, in the heat of any discovery, we want to cover up as much as possible, a person’s past so as not to taint a person’s vision of what prominent people appear to be when the “light’s, camera, and action” is on.

Sometimes we deceive ourselves because we just can’t believe that such a death happened in such a way. We want, so bad, to believe the best of others, which is what love demands. But love, in that same chapter (1st Corinthians 13) “does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.”

While love covers a multitude of sins, love still “does not rejoice in iniquity…”

That’s the Biblical balance that few believers and pastors have a problem with balancing.

I do not believe that we should bring harm or disgrace to those caught in the trap of sexual, drug, and alcohol, or money, and food addictions, but we must all learn to reach into the admonition of Paul with balance.

In the quest for pointing out the sins of other, we fail to use the full import of Matthew 7:1-5. Paul admonished that we must “Take heed lest we fall….” Too busy demonizing and not mindful of demons lurking in our own thought life.

To avoid one story, to cover up a story is deception. To “angelize” (made up word- not in Webster’s) people and pastors is a grave mistake.

Too often we try so hard to overwhelm our minds with what good people have done but leave out the tragedy of sin entering the life of people and leaders.

Hoping that the good that they’ve done would outweigh the bad that they’ve done.

Grace is about learning how not to be so overbearing or extreme about either side.

For anyone that is a pastor, it gives anyone with common sense, pause to reflect circumspectly, about how we are living our lives before the Lord.

I said all that to say that when a person dies of cancer, and it is unrelated to homosexuality, that is one thing.

The other thing is that the evidence is clear that anyone that is known to practice this transgression of homosexuality, will eventually experience its tragedy of dying a horrible unnecessary death.

Death by cancer resulting from homosexual relations is avoidable.

But worse than that is the fact that unless there is genuine repentance, and faith towards God, appropriating the blood of Jesus, the Bible tells us that “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That’s why when not enough information is forthcoming, many people will declare that it’s none of our business. When there is speculation, many people will say that it is none of our business.

And that’s true to an extent.

But when the dots become big and the evidence is overwhelmingly forthcoming and apparent to ignore, do we continue the charade, or do we COME CLEAN?

The Real Truth & Intent Of Gay Marriage

We are at the Family Research Council Watchman On The Wall Conference. 

What is it that the elite proponents of the sin of homosexuality want?

Marriage Equality?

Looking at it from a Biblical perspective, we know that the elite will not be happy with just being able to be married.

As with all demonically inspired agendas, the question will always be “Where do we (homosexuality) go from here (marriage equality)?”

As we all know, civil unions opened the door. Accomplished, but they weren’t satisfied.

Creating “hate language” legislation was established. Accomplished, but they weren’t satisfied.

Getting state’s constitutional prohibition challenges annulled. Accomplished somewhat, but they weren’t satisfied.

Getting opponents of the sin of homosexuality silenced by court cases, loss of jobs due to “discrimination” policy, suing and shutting down business that hold on to true Biblical values without compromise. Accomplished, but they weren’t satisfied.


It’s not enough.

Where is the furthest that they can go?

To totally control society’s morals. To produce a government that will not allow anyone to question each and every decision about the sin of homosexuality. To engulf like fire every aspect of society. To incarcerate any voice that brings the convicting power of the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Word of God. Not to infiltrate the church but to become the new church where immorality rules without opposition or question.

To use church property and rental facilities where churches hold exclusive services as a place where homosexuals can pervert the originally intended use. 

Many would like to believe that once SSM is accomplished, that would be the end of the line. Everyone walks away happy or disappointed. 

We all know that the push to conquer everything and everybody is the goal of the fight with the elite homosexuals in this nation. 

To force pastors and ministers to compromise the Bible and make them all perform the sacerdotal function of marriage under severe penalty. 

But this is not the end either.

In the book of Ephesians chapter 5, the marriage represents the relationship that Christ has with the church. To pervert marriage is to call Jesus a homosexual.

Far fetched?

We must understand that from the time that Lucifer was in heaven in opposition to God, this is what it’s been all about. 

Growing up as a young child the worst thing in the world is to be teased.

We are talking about the 60’s and 70’s.

For some of you, it could go back many more years.

The worst thing in the world for a straight man to be called is…………..I’m about to use a derogatory term, some of you will be offended and I know the comments are coming……..a faggot.

There is no other name that is worse to call a man than to be called a homo or a faggot.

Behind the scenes in the realm of the spirit, the devil is in opposition to God. The lie that has been perpetrated is that God created me this way. So since He created me this way, it makes God out to be a homosexual or a faggot Himself. Since we are created in His image. The Creator created an image.

What homosexuality and transgenderism is all about is “Identity” expressed in refusing to accept the image of God to be what He created you to be. Couple that with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, and you have a serious identity issue. However, according to the Scriptures, lust transcends identity.

Homosexuality/transgenderism is the ultimate identity crisis and the final frontier of homosexuality. 


Lust is a matter of the heart. Identity or identifying yourself is out of what you declare yourself to be.

President Obama, in recent speeches regularly mentions transgenderism. Apparently acknowledging gender neutrality as an executive branch policy that is making its way around the country. 

As we all know, men don’t do women well and women don’t do men well. 

As long as you get to be what you envision yourself to be, you recreate yourself to be something that makes you happy. In complete defiance of God, you deliberately blame God for something that He is not responsible for.

