LGBT Insurgency Christians & Churches: Only A Look

Several decades ago, the late James Cleveland, a practicing homosexual, sang a song called “Only A Look.” Years ago, as a young child, my late mother would play his albums or listen to his songs on WWRL in New York every Sunday Morning.

Part of the refrain of that song was, “Just one look, would turn you away from sin.”

Sadly, this powerful song never rang true in his heart. Some would dare to say that I shouldn’t judge a dead man. The way the Bible teaches is that either we are dead in trespasses and sins or we are dead to sin but alive unto God (see Romans chapter 6).

The Bible is clear about hypocrisy.

Living a hypocritical life while claiming to be walking in the light of the gospel is the worst kind of hypocrisy. Such was my life until I repented and left the sin of porn and self gratification, commonly called masturbation behind me forever.

LGBT false pastors and pretend churches that are popping up all over the place serve as a reminder that if you are going to talk about God, the Bible, and church, you cannot claim to be looking at the Savior and be involved in the sin the Savior came to save us from.

You cannot claim to know Him, sing to Him, lift your hands to Him (lifting up unholy hands with wrath and doubting) and kiss and have man to man, woman to woman sex. Let alone fornicate (porn), adultery, or be bisexual.

If you were to take a real look at Jesus like Thomas did, it wasn’t just the remarkable, undeniable fact that He was resurrected from the dead but the scars on His body is emblematic of the price He paid to redeem us from sin.

Just one look at each nail scared hand.

Just one look at each nail scared foot.

Just one look at the hole in His side.

Just one look at the blood trail of Jesus from Pilate’s pretorium to Golgotha’s hill.

To ignore looking at Jesus as He is, only underscores how intentionally blind people are to what He went through to save us from sin. We look at a clean Jesus before He died and we freeze frame Him there. But there is a bloody side of Jesus. A side that speaks volumes of what He went through to die for our sins.

Remember what John the Baptist said before Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan….

“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Hebrews 12:1-2 says,

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

The “let us” are the believers that became truly born again, having given up the life of sin, but fell into temptation and yielded to sin.

There is a difference between being an apostate and a carnal Christian.

An apostate (see Hebrews 6:4-8) is one that despised their salvation, has walked away from Jesus, and cast aside His salvation forever to return to the house of bondage forever. The person no longer claims Jesus as Lord. Apostates fit the profile of Esau. Esau gave up his birthright to Jacob and Esau lost the inheritance or blessing.

Incidentally, Esau was a fornicator and profane in his living (see Hebrews 12:16-17).

In other words, he was sexually immoral.

Fresh from the Holy Spirit.

If you are an apostate, you are no longer hypocritical. That’s because when you left Christ for good, you are doomed.

If you claim to be a believer in Jesus, but you were never born again, you are a sinner that has yet to be saved. You are neither a hypocrite or a believer. You are an impostor, pretender, or fictitious representative (hence, gay christians and gay churches). Make believe child of God fits the bill. It has hints of hypocrisy but the difference is that you know what a real child of God is but because of a love for sin, you refrain from becoming a genuine child of God, and you know what a real sinner is.

If you are a true believer in Christ but you constantly yield to temptation to sin, you are a hypocrite when you say you have no sin, but you commit sin, hence….

a carnal Christian is one that yields to temptation and fall into sin while attempting to practice righteousness simultaneously (see Luke 811-15 and Romans 8:1-17). You can’t be both and you can’t practice both at the same time. Your mind must be made up. This is the prodigal son attitude. Prodigal meaning wasteful. Eventually, the prodigal son returned and his father welcomed him with open arms and a kiss.

The insurgency of LGBT into the church is to attempt to legitimize lesbian, gay/homosexual, bisexual, transgender sin.

As long as the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ is here, we might as well preach and live the truth. It is not enough that we preach against it, and live against it. The hand is always out to reach into the flame and pull as many out as possible before it’s too late.

For the flame that many will be cast into, no man will be able to reach into it.

I am aware that many worry about offending those in the sin of homosexuality. Worried about offending people by declaring homosexual sins as an abomination. What the Lord is doing is that by His Word, He is letting us know how He detests the fact that what He created has turned to perverseness.

If we do not understand what God thinks about sin, any sin, then in our unregenerate minds, we believe that the Lord is fine with sin. And that’s the LGBT agenda, which is actually satan’s agenda.

God was never fine or “ok” about sin.

So while we preach the Word, we must use the same position of God. God detests sin. God hates sin. God does not like sin. God declares sin as an abomination. So to come out from being against God, we need to be born again.


Only a look. Just one real look at the real Savior, will turn you away from sin.