Bride Or Prostitute?: Bishop Wayne T. Jackson Lays On Men Buttocks During Consecration

From heaven’s perspective, the Father is seeing something.

Let me ask you a question?

Would the Lord come back for a Bride or a prostitute?

If you are steeped in Secret and Open Sexual Sin, you are a prostitute before the Lord.

Just when you get to a place where perhaps some civility may come about in the leadership of the Body of Christ, you come across more abominations from the leadership in the Body of Christ.

EXMinistries headed by G. Craige Lewis came across this video of Bishop Wayne T. Jackson laying on the backsides of men that were draped with a sheet. Here is the link…..

GCMWatch has also weighed in heavily on this incident. Here is the link…

When the evidence gets pulled, there is a way to get it because of Luke 12:2…..

I did not watch the video because it is nothing more than a man acting out his Secret and Open Sexual Sins fantasy doing soft homosexual porn in the temple of the Lord.

UPDATE: I had a chance to observe the video (01-09-2012). This unusual act of consecration was repulsive. In talking with someone about this, it was called “an ancient ritual.” In asking for Scriptural precedence, this person confirmed that there was none. As we all knew from jump street. Liturgical precedence is one thing but Scriptural precedence is another. Liturgical modes of worship never supersedes Scriptural precedence.

The Ancient of days has the sole right to authorize all rituals. Additionally, Catholicism has infiltrated the church to the degree that we no longer are true Protestants. The intermingling of catholicism and grace is no different than Judaism and the gospel. Why is it that we lean so heavily on Catholicism for legitimacy when the Bible stands alone as Final Authority? Why do we look to man for endorsement and authority? The answer is simple. The Lord is no longer among us. Just as the Book of Isaiah says, “I hid Me.” got a hold of Dr. Corletta J. Vaughn’s response to this debacle.

Here is the link….

If you are not outraged by this sinful behavior, then you are connected to the very thing that the Lord is against.


When people say, just pray, or they don’t know any better. Tell that to families of little children that lost their child to a sexual predator. Tell that to women that were raped and sexually abused. This was a deliberate sexual act caught on camera. It was an intentional deliberate act that further erodes the righteous stand of the church. No where in Scripture do we see the justification of this senseless act of Open Sexual Sin.

The sad thing is that it was done in the house of the Lord.

I am not shocked because of what the Lord spoke to me about several months ago.

I, and many other men and women of God have never seen anything like this but the book of Ezekiel in chapter 8 speaks of escalations of perversions and abominations. But these things were done in the temple. We do not write about this to gossip.

We command Bishop Wayne T. Jackson to repent of this wickedness. We do not need an explanation. We do not need a play by play perversion of Scriptures to justify this on camera event of perverseness in the house of the Lord.

What is required is REPENTANCE!

Can a person be commanded to repent?

Absolutely. Read Acts 17:30. Sinners are commanded to repent.

Also, isn’t interesting to note that the JCAAPB ran into an incident regarding ordaining homosexuals? Isn’t that strange? You know. The connection of sexual immorality and ritual to legitimize a minister? It just seems so eerily demonic the way things are playing itself out, and its roots could be traced all the way back to Catholicism.

It’s no wonder that the Body of Christ is powerless in the United States. In particular, pastors and leaders in churches that major in three categories.

1. Emotional Manipulation.

2. Intellectual Manipulation.

3. Revelatory Manipulation.

It is no wonder that the church is no where as clean as she should be (see Ephesians 5:26-27).

There is a good chance that we will not see repentance. If the odds are correct, most people that are caught with incriminating evidence of perverseness on this level will duck and dodge instead of coming clean about the incident.

They say that if something important happens on the internet, in 2 minutes, 2 million people know about it.

Flash Traffic UPDATE: More is to be said from me about this.

From a FB friend, these words were posted on Bishop Jackson’s FB page…

Response from Bishop Wayne T Jackson, in regards to the below video depicting him laying on the back of men he was “ordaining”

Bishop Wayne T. Jackson I just want to say thank you for all your feedback on my page. It is really interesting that some people can take a video such as this so out of context. I am not here on Facebook or anywhere else to debate the Word or to debate with man/woman. The Word does state “You will know them by their fruits Matthew 7:16.. This is absolutely demonic and a waste of time for us to be engaged in a debate in this. God Bless!!

And there we have it Saints…He has NO viable response to the question of, “where does God’s word said to perform such a ritual.”

Credit for this goes to Sister Tamara Mills.

The sad thing is that he used a portion of Scripture that underscores the Holy Spirit revealing the darkness in his heart.

“You will know them by their fruits…” A man laying on the buttocks of another man? Not one but two men?

You know that this is what Jesus called “Bad Fruit” from a “Bad Tree,” “Corrupt Tree,” or an “Evil Tree.”

Have you ever fell and others around you were laughing? Embarrassing? Right? But this goes way beyond embarrassment. This person is very prideful and arrogant.

Here is what I thought would be a response.

“The Bible says in ‘such and such’ that we are to consecrate men into the ministry like ‘so and so’ did.”

Now you know that we are not stupid.

It is never about debating it is about what is sin and what is righteousness. We all know by evidence that this is sin. Folks, as a rule of thumb, never say something or type something without realizing that you will be held accountable.

As we would say in the Navy.

More to follow.

Author: Prevailing Word Ministries, Inc.

Sexual sins is a stronghold that can be removed when the believer in Christ returns to the Lord in fear and in trembling. Join the many that desire to please the Lord in purity, in obedience to the Scriptures to please the Lord.

4 thoughts on “Bride Or Prostitute?: Bishop Wayne T. Jackson Lays On Men Buttocks During Consecration”

  1. So it has come down to this; what will they do next? One more reason why I want nothing to do with a ‘consecration’ service supposedly ‘certifying’ my right to operate within apostolic function. If this is what I have to endure in order to fulfill the call of God on my life, well, let’s just say I’ll have to prevail (no pun intended) upon God to find another way to position (again no pun intended) me to fulfill what He wants me to do. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!

    Another thing, these so-called consecrations keep changing and morphing in form and function. I have never seen this facet of the ritual where someone lays on top of you while you’re facedown. It is obvious what’s going on here, SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL!!!!!


    1. lol. no pun intended. But you are right. This is what it’s come down to and 2013 is just getting started. Sad to say, we haven’t seen what the Lord is about to expose even further, but Ezekiel chapter 8 and 9 is just a taste of the escalation of perversion and abominations yet to come. Thanks, as always, for your insightful comments, Pastor.


  2. “Also, isn’t interesting to note that the JCAAPB ran into an incident regarding ordaining homosexuals? Isn’t that strange? You know. The connection of sexual immorality and ritual to legitimize a minister? It just seems so eerily demonic the way things are playing itself out, and its roots could be traced all the way back to Catholicism.”

    Wow, thats something isnt it? This spirit is seeking leadership authority! Pride isnt content with sitting in the back just being a part of something. It must be seen, must be in control. Must direct. Very, very revealing about what we are up against Pastor Fred.


    1. Absolutely Pastor Foster. The timely presentation of the facts by GCMWatch and EXMinistries is bridging at the right time to expose what the devil intends to do. Silence the church into submission to his will so that he can move at will. It’s an overt war that many professed believers are not prepared to fight, let alone, have the stomach to fight. Just know that you and the many other men and women of God regarding this subject is greatly appreciated.


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