For man sinned, not God (Romans 3:23, 5:12).

satan’s goal, all along, was to be God. When he was cast out of heaven (Revelation 13), he decided to make God out to be the bad Guy. Righteousness is wrong and wrong is righteous.

Since marriage came from God, if marriage could be perverted, annulling the Scriptures means that man could be without authority and moral standards, and live the way he wants to live with impunity. Therefore, he can create a picture of the kind of god he is while labeling God as a liar.

The discrediting of God is the bottom line. The discrediting of the Scriptures is the bottom line.

SSM is not going to stop if and when the SCOTUS rules either in favor or opposed.

The fire will burn until there is no more forest to burn.

So let us not get giddy should the SCOTUS rule conservatively. We should be smart enough to know that it’s never going to be finished until the Lord comes for His bride, the Great Tribulation of seven years is complete, the 1000 years of Christ’s earthly reign while satan falls in the bottomless pit, and the final disposition of satan in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

Lastly, four or more things to consider about the true intent of gay marriage.

1. Attack and destroy the image of God.

2. Blame God.

3. Destroy any Biblical standards.

4. Completely overrun the church, destroy pastoral or ministerial opposition, absorb compromised churches to toe the elite homosexual’s line, and establish immorality as the absolute rule of the entire world.

Supreme Court Oral Arguments…SSM: An Excellent Summation.

My FB friend Kenneth on FB messenger gave me the audio of the SCOTUS oral arguments of the case before the court called “Obergefell v. Hodges. 

It was riveting and interesting.

Here is the docket in a nutshell.


DECISION BELOW: 772 F.3d 388

1. Whether Ohio’s constitutional and statutory bans on recognition of marriages of same-sex couples validly entered in other jurisdictions violate the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

2. Whether Ohio’s refusal to recognize a judgment of adoption of an Ohio-born child issued to a same-sex couple by the courts of a sister state violates the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution.


CERT. GRANTED 1/16/2015

While we will never be able to read into the minds of the justices, it is important to know what was argued and to what length, the justices may be leaning.

Again, it is foolish to read into what they are thinking because only the Lord knows what is in their minds.

I will say that the information gleaned from this is important because while you are hearing and reading what was said, you can see that they are well versed in the lower court’s precedent rulings that offer a glimpse into this subject. As you will see, they refuse to use the Bible as the basis of any argument. However, you will see that they are somewhat careful not to interfere with a minister’s right to refuse to perform the ceremony of matrimony to same sex couples.

One justice finally admitted that ministers declare homosexuality is a sin. 

I was shocked. 

It is clear that they also are careful about establishing a ruling for SSM that is constitutional and takes away any chance of a debate. To ask for the courts to rule as unelected officials and take away the States right, and the people’s right to deliberate is also a very interesting point brought up by the justices.

Also, it is clear that both attorney’s before the court were using children in the backdrop to bolster their arguments.

Sympathy towards a child’s plight that are adopted is another way to make the argument more palatable and sympathetic towards the position of practicing homosexuals having families.

God, in His sovereign wisdom, put the book of Proverbs in such a way that a male adolescent is to listen, obey, and honor father and mother, not father and father, or mother and mother. 

But we all know that it is about bringing legitimacy to the sin of homosexuality.

Marriage is not about bringing stability to homosexual relationships. It’s always been about establishing homosexuality as a legitimate and normal act. We all know that homosexuality is not normal. Just as adultery, fornication, porn, bisexuality, bestiality, and masturbation is not normal sex within the bonds of matrimony.

There is a vast difference between heterosexual sex and homosexual sex. The sex act, in and of itself is relatively the same, but to whom they are involved is definitely different.

Some will say that this is argumentative.

It’s not an argument because the Creator designed us to mate with the opposite sex within matrimony.

Arguing against the Scriptures is the one way where human reasoning falsely believes it can do.

According to one justice, marriage between one man and one woman was around since “millennial” and that SSM has only been around since 2001. No other society before 2000 has a track record of how SSM plays out over time. For the justices that are unelected officials, to rule and impose SSM on the entire country, is a valid point.

There are three things that MUST happen here in order for SSM proponents to be successful.

1. Don’t believe in the Creator.

2. Change the Creator, prohibit His believers, and alter, annul, and make void His Word.

3. Re-write what marriage is and include SSM.

On points 1 and 2, proponents of the sin of homosexuality almost were successful. Except that every now and then, believers in the Lord would crop up to make their voices heard. 

Another point is that I know that there are radical believers in the Lord, however, I believe that we can dialogue without compromise. We know that some practicing homosexuals will not budge from their position. However, they must know that we cannot budge from the Biblical position of marriage between one man and one woman.

Then, how could there be any dialogue if both sides refuse to give in?

The intent of any dialogue is to put forth an effort to understand each other. Homosexuals must know that we do love them because the Bible commands us to. God loves us but He knows how to love you and hate you at the same time.


What God declares a sin is the issue.

To associate with that sin or any sin makes you one with what He hates. At the same time, the Lord loves us enough to tell us what He hates and how to be free of the sin that He hates. God never created us to sin. He created us to love Him. True believers in Jesus prove that we love Him when we keep His commandments. 

What commands?

The command to abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul. 

Jesus didn’t die for our sins so we could continue in sin. Jesus died to free us from sin so we don’t have to be under sin’s power. 

To walk in a house with muddy shoes is insulting. To walk in His presence with sin is insulting to Him. 

