Maya Angelou, Oprah, And Many Ways To God

My thanks to Terrance Barlow, my brother in The Lord and fellow abortion abolitionist, for posting the YouTube presentation of Maya Angelou and Oprah on FB.

Jesus said,“I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.”

Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Peter said, “Neither is salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”

Paul said “One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God, and Father of all. Who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

Paul said, “If any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.”

In this video is the proof of the fact that when you hear what people are saying, it’s because it is abundant in a person’s heart.

That’s because Jesus said “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
When there is no Bible verse or verses to support what you are saying, it is clear that you do not have the knowledge of Christ in your heart. You see, you can talk like you know Him, but when you know Him, you are not ashamed to say His name.

And when you know what He said, you will never say things like….“There are many roads to God.”

In the video, you will see Oprah give Maya a leading statement to ensure that she gives the answer that pleases Oprah.

Then you will probably say, “You can’t say that a person is in hell based on a video.”

One thing about this video. It is evidence of a Bible-less person. Show us where in the video she used one verse of Scripture to refute or support what she said. Just one time where Maya said, “For the Bible said…..”

You see, it is not about how eloquent you speak. It is about having an intimate relationship with God, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And evidence of that relationship is in knowing what the Bible said. Show us in one part of this video where she mentions the name of “Jesus.”

There is none, and you know it.

Some will say, “Just because she didn’t say Jesus, it doesn’t mean she don’t know Him.”

Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God unto salvation…”

Jesus said, But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.”

Take note how it is done. There are plenty of Bible verses to support what I said here. When detractors comment, you will not see one Bible verse to support their error. And if you do see a Bible verse, it is partially quoted. Misquoted. Or out of context quoted.

You see, with Oprah and Maya, it’s never about satisfying God’s requirement. It’s about circumventing what the Bible said.

That’s why you will always have people that will distract and detract from the Bible to praise the poet and ignore what God said as a requirement for salvation. Because Jesus said “I am the Way….,” who are we to say that there are many other ways? Who are we to intentionally and deliberately tell God that His ONLY WAY is invalid? 

That’s why we must never allow the emotion of the moment to persuade us from the truth of God’s Word.

Some will say……“There he goes again. Pushing people into hell because Maya said some things.”

What she said, surely wasn’t the Word of God. What Oprah said clearly isn’t the Word of God.

Have enough sense to get your Bible and investigate instead of protecting error.

Some people refuse to see the truck with headlights that is right on top of them.

Sadly, a sign sits at the top of the cliff. “The Way Down.” As the people line up to board the bus to go down, on the bottom of the cliff is several bus loads of people. Killed because they never got off the bus before it headed down. Yet, people get on the next bus to go the same way, to die the same way.

For once, get off the buss and save the trouble of the coroner zipping you up because you didn’t want to get off the bus.

That’s just the way people in blind error operate.

Yes, she could have repented at the last moment, and we pray that she did. However, when you see stuff like this video, it’s quite possible that she might be lost in hell. Very difficult to ignore that possibility. A grave tragedy is that people will honor the dead outside of Christ more than they would honor the true and living God and His holy Word.

What God requires transcends anyone’s honor when they die. We must have more respect for God and His Word than for people that may or may not have made Jesus Lord. Learn to honor God above people. Love the Lord you God with “ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”

If you cannot love the Lord more than a dead poet, then you honor the dead more than God.

There aren’t many roads to God.

There is only one Way to God. Jesus. When you do not hear them speak of Jesus, it is a clear deliberate act to circumvent the plan of salvation to be saved by grace, through faith. Man must come to Jesus. Not throw Him aside to get into heaven. Not declare that there are “Many ways to God.”

Paul said, “For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Jesus paid a terrible but necessary price to redeem man.

To ignore that Way is perilous and second death” deadly.

This is probably one of many videos of her belief system. But note that she is playing the strings of a performer and Oprah is eating this up. It appeals to her because of one thing. Renunciation of sin is not necessary and religion, based on their rules, while ignoring the truth of the gospel, is their only objective.

Here is a video link on YouTube of Maya Angelou on Oprah’s show.

Author: Prevailing Word Ministries, Inc.

Sexual sins is a stronghold that can be removed when the believer in Christ returns to the Lord in fear and in trembling. Join the many that desire to please the Lord in purity, in obedience to the Scriptures to please the Lord.