American Abortion – Hamas, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS On American Soil Since 1973.

There are American terrorists in the United States.


American Terrorists.

I am not talking about the Timothy McVeigh kinds where you drive a rental truck up to a building and blow people away. The punishment is commensurate with the crime. We have no problems with the verdict, conviction, and the carrying out of the punishment. Timothy McVeigh deserved the death penalty for the murder of 167 innocent persons.

But when it comes to “abortion,” we are not as vehemently disgusted.

We are not as outraged.

A holocaust has been underway since 1973 and even before when back alley abortions were the norm. But women were dying and definitely children were dying as the coat hanger would perforate the womb as they pulled a child out.

Since 1973, over 57 million children were murdered. Abortion may be man made legal, but it is not safe, it is not rare, and it is not moral.

Compare 57 million to 167.

Not even close.

Women still die (Tanya Reeves) and others.

A man and a woman deliberately have immoral sex, whether it’s adultery or fornication, and all of a sudden, she is pregnant.

The solution?


The little child is sacrificed.

He or she is sitting comfortably in the womb, looking to the mother for support and protection.

For the womb was designed to nurture and protect the child until 9 months have passed.

Then in an instant, the trauma of a child is realized. The baby tries desperately to survive, but fails. The abortion doctor succeeds and the baby fights desperately, but is no longer a recognizable person.

Just a blob, tissue, or fetus.

Completely dismembered and put together again to make sure all the parts are present and accounted for.

Terrorized no longer, the baby rests in pulled apart pieces.

The terrorist won the lopsided battle of life.

The birth of a child is to be a grand moment where the child comes into the world and expects to be loved and cared for. What has happened is that when a man and a woman fail to do things right (marriage), they do things backwards.

The sin of adultery and fornication is the fuel for abortion.

1 John 2:14-15 says, Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. For all that is in the world, the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lusts thereof, but he that does the will of the Father abides forever.”

Instead of spending $650.00 to kill a child, abstain until you are ready to get married, then plan accordingly.

That’s family planning according to the Word of God. Killing a child is not family planning. It is murder no matter how legal man makes abortion. You expect a murderer to be convicted.  You expect that person to be put on trial and given the maximum sentence allowed by law.

But with abortion, murderers are given a free pass.

Instead, the womb is invaded by a murderer.

Doctors take an oath not to harm life, yet, they betray that oath to terminate a life because the timing of the child is wrong. This nation has turned into a nation of terror for children in the womb.

NYS has double the national rate of abortion and is the epicenter or the capital of legalized capital murder. America and other nations are responsible for the deliberate murder of countless millions.

America is ISIS, Taliban, AL-Qaeda, Hamas, and all the other terrorist groups combined.

Calling Americans terrorists is going too far. Nope, we haven’t come close to peacefully going far enough to stop our own holocaust.

Again, I do not advocate violence of any kind to stop abortion. It would make us no better than an abortionist. The moral high ground must be maintained by peaceably applying Biblical solutions to a serious but solvable problem and sin. Peaceable Christ-like solutions where there is zero tolerance for behavior that discredits the Bible we claim to live and preach from. Anyone that advocates destruction of life is not worthy of the cause of abolishing abortion.

In fact, they betray the very word called “life.”

To gloat the death of any abortionists is equally hideous and insane. In fact, it is equally as hideous and insane as murdering a child.

It discredits and disqualifies anyone from being a professed believer. It taints our testimony and this hurts God just as much as an aborted child. All life is precious and deserves the opportunity to repent and be saved.

John 3:16 is for the whole world. Not just for a select group.

Abortion in America makes terrorists look innocent and merciful.

And any terrorist is not merciful. Is it no wonder that terrorism came to the United States in 1998, 2000, and 2001 because we terrorize our own children by pulling them violently from the protection of the womb?

The doctors that took courses to save lives are now turning on our women and butchering the innocent lives in America. I do not condone murdering abortion doctors.

Just as I do not condone murdering children. Both are heinous acts of barbarism that must be equally condemned. All of a sudden, in America, we condone the murder of innocent children because men and women have illicit sex and they look to remedy the “mistake” by taking it out on an innocent child.

Just look at the title “Planned Parenthood.”

Yet, the number one abortion provider calls abortion “Planned Parenthood.”

How can you plan to be a parent when you deliberately intend to kill a child?

You are not planning to be a parent. You are attempting to prevent becoming a parent. Whether you kill a child by abortion or let the child live, you are still a parent. We’ve had enough of the compromise positions of past organizations that seek to just minimize or reduce abortion.

The complete, unconditional dismantling of abortion is what’s demanded.

To teach people about the sanctity of life. To teach marriage between one man and one woman. To teach them how to plan to let life live, and not choose murder. The preaching of the Word of God in the schools to help people be children of God by being born again.

Return prayer and the reading of the Scriptures to schools. No, not to force people but at least to make it available for those that want to practice true faith in Jesus.

So what will it be, America?

Shall we continue to outpace the Taliban, Hamas, AL-Queda, and ISIS as the premier terrorist organization or will we change our minds, repent, and implement real change.

The Abolition of Abortion. AHA.

Dark In Canada

We’ve known for quite some time that Canada is getting darker by the moment.

In June, Canada hosted it’s “World Pride” event honoring a week long celebration of LGBT lewdness and lust.

A week long worldly party of lust and perversion but besides the point, Canada is a dark place.

After watching street preachers in Canada getting arrested, tried, and convicted for “hate speech” against the sin of homosexuality, it is only to happen soon in the United States.

In America, we’d better take advantage of the First Amendment before it comes to a close.

There are some in America that is intolerant of street preachers that preach against all sin and offer righteousness through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Those that insist on defying God and His Word, and are trapped in sin want the peace and quiet of living in sin undisturbed. However, the Lord Jesus said to “Preach!”

You can’t preach in silence. You cannot herald the gospel with closed lips.

We have to say something.

Paul said that the “wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness…”

As the righteousness of God is upon us, and as ambassadors of Christ, just like God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, the Lord is in us as well. We have the word of reconciliation and we have been given the ministry of reconciliation.

We have the same orders to “command men every where to repent.”

This message hasn’t changed and those that dare preach it will be persecuted, arrested, convicted, beheaded, and killed.

The physical pain cannot be compared to the eternal pain that awaits all who reject the gospel.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:27-28

Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

John the Baptist was arrested because he confronted the sin of adultery in Herod. Herod took Phillip’s wife, Herodias.

For preaching against their overt sexual sin, after the daughter of Herod provocatively danced, Herod decided to give his daughter anything and promised it with an oath that cannot be reversed. The daughter went and asked her mother what to receive.

The mother demanded John’s head on a platter.

This is the precedent of the world.

Preach against sin and you will pay.

But if we deny Jesus, we will be denied in heaven before the Father.

It is much better to be persecuted on earth than to be denied before the Father.

We endure afflictions and hardships because the wrath of God is minuscule compared to the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, where the smoke of their torment rises forever.

So, preachers. Real preachers. Real believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, enjoy free speech because the day is coming in America where the doors of this nation will shut out the light of the gospel and those that dare preach will certainly be persecuted.

Here is the link to this powerful article.