However, John 3:16 is there for a reason. God loved us enough to send His Son to die for our sins so that we could be free.

There is no freedom in sin, even when you are free to do anything you want. Even with doing anything you want, there still must be accountability (see Romans 14:11-12).

So while we are adamant about not compromising God’s Word, we are aware that, based on the arguments from practicing homosexuals, they have a right to SSM. 

What we believe and what you believe will always be like bucking heads because both sides refuse to give in.

However it is important to note that as a result of such head bucking, we do not have to resort to being bitter about each other because of opposing positions.

It’s about convincing both sides of what is right and what is wrong. 

Without question, sin is wrong. 

To homosexuals, homosexuality is not wrong because to them, it is not a sin. 

Even in the face of STDs, which is the “penalty of their error which was due,” they are fully convinced that their acts are still right, as vile and unnatural as it is.

What matters most to practicing homosexuals is a decision from the highest human court in the land to vindicate their argument to legitimize homosexuality as a normal activity worthy of the highest institution afforded between one man and one woman. 

Marriage Equality. 

We all know that homosexuals, at least the elite proponents that is pushing their agenda, is doing an end around the Holy Scriptures that absolutely prohibit homosexuality. 

According to Scripture, sin is never on equal footing with righteousness. So if homosexuals declare themselves free from the authority of the Scriptures, they seek authority elsewhere to hijack an institution created by God. 

The Supreme Court. 

With that said, believers must walk in Psalm 1.

We don’t have to engage in conflict where the hatred intensifies to where we remain hostile to each other. However, we know that hostilities is an expression of heated passion that is unreasonable. When homosexuals call for tolerance, they are intolerant of our refusal to accept homosexuality as normal. 

What we can learn from this is that God is God of love, and justice.

God is holy and righteous.

God will not let sin reign.

God will save you and deliver you when you are ready to be free. 

Getting back to the SCOTUS, you can click the link here to read this excellent summation on the oral arguments.

Gay Marriage: Evangelicals Throwing In The Towel

In reading a CNN article, this article is to be taken with a grain of salt.

Because reports are not usually true unless you ask all 330,000 protestant Christian churches and their pastors.

Therefore, our capitulation and demise is greatly exaggerated.

Just because one person says that evangelical pastors are throwing in towel because the courts have activist judges that will circumvent the right of states, it doesn’t mean that we have stopped fighting the good fight of faith.

Over the last few years, LGBT has pretty much pushed back the evangelical leadership. From within the church, we have had practicing homosexuals preach, sing, and play keyboard, and other instruments as if it were accepted by the Lord. Some of the greatest music and songs to ever been produced came from practicing homosexuals.

The dual plan of satan was to infiltrate the church (wheat and tares) and wear down the leadership.

Overwhelm them.

Another known strategy was to wait until the defenders of the faith go home to be with the Lord. Knowing full well that when the torch should have been passed, it would be kept. Never to be turned over to fight the good fight of faith.

The quality of leadership in mainstream Christianity has been under attack from these three fronts.

Is it working?

It all depends on where you go to do a thorough examination.

Usually a loser will try to get into psychological warfare to sound so loud about our defeat that we just roll over and die.

One of the things that I admire about the Lord is that He will allow it to appear as if He has lost and then, out of no where, down by 200 trillion with one tenth of a second left to soundly win the game.

God has never lost to the devil and the devil never won a war against God.

Make no mistake about it.

God’s got this in the bag and there is nothing that the devil and his children could do about it.

So before we agree with this CNN assessment of evangelical leadership caving into the pressure of LGBT, just remember who is the God of all the earth. Remember Who it was that sent His Son to die on the cross for man’s sins. Resurrect the Lord Jesus from the grave, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of majesty.

The devil is the biggest loser. He is just a bonehead. And any person that thinks that the devil will win against God, has another wicked thought coming. The battle already took place in heaven and the devil is defeated. The only thing that is left is the Father making the last decision to finish the job. When He sends His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth, it will be a day that is feared by all.

No one wants that day to happen because it means that the Lord God will set in motion 7 years. At the end of seven years, the 1000 year millennium. The devil will be cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. Then the judgment of the world. Everyone whose name is not written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

Then the Lord will reign forever.

Sin will never win. Sin and death will never happen again. Sin and death will never be seen again. The ungodly will never be seen again. The smoke of their torment will ascend forever. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The worm will not die and the fire will not be quenched.

It will not be a day of rejoicing. It will be the saddest day.

So, if you intend to continue pursuing a loser, it is your choice.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can make a change but you have to do it in this life. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

The moment you close your eyes for the final time in this life, the deal is sealed. You get no do overs. No second chances. No reprieve. No forgiveness. No grace. No mercy.

Atheists and agnostics, unbelievers and sinners.

Click the link below and read this article.

I do not think that it speaks for the entire Body of Christ. I think that it’s just terms of surrender like Guadalcanal in WW2, as Japan prematurely anticipated the capitulation of coalition forces before the battle was decided.

LGBT, do not get giddy. satan, do not get giddy.

As far as God is concerned, the battle was decided before the foundation of the world.


We win, devil loses.


Condemning Homosexuality: A Biblical View That Tye Tribbett Need To Know

First, read the statements from Tye Tribbett and then we will look at what the Bible said.

This is from

“Tye Tribbett shared his views on homosexuality in the April 2014 issue, and he wants to re-address statements made on the controversial issue.

“I don’t condemn homosexuals,” Tye clarified to Sister 2 Sister. “The Bible speaks against [homosexuality], but homosexuals—the person—I don’t condemn.

The award-winning, highly energetic gospel artist received some criticism for the views expressed in his Q&A with S2S Publisher Jamie Foster Brown.

Tye, who equated homosexuality with other things that can come natural to some, like a 2-year-old lying about eating a cookie, said he intended to make a hypothetical comparison.

While some were outraged by Tye’s comments, which many found compassionate towards those with same-sex tendencies, others appreciated his point of view.

Wrote one user: “[T]hank you for your comment. As a BELIEVER, I was delivered from the homosexual lifestyle, also from sexually immoral relationships outside of marriage. YES, we are…calling it love. That is not love. WHY IS EVERYONE so afraid [to say] what GOD says about certain behaviors?”

Let’s be very clear.

The moment we fail to use Scripture, quote Scripture, and apply Scripture, we twist the Scripture to suit our thinking.

First, God is the Author of the Bible.

Jesus is the Word of God, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says,  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

So the Lord God is telling man that My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways.”

In other words, you do not accept My thoughts, or My ways.

We accept and push our ways and thoughts and outright reject and suppress His thoughts and ways.

If we did accept His thoughts and ways, then we would quote what His thoughts are and walk in His ways.

Then we would tell others what His thoughts and ways are without hesitation.

Here is the thoughts of God on homosexuality.

Leviticus 18:19-29 “Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is in her customary impurity. Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her. And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.

“Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants. You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled), lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you. For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people.”

Romans 1:18-32 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,

so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four- footed animals and creeping things.

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil- mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”

Like Paul Washer said, To those that say “Judge not! I say Twist not!”

Don’t twist the Scriptures to fit what you think because what you think is not consistent with what God said.

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is further evidence that God poured His wrath out to underscore His deliberate holiness.

Sin will not go unpunished, otherwise God is not just. Besides, He created us and not we ourselves (see Psalm 100).

The next question that we must ask ourselves is that did God change His mind?

Psalm 119:89 says, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.”

Malachi 3:6 says, “I am the Lord, I change not.”

Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

Hebrews 6:17-18 says, “Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.”

James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

So because the Bible consistently showed that the mind of the Father and the mind of the Son didn’t change.

So why do we attempt to change God and His Word?

The answer is found in Isaiah 55:8-9.


Paul, by the Holy Spirit said, “For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”

If homosexuality was natural, then God would have created males to suit one another in the Garden, and a woman would not have been necessary. Then homosexuals would be exempt from the judgment and wrath of God. They would also be exempt from the Gay Man’s Disease now called HIV/AIDS.


Romans 8:3 says, “For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh,”

Get this. On account of sin, He (the Lord God) condemned sin the flesh. The wrath of God was poured out on His Son. The Perfect God, took sin and placed sin on the Only Perfect Man able to handle the sin of the whole world.


JOHN 3:18-21 says, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

It is the Scriptures that tell us that man is condemned when they do not believe, therefore, we must tell man that based on this Scripture, because they do not believe on the Lord Jesus, they are already condemned. If they should say that they believe but practice homosexuality, just point them to Matthew 7:21-23 and 1 John 3:6. Sin is lawlessness and the only payment for the penalty of sin is the Body and Blood of Jesus. Then they must repent, be born again by the Holy Spirit, and walk in unquestioned, devoted obedience to the teachings of the commandments of Jesus.

As long as Tye Tribbett fails to use the Scriptures as explained above, he (and sympathizers of sin) do “greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures.”

Chronic Or Excessive Masturbation : Establishing Personal Holiness & Discipline

Surprisingly, 63 percent of those who participated in this survey were female,
and indicated that 20.4 percent of people masturbate at least three or more
times per day. Among the other key findings:

* 79.6% masturbate 0-2 times per day;  15.2% 3-5 times a day;  3.8% 6-10 times;
and only 1.4% masturbate more than 10 times a day.
* 48% believe that their masturbation frequency is below average; 45.4% said
frequency is average;  and  6% believe that their masturbation frequency is
above average.
* 45.4%  either agreed that masturbating can cause problems in their
relationships; while 29.3% neither agreed or disagreed and the rest of the
participants disagreed.
* 18.3% are either extremely or very ashamed of their masturbating habits; 23.8%
are either slightly or somewhat ashamed and the 57.8% are not ashamed at all.

These statistics came from “,” and the link to this site is provided below.

It is clear that chronic masturbation is a serious problem in the Body of Christ. While these stats are not reflective of just professed believers, there is no doubt in my mind that this is a serious problem in believers today. There is no question about porn being a problem in the church among professed believers, however, the associated sexual activities are rarely discussed.

Pun not intended, porn and masturbation go “hand in hand.”

No one watches porn and doesn’t act out sexually.

As with most people, many men and women struggle with watching porn. Porn is accessible, available (free and PPV), and could be seen anonymously. Substitute porn, such as newspapers, the weather women, the early morning show of “club” dressing women,” movies and with soft porn, TV shows, and other venues where sex is readily seen can inflame lust in the hearts of people in an instant.

These trigger mechanisms are strategically designed to inflame the urges and impulses.

Listen to the Amplified Bible’s version of what Paul said in Colossians 3:5-7.

“So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members [those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin] :sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God).

It is on account of these [very sins] that the [holy] anger of God is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience (those who are obstinately opposed to the divine will), among whom you also once walked, when you were living in and addicted to [such practices].

In looking at the statistics, these categories reveal how often a person masturbates in a 24 hour period.

If you note the last statistic, 57.8% are not ashamed at all of masturbation.

I know what that’s like.

The mind and the body made a very powerful statement to the human spirit.

It loves masturbation and we (mind and body) will do everything in its power to keep this going.

Have you ever thought about this?

The urges and impulses are so strong and dominating that the mind abandons any Word from God to be delivered. The mind also goes into a sense of hopelessness that it has subjected itself to accept the fact that this is the way that it’s going to be for the rest of your life on earth.

There are many men and women that deliberately made this declaration. At the same time, they also seek freedom. Regarding those in the 58.7 percentile, I could be wrong, but having been in this trap, it is clear that there might be a common form of abandonment denial that is evident in all man.

The pleasure is too strong to give up.

This is what helps the denial. The pleasure.

Sex was designed to be pleasurable. However, solo sex is more pleasurable because you make up the rules. You do not need another body. You can stop and start at anytime. Day or night. You do not have to wait for your wife to be sexually ready. You do not have to relate with another person. You do not have impregnate them. You do not open yourself to STDs.

Just before you think I am giving you the OK about masturbation, be very careful here.

This WAS the way I was thinking when I was in the cycle of sexual addiction level one.

When something has you in bondage, you are not free. Even if you are in the 79.6 percentile.

I built my whole day on watching women and filing their shape in my mind in complete violation of Matthew 5:27-30.

But all that was is just fuel for the engine of lust in my deceitfully, desperately wicked heart.

The cycle of satisfaction to climax is always the goal in masturbation. You see, you could do without the eye candy and go on muscle memory because masturbation is all about you. And you may disagree, but you are doing you and that is a form of homosexuality or lesbianism called solo sex. But this doesn’t deter anyone from masturbation. When the body seeks pleasure, reasoning yourself out of this past time is not an option.

Unless, you are serious about changing your ways.

The amount of masturbation is not really the pursuit. It’s the lust in a man’s heart that craves physical intimacy.

You see, it is always lust in the mind and flesh. All the other needs of man are secondary.

Affirmation……..secondary. Love……….secondary. For females……connection needs……..secondary.

Notice again what Paul said.

“…sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God).”

Masturbation is about all of the above.

It is the idolizing of the genitals.

I know that this is graphic but that’s what it’s about. Even with homosexuality, it is about the idolizing and deifying of self.

One of the signs of the last days is that men would be “lovers of themselves.”

This is the deification of man. This deification of man is the worship of himself. The highest way that this is done is in sex. Particularly solo sex.

When you workout in the gym, there are mirrors. There are posters. In the supermarkets, there are sexually explicit magazines. Even innocent pictures give that hidden suggestion of sex. The words is just the story line but when you see what you want, your mind goes on the hunt to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Especially when you look at someone that you want sexually. You take that back to your bedroom or whatever room you do self solo sex and the rest is history.

What is the solution?

How do we deprive of power the evil desires lurking in our members?

The Bible gives us the sexual purity of Jesus.

He regularly went to the mountain to pray.

That’s lesson one.

Jesus got up and changed His venue.

He regularly applied the Word.

That’s lesson two.

In the temptation of Jesus, He regularly said, “It is written.”

Establishing personal holiness and discipline is not easy. Anyone that told you that this is easy is a liar. Jesus was tempted in all points like us, yet, He didn’t sin. That means He was tempted to masturbate and Jesus was tempted to be a homosexual. Hebrews 4 said, “All points.”

But the way that the Lord Jesus handled business with His flesh was by prayer and applying the Word of God.

Finally, notice that the Lord Jesus mentioned in Matthew 5:27-30 the eyes and hands. Pluck the right eye out and cut the right hand. There is no question in my mind that Jesus also meant masturbation because we use our eyes to seek out a sexual object and we use our hands to masturbate. Although there are ways to stimulate yourself without the use of hands, it is still a form of masturbation because you are not involved sexually with your wife.

But you have to begin doing something about disciplining your eyes and hands.

Get up from that place where fantasy, ritual, acting out takes place and find a place to pray and put your hand on the Bible. Open the Scriptures and begin to meditate on God. Everyone has a starting point. Start there and be consistent.

Victory was already achieved on the cross. Now it is time to follow Him, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.

Morehouse College – More Mess, Morehomosexuality II

Well, it is official. According to Black Christian News Network and in an article, and written about in the blog of confirmed our concerns regarding the induction of OC Allen into the MLK Board of Preachers.

Morehouse College and the MLK Board of Preachers refused to confirm something that OC Allen put on his webpage until real late in the game. Neither have they responded to my request except that they referred me to the Chapel. The Examiner, Obnoxious, and other sources have spoken about this and not much has been done on the part of the MLK Board of Preachers to come from hiding to talk about this.

You know why….don’t you?

When you are dealing with the sin of homosexuality or any form of Secret Sexual Sins and its poisonous venom, snakes love to hide before they strike.

At other times, when some snakes believe that their life is threatened, if they do not have another way out, they will strike and run.

It seems to me that the caretakers of the post Civil Rights era had a way out.


In other words, do not say a word or answer any questions from the opponents of the sin of homosexuality.

Just let it happen.

Sometimes, people do not believe that the Lord is using folk to flush out folk to get to the truth.

Not surprising when you are doing things underhanded anyway.

You kind of expect real men to “man up” and take the heat but when you put your tail between your legs, run, and hide until the event is over, it’s a coward’s way to respond. With Black folk doing things with sleight of hand, it’s a ghetto move. I thought that where we came from, we stand up to those that pose legitimate questions to gain clarity without fear.

We all know that the answer to the question about inducting a practicing homosexual to the MLK Board of Preachers is wrong.

It is clear as a bell.

Just like heaven is made for the righteous and hell was created for the devil and his angels. And remember what Jesus said to the religious leaders of His day. “You are of your father, the devil….” 

So children of the devil will end up in hell with their father.

Some will argue that you are condemning. You do not have a hell to put people into. You are right.

But God does have a hell, and He also has the lake that burns with fire and brimstone to put all that oppose Him into.

The basic gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ is the highest essence of all preaching. To preach anything else or to replace it with anything else is not preaching but delusional oration that will condemn all people that listen to hell. When you include a practicing homosexual into something that was once prestigious, everyone is bewildered beyond measure as to……WHY?

We cannot say that Dr. King would not have stood for this because he is not with us.

But we who have been called to preach the Holy Word of God know better.

You cannot mix sin with preaching, much less mix sin with righteousness. That’s a no brainer (see 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 1 Corinthians 9:27).

The quality of character is significantly lacking these days in African American leadership.

Martin Luther King’s courage under tremendous obstacles is a great testament to his character and fortitude. It is clear that the caretakers of his audacious powerful legacy chose to do the opposite.

It is not a proud moment for Morehouse and the MLK Board of Preachers.

As always, GCMWatch has a prepared article and you can also read more about it from Black Christian News Network.

Morehouse: MoreHomosexuality

Morehouse College.

“Bound at last. Bound at Last. Thank satan he’s mighty, I’m bound at last.”

Might as well rename the place as Morehomosexuality.

One of the most prestigious black colleges in the United States, has selected Morehouse alumnus, homosexual bishop OC Allen of the perverted Vision Church in Atlanta, GA to be the first openly gay minister to be on the prestigious Dr. Martin Luther King Board of Preachers.

Just go to OC Allen’s Vision Church website to see his invitation to attend the ceremony.

Inquiries were made to confirm this and as of yet, no one from Morehouse or the MLK International Board of Preachers responded to confirm.

Nonetheless, should this happen, it would be a shame.

There is no question that the slain leader of the Civil Rights movement was, perhaps, one of the greatest orators of modern history but to be on this Board, you must be able to articulate the basic understandings of the Civil Rights leader’s pursuit of establishing justice and peace through nonviolent means.

For the most part, OC Allen is silently going through the motions of homosexuality with his “first husband and baby girl” in a nonviolent way.

Without protesting and not even mentioning a word against those that vehemently oppose every move he’s made.

Let’s be clear.

Homosexuality is a sin. Not a Civil Right.

And there is no way that homosexuality is just, nor could what God condemned be justified. There can be no peace where sin exists.

As long as we sin, we are an enemy of God and an ally of the devil according to James 4:4.

There is no question that of the nearly 900 men and women that are on this Board (including Inclusionist Carlton Pearson, inducted in 2009) that there may be others that are closet or hidden homosexuals. But OC Allen would be the first Openly Homosexual to be inducted.

Notice what Paul said to Timothy…..Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:12-13.

If you are an adulterer and claim to be holy, you are an impostor. If you are a fornicator and claim to be holy, you are an impostor. If you are bisexual, you are an impostor. If you watch porn and masturbate, you are an impostor, and you are disqualified according to 1 Corinthians 9:27.

If you repent and come clean about it, with godly sorrow that works repentance, then the title of impostor is removed according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

If you are godly, you will suffer persecution. But you can’t suffer persecution when you are living in sin.

We are not talking about acts of crime against any individual because of the sin of homosexuality. There are already laws on the books regarding assaulting or committing acts of violence against anyone. When it comes to declaring sin, it is not persecution. It is a declaration of an act deemed an abomination or disgusting by the Lord.

To come out from the sins of the flesh, all one has to do is repent, be forgiven by our gracious heavenly Father, and be born again by the Holy Spirit. Then they must live in obedience to the Word of God according to James 1:22 and Matthew 7:21-23. Then the real persecution starts.

On a different note…..LGBT will persecute you for breaking ranks because they do not believe that a person could be delivered by the blood of Jesus. So they will persecute you and drag you through the mud.

We understand that when you speak the truth about slavery, bigotry, discrimination because of race, it is expected for a person to be persecuted, oppressed, or even executed for righting the wrongs of society.

When it comes to the sins of the flesh that God declared as “an abomination or disgusting,” practicing homosexuals will accuse God, the Bible, and those practicing the truth of persecution, bigotry, and sexual discrimination.

Practicing homosexuals have turned homosexuality into a Civil Rights struggle and Blacks in the NAACP and other organizations have turned a blind eye to this hijacking. It’s called eyes wide shut.

On cue, the elite of LGBT has sold us goods that stinks worse than vomit and human waste combined. But somehow, Blacks that can’t differentiate between sin and skin love the smell and have drunk this concoction of poison like it is a hot cup of coffee.

Because this homosexuality/Civil Rights thing is a HOT MESS!!!!

We can’t wake up and smell the coffee when we love the smell of vomit and human waste far better, and we loath the smell of truth.

Over and over again, president Obama mentions “Selma to Stonewall” like the homosexuals were persecuted on the level of those of the Civil Rights movement.

All the while, OC Allen used legal arm twisting of the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops to access credentials to form a homosexual denomination.

It appears that Morehouse missed that episode.

Or even if they new about it, they chose to suppress this deliberate act of running roughshod over Archbishop Delano Ellis to gain acceptance, endorsement, and affirmation, it is clear that no matter what, the pulpits of the world around us has become perverted.

And even if JCAAPB gave them credentials, affirmation, or permission to operate with the insignia, it is just another hijacking for further escapades yet to be seen.

What escapades?

Morehouse’s deliberate and blatant act to induct a practicing homosexual into the MLK Board Of Preachers.

What else could be next?

LGBT Church…..done……..Denomination For LGBTQ2ST/G…….done…….Bishop’s Insignia………done…….Two males and one baby girl……….done…….MLK Board Of Preachers……..done.

All of these things is designed for one reason.

To get people to accept the sin of homosexuality as……………….normal.

Outside acceptance and affirmation denotes a form of normalcy.

We know that the sin, or any sin, is not normal, but that’s the way the devil wants it.

Holiness is abnormal and sin is normal.

God is abnormal and the devil is normal.

Born again people are abnormal and sinners are normal.

Heaven is abnormal and hell is normal.

The lie is normal and the truth is abnormal.

Sounds like Isaiah 5:20 to me.

There is no question that some of the preachers that man the pulpit today are living in Secret Sexual Sins.

Adultery, fornication, bisexuality, and homosexuality was already operating in the house of worship but today, it is so blatant that the house of worship of God is now a house of worship of orgy sex. Sexual immorality is worshipped. With adultery and fornication, it is the fuel of the abortion industry. The shedding of innocent blood abounds in the house of worship.

The house of worship is not infiltrated.

Not overrun, but it is a stronghold.

Jesus promised that the “gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

What we are seeing today is that the enemy is possessing the gates of those that have surrendered to the legal and monetary pressures applied by the legal and corporate divisions of LGBT.

Little by little, we are seeing the strategy of the enemy unfold.

To put pressure on the righteous from the outside and from the inside.

Like a Boa Constrictor, the snake is tightening its grip to squeeze the life out of the church.

But the Head of the church can never die again. Neither will the Lord Jesus let HIs beloved church die.

All across the world, believers are standing against the unclean spirits of darkness and perversion.

Meanwhile, living in any sin in the pulpit is hypocrisy of the highest order. To induct people requires a thorough check to ensure that preachers are living in righteousness and true holiness, living in honesty and integrity, and they must be able to be true to God at all times.

The moral foundation of any movement hinges on the fact that a person live their lives according to the Scriptures.

However, we are seeing that righteousness and true holiness is no longer the standard because if you were to go down the list of those that are on the Board of Preachers, there is no question in my mind that you will come across preachers living in Secret Sexual Sins.

Now that the sin of homosexuality is busting through the doors into every major and minor organization that once stood on the principles of the Word of God, there is no telling what else is next.

The goals of ecumenism is being achieved at a much more rapid pace and there is a clear and present danger to the house of worship. Especially when Kenneth Copeland capitulated to agree with Anglican bishop Tony Palmer that the war of Protestantism and Catholicism is over and that the unity of the faith is achievable. This lie of ecumenism has yet to reverberate in Pentecostal circles.

Just because the Lord is not caught off guard with this, it doesn’t mean we sit back and wait for the rapture.

We got a lot of work to do before the imminent return of the Lord. As James said, “Behold, He’s standing at the door.”

As Paul said, “The night is far spent and the day is at hand, let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light…”

As Jesus said “I must work while it is day. The night comes when no man can work.”  and “Occupy, until I come.”

One of the things that I’ve noticed also is that in a prior ceremony of inductees, Alpha Phi Alpha was a part of the ceremony.

When you are dealing with the Black Greek Sororities or the Divine Nine, the connections to the dark world of demons is a reminder of the fact that the devil is in charge. Another thing that I’ve noticed was that it was an ecumenical service.

There are many professed believers that are connected to these sororities and do not realize that you can’t serve two masters.

Jesus will not let you get into His kingdom unless He is Lord of all. He is either Lord of all or Lord of none. You cannot serve God and serve satan.

The charge that was issued declared that they would “always remember that our vision is the creation of an inclusive global society in which the full development of each individual’s potential is the central goal.”

And speaking of ecumenism, get a load of this statement from the MLK ceremony for inductees to the Board of Preachers.

That these inductees would “use their time, talents, tender (money), and technology to usher in an age of peace and non violence for children of the world, to raise another generation of morally inspired leaders committed to building in the beloved world community in token of which you are now given these citations which list Dr. King’s twenty global ethnically principles by which Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Jews, and scientists would transform the world.”

Well, we know how LGBT desires to transform the world.

Into more perversion.

Once again, the ecumenical movement is intertwined with LGBT and all sexual perversion associated with ecumenism.

The Surprise of 2014

As you all know, the beginning of the year always begin with resolutions. 

We get to the spring season and we say, “What resolution?”

The 2014 surprise?

Oh. That’s right.

Many will resolve to lose weight but how many of you are ready to lose sin?

Losing weight is probably at the top of most people’s list, but never do we hear about laying aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us.

Rarely do we hear about a resolution to be holy, righteous, sanctified, consecrated, dedicated, and on fire for God.

It seems like we look to do everything else but be more for God than last year.

Just like natural resolutions fizzle away into procrastination, postponement, or completely annulled, spiritual resolutions take a back seat as well. Perhaps, much worse, but don’t beat yourself up about it. As long as we are alive, we have a chance to rebound and forge ahead into new territory, so be encouraged.

As time progress, satan has found a way to devise schemes, methods, and strategies to lure us back into the bad habits of sexual sins that most of us climbed out of by God’s power and grace. We soon forget the tender mercies of the Lord relating to our bondage to Secret and Overt Sexual Sins.

However, there are those that remember how God delivered us and set us free.

This year.


Especially for you brothers.

Some of you are going to surprise God.

Some of you will walk away from SSA, same sex attraction, becoming ex-gays and ex-homosexuals.

Some of you will surprise God and walk away from adulterous relationships.

Some of you will turn from fornication.

Some of you will stop your bisexual ways.

Some of you will turn from porn and masturbation.

Some of you will say with your mouth in sincerity of heart that enough is enough and become a 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 person.

Some pastors, bishops, and preachers will stop being the hypocrite. Music ministers, praise and worship singers will walk out of gay affirming churches to be affirmed and loved by God.

Some will turn from perversion and walk in righteousness and true holiness.

When the Lord Jesus was approached by the centurion, something unusual happened. The centurion had a servant that was sick. This centurion so depended upon his servant that he couldn’t do without him.

The centurion sought Jesus out.

When he found Jesus, he stated a fact of faith. “Just speak the Word and my servant will be healed.”

The centurion understood the power of words and the power behind the Words of Jesus.

There is a difference.

Humans have limited power behind our words but the Lord has absolute power behind His Words. Our words attract power and on a limited basis, releases power. Remember, we have delegated power (see Matthew 28:18-19a).

If the centurion had absolute power behind his word like the Lord Jesus, he would have commanded his servant to be healed himself, but He went to the only One that had power behind His Word.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was marveled. The word “marveled” means “to wonder or admire.”

The Lord Jesus admired the centurion’s faith and said….“I have not found so great faith, no, not even in Israel.”

The Lord is always seeking for faith in the earth, however, when it came to the children of Israel, there was none to be found.

Reliance, belief, trust, complete confidence. 

When it comes to walking away forever from Secret Sexual Sins, you must rely, believe, trust, and have complete confidence in the keeping power of God. The key to this measure of great faith is unquestioned obedience to the Word of God. Remember, the centurion understood how faith worked.

The centurion understood that Jesus had absolute authority from the Father to act against the disease and He was anointed with Absolute Power to enforce His authority to act.

Just like a police office is sworn in to uphold the law and carries his or her authority from the county, state, or federal government to act, and when necessary, he or she possess natural power to enforce the law.

The centurion knew how Jesus operated when he heard or observed His ministry. That when the Lord speaks a Word, it must happen. Then behind the Word is the Holy Spirit who takes that Word and makes it good.

You see, it’s about how serious you are with your words that determines whether or not you want it to happen.

Many of us have said that we would never watch porn anymore.

That we would never masturbate anymore.

Millions of brothers and sisters.

Some of us have kept that promise, only to be overwhelmed with substitute porn.

Magazine stands, Internet icons of women in sexy swimsuits, the news on TV with club wearing clothing that weather women or women anchors wear, church women wearing the clothing of harlots, clothing fit for the red carpet. Tight, high thigh showing, low cleavage church women wear these club dresses, not for fashion, but to passively hunt for lust filled men.

Matthew 5:27-30 is still in effect. Just because you gave up porn, our eyes and minds still need to be guarded.

Many of us have said that we would not lustfully watch men and women, or both, whether it be TV, movies, Internet or out in the street. We’ve resolved not to do it again. All of a sudden, we find ourselves slipping.

What can we do to really attack these areas?

We must do what Job did, in Job 31:1. Make a “covenant with our eyes.”

We must “Renew our minds, and ‘…be renewed in the spirit of our minds.”

We must “Cast down imaginations (reasonings) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

We must be “sober…vigilant…and resist him (the devil) steadfast in the faith.”

We must “…humble ourselves and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways.”

Song of Solomon 2:15 says….

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.”

If we would surprise the Lord and catch the little foxes….

It’s always in the small ways that big things manifest.

The principle works for the good of the Word as well as the bad for the devil.

Jesus said in Mark 4:26-29….

“And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how.

For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”

Paul said in Galatians 6:7-8….

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”

If we would surprise the Lord and catch the demonic seed before it is planted in our hearts, we can save ourselves this year, and the year after, and forever more.

Proverbs 4:23 says……

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”

This is the year where you will catch the little foxes that spoil the vine, for your vines have tender grapes. This is the year where you will keep your heart with all diligence, for out of your heart springs the issues or flowing(s) of life.

The surprise is not looking for God to do something because He did His part by sending the Lord Jesus to die for our sins so that we could be free from the power and guilt of sin.

The surprise is for God.

Let’s surpass and exceed His expectations.

He is waiting to be surprised.

Let’s surprise Him that we choose to do the Word and overcoming every single time.